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Your search for "*" yielded 529956 hits

Optimisation of pressurised liquid extraction for the determination of p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE in aged contaminated Ethiopian soils

The effectiveness of extracting p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE from aged contaminated soil samples by means of pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) was evaluated. Two soil samples, which were contaminated more than 10 years ago, were used in the investigation. The static extraction time was optimised and then validated against the total sum of target analytes obtained from multiple sequential extractions. T

Does contraversive circling in the 6-OHDA-lesioned rat indicate an ability to induce motor complications as well as therapeutic effects in Parkinson's disease?

Circling behaviour in unilateral 6-OHDA-lesioned rats is interpreted as being opposite in direction to the side of the brain with highest striatal dopaminergic activation. Ipsiversive rotation indicates an action on the intact striatum, while contraversive rotation demonstrates an effect on dopamine receptors in the denervated striatum and is taken as predictive of symptomatic benefit in Parkinson

Polymorphism in the Calpain 10 gene influences glucose metabolism in human fat cells

Aims/hypothesis. A common G to A polymorphism (UCSNP-43) in the Calpain 10 gene was recently found to be associated with Type 11 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and variations in post-absorptive and insulin stimulated glucose metabolism in vivo. We aimed to study the influence of Calpain 10 polymorphism on insulin action in fat cells. Methods. Calpain 10 polymorphism (UCSNP-19, -43 or -6

The N terminus of the MUC2 mucin forms trimers that are held together within a trypsin-resistant core fragment

The N terminus of the human MUC2 mucin (amino acids 1-1397) has been expressed as a recombinant tagged protein in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The intracellular form was found to be an endoglycosidase H-sensitive monomer, whereas the secreted form was an oligomer that gave monomers upon disulfide bond reduction. The secreted MUC2 N terminus contained a trypsin-resistant core fragment. Edman sequen

Classical and non-classical ADD-phenomenology with high-E-perpendicular to jet observables at collider experiments

We use the results from a recent investigation of hard parton-parton gravitational scattering in the ADD scenario to make semi-quantitative predictions for a few standard high-E-perpendicular to jet observables at the LHC. By implementing these gravitational scattering results in the PYTHIA event generator and combining it with the CHARYBDIS generator for black holes, we investigate the effects of

Exact algorithms for exact satisfiability and number of perfect matchings

We present exact algorithms with exponential running times for variants of n-element set cover problems, based on divide-and-conquer and on inclusion exclusion characterizations. We show that the Exact Satisfiability problem of size l with m clauses can be solved in time 2(m)l(O(1)) and polynomial space. The same bounds hold for counting the number of solutions. As a special case, we can count the

Masculinity and Punishment: Men's Upbringing of Boys in Rural Vietnam

This article examines men's use of physical punishment when interacting with their sons or grandsons in rural Vietnam. By drawing on two periods of anthropological fieldwork in a northern Vietnamese commune, the article analyses the ways in which violence is informed by, while also perpetually reinforcing, a masculine discourse. Vietnam has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in

Biomarker discovery: A proteomic approach for brain cancer profiling

Gliomas in the form of astrocytomas, anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas are the most common brain tumors in humans. Early detection of these cancers is crucial for successful treatment. Proteomics promises the discovery of biomarkers and tumor markers for early detection and diagnosis. In the current study, a differential gel electrophoresis technology coupled with matrix-assisted laser des

Species diversity of campylobacteria in a wild bird community in Sweden

To analyse the occurrence and host species distribution of campylobacteria species in shorebirds, geese and cattle on grazed coastal meadows in Sweden. Species identification was performed through a polyphasic approach, incorporating Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) profiling, 16S RNA gene sequence analysis together with extensive phenotypic characterization. From 247 sampled birds a

Transdermal delivery from a lipid sponge phase-iontophoretic and passive transport in vitro of 5-aminolevulinic acid and its methyl ester

The hydrochloride salts of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and its methyl ester (m-ALA), respectively, were dissolved in a lipid sponge phase comprising monoolein, propylene glycol and aqueous buffer at concentrations of approximately 0.25% and 16% w/w m-ALA. The iontophoretic and passive delivery of ALA and m-ALA from this formulation through porcine skin in vitro were measured and compared to formul

Developing chicken oligodendrocytes express the type IV oligodendrocyte marker T4-O in situ, but not in vitro

Accumulating data suggest that the oligodendrocyte population includes morphological and biochemical subtypes. We recently reported that a polyclonal antiserum against an unknown antigen, the T4-O molecule, labels a subpopulation of chicken oligodendrocytes, obviously representing the type IV variety of Del Rio Hortega. The present study examines the developmental expression of the T4-O molecule i

Health effects of occupational exposure to acrylamide using hemoglobin adducts as biomarkers of internal dose

OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the health effects of occupational acrylamide exposure using hemoglobin (Hb) adducts as biomarkers of internal dose. METHODS: Two hundred and ten tunnel workers exposed for about 2 months to a chemical-grouting agent containing acrylamide and N-methylolacrylamide underwent a health examination. Blood samples were drawn for the analysis of Hb adducts of acrylamide. F

Secretion of plasminogen activator and lysosomal enzymes from mouse skeletal muscle: effect of denervation

Levels of hydrolytic enzymes increase in skeletal muscle after denervation and their activities in the extracellular matrix appear to be important for interaction between muscle and nerve. Using enzymatic assays for beta-glucuronidase, beta-galactosidase, and plasminogen activator, we show that secretion of these enzymes from mouse skeletal muscle increases after denervation and that drugs interfe

Significance of a halysitid-heliolitid mud-facies autobiostrome from the Middle Silurian of Gotland, Sweden.

A low-diversity halysitid-heliolitid autobiostrome from the Late Wenlock Halla Formation at Blåhäll 1, Gotland, indicates a brief period of particular environmental conditions. The reef is 0.3–0.5 m thick, internally without bedding structures, and had a sheet-like distribution on a low-relief soft-bottom, in marginal platform, graptolitiferous strata (height-width ratio is 1:900 in outcrop). The

Monitor – Biology

The hottest developments in the fields of cancer research, neuroscience, genomics and proteomics, anti-virals and more, with a pick of the key research papers in these areas.

Stent-graft repair of a splenic artery aneurysm

We present a case of splenic artery aneurysm (SAA) treated with stent-grafts. This new method offers the benefit of preserving the blood flow through the splenic artery. This in turn allows for subsequent sequential embolization of the spleen when indicated, as in our patient with hypersplenism. This is the first reported case of stent-graft repair of SAA.

Nordic Myeloma Study Group, the first 15 years: Scientific collaboration and improvement of patient care

The accomplishments of the Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG) during its first 15 yr are briefly surveyed, together with a discussion of principles guiding the group's clinical trials and of problems that need to be addressed in coming years. The group has so far carried out 12 clinical trials, comprising more than 2500 patients, spanning from minor phase II to large randomised phase III trials. At

Can misfolded proteins be beneficial? The HAMLET case.

By changing the three-dimensional structure, a protein can attain new functions, distinct from those of the native protein. Amyloid-forming proteins are one example, in which conformational change may lead to fibril formation and, in many cases, neurodegenerative disease. We have proposed that partial unfolding provides a mechanism to generate new and useful functional variants from a given polype