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Regulating third party assurance engagements on sustainability reports in Sweden – issues and challenges

The well-institutionalised notion of audits put forth that information subjected to independent examination by third parties potentially contribute to better quality information for decision making (towards more sustainable companies?). The presence of different assurance providers offering a myriad of services in the name of “sustainability assurance” led to concerns about their quality and compa

Being there

This paper examines the use of the Internet as experienced by people with significant mobility/physicalimpairments who are accustomed to using computers. The study is based on interviews andfocuses on computer usage in everyday action and interaction. In many cases, the possibilities thatthe computer and Internet offer have meant not only important improvements in quality of life, butfirst-time oc

Klåfingrig EG-domstol

EU-kommissionen är missnöjd med de svenska skattelagarna när det gäller fastighetsförsäljning och hotar med EG-domstolen. Frågan är om domstolen verkligen har kompetens att underkänna den svenska lagstiftningen på de grunder kommissionen anger. Det skriver två universitetslektorer i Lund: Lars Pelin vid juridiska fakulteten och Mikael Sundström vid statsvetenskapliga institutionen.

Population management and reproduction in Singapore

This paper addresses issues of population policy and stratified reproduction in Singapore. When Singapore gained its independence in 1965 the government initiated an ambitious modernization program. The economy was restructured, farmland and villages were torn down to give way to high‐rise housing estates and infrastructure, and the education system was reformed. Population management has been (an

Proteomic data exchange and storage: using proteios

Proteios ( is an initiative for the development of a comprehensive open source system for storage, organization, analysis, and annotation of proteomics experiments. The Proteios platform is based on existing principles for proteomics data publishing and data exchange.