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Passing the buck: transferring unanticipated purchasing costs to suppliers and customers
Unanticipated procurement costs due to changes in input factors’ market prices and exchange rates are an increasing issue for manufacturers. A popular strategy is transferring these price increases to the supply chain. Based on 12 interviews and a follow-up study, we identified the main enablers for manufacturers to do so.
What questions should financial analysts ask Swedish banks? Some suggestions from senior management
TP-stället – låsbart cykelställ
Improved bound on the error probability of fixed convolutional codes
Diversity and species distribution of Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in a geographical and ecological unique area of southern Sweden.
Challenges of person-environment research with very old people - The ENABLE-AGE approach.
GigaHertz Symposium 2010
Discoveryverktyg och samsökning - en utvärdering ur ett verksamhetsperspektiv
Utformning av olika boendemiljöer för äldre.
Varför företagsekonomins processmodeller inte räcker till. Värdeprocesser inom sociala tjänsteverksamheter
The Law and the Insane: Cases of Literary Censorship Involving the Mentally Insane During the Qianlong Reign
In a study on the problems of censorship and interpretation from 1984, (Censorship and Interpretation; The Conditions of Reading and Writing in Early Modern England), Annabel Patterson states that British authors of the seventeenth century often used the shelter of ambiguity as a protection from the threat of censorship. But as the text had to be understood by the intended readers, Patterson argue
A New Design of Constrained Controllers for Linear Systems
Traffic safety and traffic injuries in Special transportation Services – estimating incidence rates and societal costs, using a mixed methods approach
Shape or detail? An electrophysiological investigation of object recognition processes related to language development in 20-month-olds
Modified Knowledge in the Field of Architecture
The effects of human trampling on the microbiological properties of soil and vegetation in mediterranean mountain areas
Increased tourist activity and recreational use of wilderness and other protected areas has endangered zones of high environmental value. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of trampling intensity (low, high use trails and untrampled trails) and distance from the trails (on the trails, at 10 and 20m from the trails) on the vegetation, chemical, physical and microbiological properties