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Metal ion enhanced binding of amd3100 to asp-262 in the cxcr4 receptor.

The affinity of AMD3100, a symmetrical nonpeptide antagonist composed of two 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (cyclam) rings connected through a 1,4-dimethylene(phenylene) linker to the CXCR4 chemokine receptor was increased 7, 36, and 50-fold, respectively, by incorporation of the following: Cu2+, Zn2+, or Ni2+ into the cyclam rings of the compound. The rank order of the transition metal ions co

Evaluation of a decision support system for interpretation of myocardial perfusion gated SPECT

Purpose We have recently presented a decision support system for interpreting myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS). In this study, we wanted to evaluate the system in a separate hospital from where it was trained and to compare it with a quantification software package. Methods A completely automated method based on neural networks was trained for the interpretation of MPS regarding myocardial

Processing acoustic change and novelty in newborn infants

Research on event-related potential (ERP) correlates of auditory deviance-detection in newborns provided inconsistent results; temporal and topographic ERP characteristics differed widely across studies and individual infants. Robust and reliable ERP responses were, however, obtained to sounds (termed 'novel' sounds), which cover a wide range of frequencies and widely differ from the context provi

Innovative financing for low-income housing improvement: lessons from programmes in Central America

This paper discusses what has been learnt from housing and local development programmes in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua supported and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) during the last 15 years. It identifies common financial mechanisms that have proven to be effective and affordable by the urban poor in their search for better h

Granule docking and cargo release in pancreatic beta-cells

Biphasic insulin secretion is required for proper insulin action and is observed not only in vivo, but also in isolated pancreatic islets and even single beta-cells. Late events in the granule life cycle are thought to underlie this temporal pattern. In the last few years, we have therefore combined live cell imaging and electrophysiology to study insulin secretion at the level of individual granu

Nanosecond to Microsecond Protein Dynamics Probed by Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion of Buried Water Molecules

Large-scale protein conformational motions on nanosecond – microsecond time scales are important for many biological processes, but remain largely unexplored because of methodological limitations. NMR relaxation methods can access these time scales if protein tumbling is prevented, but the isotropy required for high-resolution solution NMR is then lost. However, if the immobilized protein molecule

Tone 4 and Tone 3 discrimination in Modern Standard Chinese

Productions of tone 4 & tone 3 (mai/mai 'sell'/'buy') in comparable sentences suggests that although the two tones are realized in different ways by different speakers in different speech acts, some features are constant. Tone 3 is connected with a low pitch level throughout the second half of the vowel & tone 4 with a gradual fall over the main part of the vocalic segment. These observati

Electronic Doppler effect in resonant Auger decay of CO molecules upon excitation near a shake-up Pi resonance

We present an experimental observation of the electronic Doppler effect in resonant Auger spectra upon core excitation slightly above the carbon K edge of the CO molecule. Thus the electronic Doppler effect has been identified in above-threshold excitation, and in a transition of Pi symmetry. Ab initio calculations of the potential energy curves of the relevant states of CO and the wave packet tec

The menopause revisited

The continuing growth of female life expectancy has resulted in a marked increase of women in years beyond the menopause. Women can nowadays expect to live one-third of their lives in a potential hormonal deficiency state. Women over 50 comprise 17% of the total population of any country in the modern western world. Any decision regarding their health issues will have a great impact on our limited

Spurious solutions and boundary conditions in k center dot p theory

It is well known that the origin of one type of spurious solutions in multiband k(.)p theory is the failure to restrict the Fourier coefficients of the envelope functions to the first Brillouin zone. Often, the set of differential equations obtained is supplemented with interfacial boundary conditions derived by integrating the differential equations across the interface; however, this leads to a

Microwave-induced hyperthermia and radiotherapy in human superficial tumours: clinical results with a comparative study of combined treatment versus radiotherapy alone

Eighty-five evaluable superficial recurrent malignant tumours, mainly adenocarcinomas (78 per cent), in 38 patients were treated with either combined local hyperthermia (41-45 degrees C for four sessions) and low dose radiotherapy (30.0 Gy) or the same low dose radiotherapy alone. The treatment was given for two weeks. Hyperthermia was induced externally with 2450 MHz or 915 MHz microwaves. Totall

Fe-57 Mossbauer effect study of bannisterite: a modulated 2 : 1-type phyllosilicate

Bannisterite is a modulated 2:1-type phyllosilicate having ten octahedral sites with hydroxyl groups in trans, cis and combined trans-cis configurations. Each octahedral site, depending on its proximity to the layer modulation, is exposed to a different degree of distortion. The electric field gradient at the Fe site and the site distortion are used to propose a model for the site assignment and o

Roles of the plasminogen activator streptokinase and the plasminogen-associated M protein in an experimental model for streptococcal impetigo

Primary infection by group A streptococci (GAS) takes place at either the throat or skin of the human host, often leading to pharyngitis or impetigo, respectively. Many GAS strains differ in their preference for throat and skin tissue sites. Previous epidemiological findings show that many of the strains displaying strong tropism for the skin have a high-affinity binding site for plasminogen, loca

Effects of data uncertainties on estimated soil organic carbon in the Sudan

Estimating the rate of soil carbon sequestration in degraded semiarid agroecosystems is of great interest due to the beneficial effects on soil properties, soil fertility, and the potential atmospheric CO2 mitigation. One of several applied methodologies, biogeochemical modeling, offers possibilities to distribute estimates of soil organic carbon (SOC) over regions, estimate the effects of changes