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Your search for "*" yielded 528139 hits

On the Cauchy problem for a nonlinearly dispersive wave equation

We establish the local well-posedness for a new nonlinearly dispersive wave equation and we show that the equation has solutions that exist for indefinite times as well as solutions which blowup in finite time. Furthermore, we derive an explosion criterion for the equation and we give a sharp estimate from below for the existence time of solutions with smooth initial data.

Unraveling the magnetic carriers of igneous cores from the Atlantic, Pacific, and the southern Indian oceans with rock magnetic characterization

Previous rock magnetic investigations of oceanic basement samples have been mainly restricted by single drill holes of dredge collections. In this study, we present new and published data on the rock magnetic properties of igneous rock samples recovered during seven Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) legs in the Atlantic, Pacific, and the southern Indian oceans. The recovered igneous rocks from these le

Influence of agitation on the removal of nonylphenol by the white-rot fungi Trametes versicolor and Bjerkandera sp BOL 13

Bjerkandera sp. BOL 13 removed 95% of nonylphenol (at 9.7 mg nonylphenol l(-1) day(-1)) from aqueous medium after 5 days of incubation in agitated cultures. This removal rate decreased 2.5-fold in static cultures. By comparison, Trametes versicolor removed nonylphenol at 2.8 mg l(-1) day(-1)supercript stop under conditions of static incubation, probably due to the action of laccase, but no growth

Resonant tunneling permeable base transistors with high transconductance

A GaAs-based resonant tunneling permeable base transistor has been developed and evaluated at room temperature. The transistor is fabricated by overgrowing a tungsten gate placed next to an AlGaAs-GaAs-InGaAs resonant tunneling heterostructure. By changing the gate voltage, the effective conducting area of the tunnel diode can be modulated and the collector-emitter current thus controlled. Peak cu

NMR studies of molecular mobility in a DNA-amphiphile complex

The molecular mobility in a hexagonal DNA-cationic surfactant complex is studied using H-1 and C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The charge-compensated complex can swell in water up to a content of approximately seven water molecules per charge. The NMR measurements show that in the dry state the alkyl chains of the surfactant have the properties of a disordered solid with internal mot

Electrical wiring of pyranose oxidase with osmium redox polymers

Two different flexible osmium functionalised polymers were investigated for their ability to efficiently "wire" pyranose oxidase when immobilised on graphite electrodes. The two Os-polymers differ in redox potential and the length of the side chains, where the Os2+/3+-functionalities are located. The performance of the redox polymers as mediators for the enzyme was tested with glucose. As well as

2.5D resistivity modeling of embankment dams to assess influence from geometry and material properties

Repeated resistivity measurement is a potentially powerful method for monitoring development of internal erosion and anomalous seepage in earth embankment dams. This study is part of a project to improve current longterm monitoring routines and data interpretation and increasing the understanding when interpreting existing data. This is accomplished by modeling various occurrences typical of emban

Spectroscopic data for Hg I and Hg II from beam-foil spectroscopy

The spectroscopic data mercury (Hg) I and Hg II was analyzed from beam-foil spectroscopy. The wavelength was found to be of course fixed and independent of the light source and recording conditions. It was found that if the calculated branching ratio was correct, then the Hg II was an important constituent of fluorescent light tube plasmas. The wavelength region from 40 to 600 nm in overlapping wa

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The effect and possible mechanisms of action of aminoguanidine (a preferential iNOS inhibitor) has been studied on cardiovascular damages and overproduction of reactive nitrogen species in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 40 rats were divided into five groups (control and diabetic, with or without aminoguanidine treatment, diabetic with insulin treatment) and oxidative

A mechanical stretch induces contractile activation in unstimulated developing rat skeletal muscle in vitro

The effects of a stretch-release cycle (25 of the resting muscle fibre length, Lo) on both tension and [Ca2+i in small, unstimulated, intact muscle fibre bundles isolated from adult and neonatal rats were investigated at 20 C. The results show that the effects of the length change depended on the age of the rats. Thus, the length change produced three effects in the neonatal rat muscle fibre bundl