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ComPOS : Composing Oblivious Services

Future internet-of-things systems need to be able to combine heterogeneous services and support weak connectivity. In this paper, we introduce ComPOS, a new domain-specific language for composing services in IoT systems. We show how Maria, a bird watcher, can use ComPOS to build a system that allows her to spy on birds in the garden while she is not at home. We demonstrate how ComPOS handles the u

Spirometry to increase smoking cessation rate : A systematic review

INTRODUCTION Addressing tobacco use is an important issue in general health care. In order to improve smoking cessation advice, spirometry values can be displayed to the smoker to demonstrate possible lung function impairment. The estimate of so-called lung age may show a decrease in lung function associated with smoking. It has been suggested that performing spirometry on patients who smoke but a

The wealth of the Swedish peasant farmer class (1750-1900) : Composition and distribution

Using about 1,730 probate inventories, this article studies the wealth of peasant farmers in Sweden for the years 1750, 1800, 1850 and 1900. Average wealth grew rapidly, tripling over the nineteenth century, but it did not grow equally: the Gini coefficient for the farmers' wealth grew from 0.46 in 1750 to 0.73 in 1900. Farmers who lived close to the major grain markets in Stockholm and the mining

Telomere Biology and Vascular Aging

Telomeres form the end segment of the DNA helix and shorten with every cell division until getting so short that the cell stops dividing and will undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis). Research has supported the view that telomere length could be regarded as a marker of biological aging, even if methodological problems could interfere with the interpretation of telomere length in cross-section

Chemical changes in cell envelope and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate during short term starvation of a marine bacterial isolate

Qualitative and quantitative changes were observed in lipids, poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), and a cell wall peptidoglycan consitutent in a marine bacterial isolate during starvation for 24 h in an energy and nutrient-free medium. While the amount and composition of the membrane fatty acids fluctuated within the first hours of starvation, the total amount of fatty acids decreased during the starvat

Resolving Rotational Stacking Disorder and Electronic Level Alignment in a 2D Oligothiophene-Based Lead Iodide Perovskite

Two-dimensional (2D) hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) represent diverse quantum well heterostructures composed of alternating inorganic and organic layers. While 2D HOIPs are nominally periodic in three dimensions for X-ray scattering, the inorganic layers can orient quasi-randomly, leading to rotational stacking disorder (RSD). RSD manifests as poorly resolved, diffuse X-ray scatterin

Rhinovirus-induced IFNβ expression is NFκB-dependent and regulated by the macrophage microenvironment

Macrophages play an important role in asthma pathogenesis both in the inflammatory and resolution phase of the disease. Macrophages can acquire different polarisation states dependent on their microenvironment. It is yet unclear through which mechanism the microenvironment affects the anti-viral response in macrophages. We hypothesized that the macrophage microenvironment regulates rhinovirus-indu

Measurement of phospholipid fatty acids at picomolar concentrations in biofilms and deep subsurface sediments using gas chromatography and chemical ionization mass spectrometry

Examination of ester-linked phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) have provided a means to characterize the community structure of microbial assemblies. Attempts to analyze such acids at low picomolar levels in environmental samples by gas chromatography and chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) using positive or negative ion detection, showed that the limit of detection (LOD) was mainly dependen

Sexual dimorphism and between-year variation in flowering, fruit set and pollinator behaviour in a boreal willow

In Salix myrsinifolia-phylicifolia, males and females produced approximately the same number of catkins per individual, but males produced more flowers per catkin. Females had a higher concentration of sugars in the nectar than males, but the standing crop of nectar did not differ between sexes. Females had a hexoserich nectar, males a sucrose-dominated nectar. Bumblebees discriminated between mal

Determination of 13C-enrichment in bacterial fatty acids using chemical ionization mass spectrometry with negative ion detection

Saturated, monoenoic and β-hydroxysubstituted fatty acids, 13C-labelled at the carboxyl group, were prepared from natural or synthetic unlabelled analogues. The synthetic route involves decarboxylation of the unlabelled fatty acid to the next lower iodide, displacement of iodide for [13C]cyanide and hydrolysis. The fatty acids were converted to their pentafluorobenzyl esters and analysed by select

Capillary gas chromatography using electron capture or selected ion monitoring detection for the determination of muramic acid, diaminopimelic acid and the ratio of d/l-alanine in bacteria

Gas chromatographic analyses of muramic acid, diaminopimelic acid and D-alaline, which are specific components of the bacterial cell wall, have been performed using electron capture or selected ion monitoring detection. Intact cells or peptidogylycan preparations were hydrolyzed in HCl and DCl. After purification by cation exchange chromatography, followed by conversion to the N-heptafluobutyrliso

The Offender, the crime and the victim

In addition to Malmö having the most reported crimes in relation to its population, it is also one of the cities in the country with the highest percentage of gun-related violence. Our earlier studies show that people who commit serious crimes such as homicide or attempted homicide in Malmö are primarily single, have no psychiatric diagnosis and mainly use knives or other sharp weapons to commit t

Towards bacterial valorization of low molecular weight lignin

Lignin is one of the major constituents in lignocellulosic biomass and is the mostabundant source of renewable aromatics on terrestrial ecosystems. The workcarried out in this thesis concerns bacterial conversion of low molecular weightlignin. This thesis is divided into three major sections, with an initial emphasison screening and characterization of selected bacterial species on lignin modelcom