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Your search for "*" yielded 531855 hits

Masters of the Imperial City: Ideological perspectives on the Byzantine emperors of Patria Konstantinoupoleos

The paper concerns itself with the expressions of ideology in the late 10th century text known as Patria Konstantinoupoleos, the Patria of Constantinople. More specifically, it aims to examine the ideological tendencies and patterns which can be identified regarding the Byzantine emperors, individually and collectively. It takes a critical stance towards parts of the research that has previously b

Sociala rörelser i rörelse - En analys av de jordlösas rörelses verksamhet i civilsamhället

This thesis analyses the rise and fall of social movements. Social movements functions in the civil society, by contentious collective action they form identities, mobilize their forces and use repertoires of contentions to make new or previously unaccepted claims. They function in a limited timeframe, sooner or later they get institutionalized, marginalised or succumb into violence. The landl

Ledarskap och utveckling i en internationell kontext: en empirisk studie av tre svenska chefers ledarskap i en polsk arbetskontext

Världen idag kännetecknas av att vara en global arbetsplats där landsgränser inte utgör ett hinder för att människor från olika kulturer ska kunna samarbeta med varandra. Vi ser det som intressant att behandla den internationella arbetskontexten utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv och se på hur man som chef kan behöva anpassa sitt ledarskap till en ny kultur. Syftet med denna uppsats är att analyser

UNIVERSAL: Beginning and End of the Classical Hollywood Horrors

Arbetet behandlar Universals skräckfilmsproduktion under dess så kallat klassiska period, från ljudfilmens genombrott fram till USAs inträde i andra världskriget i december 1941. Det inleds med en kort historik av studions utveckling, främst under Laemmle-dynastins ledning, samt med korta tillbakablickar på stumfilmsperiodens skräckfilmer. Syftet är att beskriva hur skräckfilmen utvecklades, konst

Simulating the Supply Chain with LORD

Introduction: To remain competitive, industrial organisations are continually faced with the challenges to improve product quality, reduce product development time, reduce production costs and lead-times. Increasingly, these challenges cannot be effectively met by isolated changes to specific organizational units. The Supply Chainis a revolutionary concept embedded in a traditional guise. In b

Flexorafiskt tryck på wellpapp

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments. The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and min

Kylkedjan för livsmedel - en kartläggning av den svenska distributionen med fokus på temperaturbrister

Projektets syfte är att kartlägga den kylda livsmedelsdistributionen från producent fram till butik och belysa framförallt de temperaturrelaterade brister som den är behäftad med. Kylda livsmedel är beroende av att vistas i och hålla rätt temperatur. Detta för att önskad så stor del som möjligt av livsmedelskvaliteten ska bevaras. Idag finns inga undersökningar som innefattar alla led i kylke

Matomera A Case Study

In 1998 Bergendahl & Son AB, as the sole owner alongside with BTL as a partner, created Matomera. Matomera was unique in Sweden in its concept of selling groceries only on the Internet with no supporting physical store. Instead they used a dedicated warehouse especially designed for this purpose. In B2C e-commerce the buying decisions and the face-to-face communication between consumers and co

Förpackningar i en försörjningskedja

1 detta examensarbete har vi arbetat tillsammans med ICA, Kungsörnen, Åkerlund & Rausing, AssiDomän Förenade Weil och StoraEnso. Målet för examensarbetet har varit att identifiera vilka krav som ställs på en förpackning i en försörjningskedja, samt att identifiera de brister som medfört att utveckling av en generell modell för framtagning av förpackningslösningar ej hittills varit möjlig. En

Methods of Modelling Corrugators

Problem: The process of manufacturing corrugated board is a quite complicated process, when it comes to exactly understand what happens in the process. ln order to gain a better understanding and a tool for control of the corrugating process, the machine making the corrugated board, a method that possibly can describe the process is desirable. Throughout the thesis we are thus interested in findin

Market resaerch of the packaging industry in South Africa

Summary - Nefab The purpose of this thesis is to find business opportunities in South Africa for Nefab's product NEFAB ExPak, The product is suitable for packaging of high-value products that are being exported to remote countries. Besides a general mapping of South Africa's export, we have also studied different companies within the vehicle supply industry, telecommunication industry

Logistik vid tillverkning av testprodukter, Mölnlycke AB

Denna rapport behandlar logistiska problem i samband med verksamhet for forskning och utveckling. Analys och utvärdering har skett på enheten för tillverkning av testprodukter på en av Mölnlyckes centrala utvecklingsenheter, APS. Enheten utvecklar fluffprodukter såsom blöjor och trosskydd. Arbetets syfte var bl a att utvärdera materialflöde och lagerverksamhet för att definiera olika behov av t e

Mänsklig Resurssnål Produktion

En ständig strävan pågår i industrin mot att befästa och utveckla sina marknadspositioner genom ökad effektivitet, produktivitet, flexibilitet och kvalitet. Japan anses vara ett föregångsland i detta avseende och kända koncept som Just-in-time (1ff) eller Resurssnål produktion härstammar därifrån. Just-in-time-konceptet innebär en satsning på att minimera alla kostnader och all resursförbrukning.

Designing a logistical and material handling system for European distribution - a case study for Tetra Pak's SCAP project

As a complementary product to the Tetra Brik Aseptic packaging system, Tetra Pak is about to introduce a new, value added, aseptic packaging system called SCAP. The SCAP packages consists of a lower part made of carton and an upper part made of plastic, similar to a PET-bottle, resulting in a bottle shaped package. The purpose of this thesis is to design a logistical- and material-handling system

Analys av fysiskt och administrativt flöde för provhantering vid Höganäs AB

In this project, we are studying the material flow and the information flow of sample materials and the appurtenant report of deviation for the purpose to be able to suggest better solutions. The sample material, which is to be analysed, is to be continuously taken from the production flow. The purpose is to navigate the process by the results found by the analysis. Because of this, it's very

Secure the robustness of a package

This master dissertation was made during 2003 at technical package development within Tetra pak R&D AB in co-operation with packaging logistics at Lund institute of technology Theoretic material was gathered from internal development reports, public patents, external literature and interviews with experts within the field. We performed smaller test experiments and analysed them using the simp

A simulation model for Supply Chain ? A case study applied at Tetra Pak Carton Ambient AB, Lund, Sweden, for TP Al TCA Filling Machine

Introduction: To gain competitiveness, industrial focuses are addressed towards product quality improvement, product time compression, costs and lead-time reduction. Nowadays, these diverse goals cannot be achieved by an isolated organizational switch but throughout an aimed supply policy. In particular, an integrated view to manage physical goods and virtual information from suppliers to customer

Modell för fördelning av kostnader i lager

Distrilux International AB, a company within the Electrolux-group, works among other things with storing of products from other companies in the Electrolux-group. This rapport contains a cost analysis of the two Distrilux warehouses in Motala and Mariestad. The company offers five services in these warehouses, in-loading of products from a local factory and from external factories, storing, out-lo

E.ON:s transformatorflöde - en studie av återanvändningen av transformatorer i projekt krafttag

Problem Statement After the hurricane Gudrun in January 2005 EON Elnät Sverige AB started the project KRAFTTAG, were 17,000 km of the airborne power grid shall be replaced with cables underground. The transformers in the airborne power grid shall be dismounted, renovated if necessary and then conveyed to stations, of type kiosk. Additional new transformers, more than planned, have been bought. T