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Your search for "*" yielded 535172 hits

Identity and tourism mobility: an exploration of the attitude-behaviour gap

This paper explores the attitude-behaviour gap from an identity perspective in order to better understand why tourists act sustainably at "home" but not when "away". The majority of tourism-related CO2 emissions stems from transport. Behavioural change is a possible way to reduce those emissions. However, research indicates that instigating behavioural change within tourism is problematic, because

Transduced Wild-Type but Not P301S Mutated Human Tau Shows Hyperphosphorylation in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing A30P Mutated Human Alpha-Synuclein

Neuropathological and cell culture studies suggest that tau and alpha-synuclein pathologies may promote each other. To study the relevance and functional implications of these findings in vivo, we transduced hippocampal neurons of wild-type or human A30P alpha-synuclein transgenic mice with wild-type or P301S mutated human tau using an adeno-associated virus vector. Green fluorescent protein trans

The natural history of spina bifida in children pilot project : Research protocol

Background: Population-based empirical information to inform health care professionals working with children with spina bifida currently is lacking. Spina bifida is a highly complex condition that not only affects mobility but many additional aspects of life. We have developed a pilot project that focuses on a broad range of domains: Surgeries, development and learning, nutrition and physical grow

Consumption of meat and fish and risk of lung cancer: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Evidence from case-control studies, but less so from cohort studies, suggests a positive association between meat intake and risk of lung cancer. Therefore, this association was evaluated in the frame of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, EPIC. Data from 478,021 participants, recruited from 10 European countries, who completed a dietary questionnaire in 1992-2000 wer

The Importance of Explicit Discussions of What is Valuable in Efforts to Reduce Disaster Risk: A Case Study from Fiji

This article argues for the importance of explicit discussions of what is valuable as a foundation for any disaster risk reduction initiative to be effective. It does so by stating that it is impossible to talk about risk at all if not having some notion of uncertain potential impacts on something that humans value. What is assumed as valuable and important to protect is then determining what haza

Removal of pharmaceuticals in WWTP effluents by ozone and hydrogen peroxide

Ozonation to achieve removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewater effluents, with pH values in the upper and lower regions of the typical range for Swedish wastewater, was investigated. The main aim was to study the effects of varying pH values (6.0 and 8.0), and if small additions of H2O2 prior to ozone treatment could improve the removal and lower the reaction time. The effluents studied differed

A palynological study from Sweden reveals stable terrestrial environments during Late Silurian extreme marine conditions

A palynological study of the upper Silurian Oved-Ramsasa Group in Skane, Sweden yields a well preserved spore assemblage with low relative abundances of marine microfossils. In total, 26 spore taxa represented by 15 genera were identified. The spore assemblage is dominated by long-ranging cryptospore taxa, and the trilete spore Ambitisporites avitus-dilutus. However, key-species identified include

How adaptable is the hydraulic system of European beech in the face of climate change-related precipitation reduction?

Climate warming will increase the drought exposure of many forests world-wide. It is not well understood how trees adapt their hydraulic architecture to a long-term decrease in water availability. We examined 23 traits characterizing the hydraulic architecture and growth rate of branches and the dependent foliage of mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees along a precipitation gradient (855-

High catechins/low caffeine powder from green tea leaves by pressurized liquid extraction and supercritical antisolvent precipitation

This paper reports a method to produce a solvent-free extract from green tea leaves with high content of catechins and low content of caffeine, in two steps and using only "green" solvents. The method is based on the pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) of the green tea leaves using ethyl lactate as solvent, followed by a selective precipitation procedure using the supercritical carbon dioxide (SCC

The immune response in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis and the influence of zinc supplementation.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis triggers a varied immune response depending on parasite and host factors, which in turn can be influenced by nutrients. The resistance to the infection is associated with the Th1 type of cytokine production. The Th1 type can be reduced as a consequence of zinc deficiency, which may increase the risk for chronicity of the infection. Using in vitro and ex vivo models, we stud

ABO Blood Groups Influence Macrophage-mediated Phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-infected Erythrocytes

Erythrocyte polymorphisms associated with a survival advantage to Plasmodium falciparum infection have undergone positive selection. There is a predominance of blood group O in malaria-endemic regions, and several lines of evidence suggest that ABO blood groups may influence the outcome of P. falciparum infection. Based on the hypothesis that enhanced innate clearance of infected polymorphic eryth

Faith or Social Foci? Happiness, Religion, and Social Networks in Sweden

In this article, we study 19-year-olds in Sweden (n = 2,942) with and without an immigration background (Iran, Yugoslavia, and Sweden). We follow-up on a recent study, which shows that religion and happiness tend to be positively associated at the individual level only in countries with high aggregate levels of religiosity and proposes that what affects happiness is not religiosity per se but conf

Distinguishing source of autonomy support in relation to workers’ motivation and self-efficacy

The purpose was to investigate the relationship between autonomy support by managers and co-workers and employees’ work motivation and self-efficacy in two studies. In Study 1, a sample of 343 Swedish workers completed surveys, and in Study 2, we followed up with a subsample of 98 workers one year later. As in previous studies, managers’ support of autonomy was significantly positively related to

The right to assistive technology: for whom, for what, and by whom?

Despite its facilitating role in creating opportunities for people with disabilities to exercise human rights, access to assistive technology is limited in many countries. It is therefore promising that the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) addresses this area. The purpose of this study was to analyse the assistive technology content of the CRPD from a basic human rights per

Teachers' Voice Use in Teaching Environments: A Field Study Using Ambulatory Phonation Monitor.

This case-control designed field study examines the vocal behavior in teachers with self-estimated voice problems (VP) and their age- and school-matched voice healthy (VH) colleagues. It was hypothesized that teachers with and teachers without VP use their voices differently regarding fundamental frequency, sound pressure level (SPL), and in relation to the background noise.

A summary of the 25th International Papillomavirus Conference 2009: Vaccines, screening, epidemiology and therapeutics

The 25th International Papillomavirus Conference was held in Malmo, Sweden, on May 8-14, 2009. The conference encompassed all areas of papillomavirus (PV) research, from clinical vaccinology to molecular biology. This review highlights some of the 237 presentations and 887 abstracts which were presented and summarizes sessions on prophylactic vaccines, screening, epidemiology and therapeutics. Imp

The Courage to Surrender-Placing One's Life in the Hands of the Other

Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate how adult patients experience and cope with the anesthesia induction period, that is, before and during total intravenous induction. Design: Grounded theory, based on the Charmaz framework, was used to explore what it is that characterizes patients' thoughts and feelings in this situation and how they handle the time period up to loss of consciousn

Lower Katian (Upper Ordovician) delta(13)C chemostratigraphy, global correlation and sea-level changes in Baltoscandia

A long-standing problem in the Ordovician stratigraphy of south-eastern Norway has been to the relations between the Mjosa Formation in the Lake Mjosa region and coeval strata in the Oslo region. The recent discovery of the globally distributed Guttenberg delta(13)C excursion (Guttenberg Isotopic Carbon Excursion) in the Mjosa region provided the impetus to search for this excellent chemostratigra