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Your search for "*" yielded 528271 hits

On the importance of controlling film architecture in detecting prostate specific antigen

Immunosensors made with nanostructured films are promising for detecting cancer biomarkers, even at early stages of the disease, but this requires control of film architecture to preserve the biological activity of immobilized antibodies. In this study, we used electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to detect Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) with immunosensors produced with layer-by-layer (L

Exploring the alignment of carbon nanotubes dispersed in a liquid crystal matrix using coplanar electrodes

We report on the use of a liquid crystalline host medium to align single-walled carbon nanotubes in an electric field using an in-plane electrode configuration. Electron microscopy reveals that the nanotubes orient in the field with a resulting increase in the DC conductivity in the field direction. Current versus voltage measurements on the composite show a nonlinear behavior, which was modelled

Generation of RBMK-1500 spent nuclear fuel one-group cross-section libraries and their evaluation against experimental data

Depletion of RBMK-1500 spent nuclear fuel (SNF) with and without an erbium burnable absorber was modelled, and onegroup burn-up dependent cross-section libraries for Origen-ARP were created. Depletion calculations for the generation of crosssection libraries were performed using the SCALE 6.1 code package with the TRITON control module, which employs the NEWT deterministic 2D transport code with t

Low-Frequency Noise in Nanowire and Planar III-V MOSFETs

Nanowire geometries are leading contenders for future low-power transistor design. In this study, low-frequency noise is measured and evaluated in highly scaled III-V nanowire metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) and in planar III-V MOSFETs to investigate to what extent the device geometry affects the noise performance. Number fluctuations are identified as the dominant noi

Strings and SU(3) lattice gauge theory

Recent SU(3) lattice Monte Carlo data (244 and 164) are analyzed in terms of a simple string model. Good agreement is found. Observed similarities between SU(3) and three-dimensional SU(2) indicate that the string theory is indeed an effective one.

Model of a nonperturbative gluon jet

We present a simple physical model of a nonperturbative gluon jet. The gluon fragments into isoscalar clusters in a cascade fashion. The primary mesons produced are η, η′, ω, φ (and states of bound glue). The experimental consequences of the model are dramatic, allowing a clear test.

JETNET 3.0-A versatile artificial neural network package

An F77 package for feed-forward artificial neural network data processing, JETNET 3.0, is presented. It represents a substantial extension and generalization of an earlier release, JETNET 2.0. The package, which consists of a set of subroutines, is focused on multilayer perceptron architectures. As compared to earlier versions it contains a variety of minimization options, measures for monitoring

Hip Adduction and Abduction Strength in Male Elite Junior Ice Hockey Players with and Without a History of Groin Injury

Objective: Adductor muscle strain in ice hockey is a major problem associated with reduced hip strength. The aims of this study were to examine between-limb differences in hip adduction and abduction strength, and adduction/abduction strength ratios in male elite junior ice hockey players. Further aim was to explore whether these hip strength measures are related to a history of groin injury. Meth

Relative Tropospheric Photolysis Rates of Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde Isotopologues Measured at the European Photoreactor Facility

The photolysis rates of HCHO, DCDO, CH3CHO, and CH 3CDO are studied by long-path FTIR spectroscopy in natural tropospheric conditions at the European Photoreactor Facility (EUPHORE) in Valencia, Spain. Average relative photolysis rates jHCHO/j DCDO = 3.15 ± 0.08 and jCH3CHO/jCH3CDO = 1.26 ± 0.03 are obtained from three days of experiments for each reaction in the period June 17 to July 7, 2006.

Structure of two genes at the gooseberry locus related to the paired gene and their spatial expression during Drosophila embryogenesis.

The gooseberry (gsb) locus contains two closely linked genes, BSH9 and BSH4, which are structurally related to each other and to the paired (prd) gene. Sequence analysis of genomic DNA and cDNA shows that BSH9 and BSH4 can encode proteins of 427 and 452 amino acids, respectively. The structural homology between these two putative proteins and the prd protein consists essentially of two domains for

Optoelectronic implementation of multilayer neural networks in a single photorefractive crystal

We present a novel, versatile optoelectronic neural network architecture for implementing supervised learning algorithms in photorefractive materials. The system is based on spatial multiplexing rather than the more commonly used angular multiplexing of the interconnect gratings. This simple, single-crystal architecture implements a variety of multilayer supervised learning algorithms including me

All aboard? Commuter train access and labor market outcomes

We investigate the impact of commuter train access on individual labor market outcomes. Our study considers the introduction of a commuter train on a pre-existing railroad in Sweden, considerably decreasing commuting times by public transit and hence increasing access to the regional employment center. Using difference-in-differences matching techniques on comprehensive individual panel data spann

The nation-wide Swedish family-cancer database--updated structure and familial rates

The Swedish Family-Cancer Database was expanded to include all Swedes born in 1932 and later (offspring) with their parents, totaling 10.2 million individuals. Cancer cases were retrieved from the Swedish Cancer Registry from the years 1958 to 1998, including over 1 million primary cancers and in situ tumors. Some 10%, of offspring diagnosed with cancer lack any parental information. Incidence rat

A population-based study of familial soft tissue tumors

We used the nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Database to analyze the risk for soft tissue tumors in offspring by parental cancers and in siblings of soft tissue tumor probands. Additionally, risk for second cancer following soft tissue tumor was investigated. In offspring, 1488 soft tissue tumors were diagnosed between years 1958 and 1996. Groups of offspring were compared by calculating standardi

Familial colorectal adenocarcinoma and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer : a nationwide epidemiological study from Sweden

Although estimates are available of the proportion of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) among all colorectal cancer (CRC), its proportion among familial CRC is unclear. We estimated these proportions epidemiologically from the nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Database on 9.6 million individuals. Colorectal adenocarcinomas were retrieved from the Cancer Registry covering years 1958-


Gudme [p. 693]; Himlingøje [p. 723]; Lundeborg [p. 926]; Skedemosse [p. 1393]; Vorbasse [p. 1574]; Uppåkra [p. 1541]

Phosphorus and Potassium Metasomatic Enrichment in the Mantle Source of the c. 1450-1425 Ma Michael-Shabogamo Gabbro of Eastern Laurentia

A c. 1450 Ma, east-west-oriented suite of Proterozoic mafic intrusions in eastern Canada, located between Labrador City and coastal Labrador near Rigolet, has been divided into two groups: the Shabogamo Gabbro, which is exposed west of Churchill Falls, and the Michael Gabbro, which crops out east of Churchill Falls. Both suites of gabbro are within-plate tholeiites that range from sub-alkaline bas