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Sverigedemokraterna och Dansk Folkeparti : samma politiska åsikter?

I svensk vardag är det vanligt att Dansk Folkeparti och Sverigedemokraterna liknas vid varandra till den grad att de ses som en dansk och svensk version av samma parti. Detta trots att partierna har betydande skillnader i sin historia. Deras historia skiljer sig både i sådant som partiernas uppkomst och i sådant som faktiskt deltagande i politiska beslut. Denna skillnad är dock inget som hindrar d

Business Models and Business Model Innovation in Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship experienced a significant rise in the past two decades. Yet, research on how companies in social entrepreneurship organize their business model is still rare. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate how these companies combine social and economic value creation. More precisely, it is analysed how they design, organize and innovate their business model. First, a content a

Reclaim the Streets

Reclaim the Streets is a study of exploitation and parametrically driven urban planning. The land I propose to be exploited are the buffer zones that since the 1950s started being reserved along major roads, and since mostly have been left untouched. The wide passages have created barriers in the city that affect pedestrians by increasing travel times and creating unsafe places. My intention is to

Who owns the wind? : community wind co-ops to combat commodification

The threat of potentially catastrophic climate change has led to 195 countries pledging to keep global average temperature rise well below 2°C based on pre-industrial levels. Wind energy technology has developed to a point where it can make a significant contribution to meeting this objective. A number of countries have developed substantial wind energy networks in recent years which in turn has a

Value Stream Mapping for Operational Excellence

The purpose of this research was to do a case study of how value stream mapping (VSM) contributes to operational excellence within an ICT company. To illustrate this, a case study was conducted at Swisscom, a large Swiss telecommunications company. The motivation of the study was to contribute to research within the industry of information and communication technologies (ICT) and secondly, to high

Unattended Home Delivery of Food - Is It Possible to Accomplish with a New Delivery Solution?

Matvaruhandeln på nätet växer och en stor del av matvaruinköpen online levereras med hemleverans. Den hemleveransmodell som idag används i störst utsträckning låter kunderna välja ett tidsfönster för när de vill ha sin leverans. Det innebär att rutterna måste anpassas efter olika tidsfönster, vilket resulterar i ineffektivitet och låg fyllnadsgrad i lastbilarna. Detta, i sin tur, gör att leveranseThe online market for groceries is continuously growing. Many of the online grocery purchases are home delivered, and the model that is currently the most commonly used allows the customer to pick a delivery time slot. This means that the delivery routes must be adapted according to time windows, which results in inefficient routes, a lot of half-empty vehicles, and hence in costly deliveries for

Groupthink in Boardrooms: Harmonious or Hazardous? The impact of groupthink on board directors in the strategic decision making process.

The interest for corporate governance as a research subject has surged over the past decades as a result of a number of publicised corporate scandals. These events highlighted the substantial impact that poor decision making at board level can have on a firm and its stakeholders. In an effort to counter the threat of dysfunctional boards, stricter corporate governance regulations have been enforce

No title

This paper investigates the journalistic language in El País, Spain’s most read newspaper, with the aim to problematize the use of male generic nouns in Spanish. According to our theoretical framework, the feminist critique of language, male generic nouns are considered to be the result of a patriarchal and androcentric system. Thus, the analysis studies how and to which extent the usage of male g

Databasmigration från SQL Server till Amazon Redshift

Growing databases create a need for improved storage and analysis solutions. One company with that need is Bring SCM, who have been looking for a solution to better analyze their business data, which is currently hosted on a SQL Server-database by Elastic Mobile. To improve this solution, this paper will examine a data warehouse solution to the problem, specifically using the cloud-based Amazon Re

Sharp Edge Cutting through Paperboard

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the micro mechanical damage and the failure of paperboard during sharp edge cutting. Tetra Pak is at the very forefront of the food packaging industry and in order to keep this market position, continuous improvements are of great importance. Increased understanding of paperboard behaviour is a driving factor for these improvements, since it enables more ac

Från okänd till känd - En kvalitativ studie över crowdshippingföretags arbete med att skapa förtroende och tillit

Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara hur crowdshippingföretag arbetar för att skapa förtroende och tillit för crowdshipping genom att studera företagens tilltiskapandeprocesser samt deras syn på tillit. Detta har vi studerat närmare med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Vilka tillitsskapande processer tillämpar crowdshippingföretagen? och Hur ser crowdshippingföretag på tillit? För att besvara d

Flashing lights at road tunnel emergency exit portals: A Virtual Reality study with low-cost Head Mounted Displays

Previous studies have provided detailed recommendations regarding the design of flashing lights at emergency exit portals in road tunnels. Theory of Affordances have assisted safety designers fixing characteristics such as color, flashing rate, type and number of lights in emergency systems. A systematic evaluation through experiments has, additionally, provide stronger support to define these cha

The premise of progress

Nima is a distressed neighbourhood located north of central Accra, the capital city of Ghana in West Africa. Nima is an extremely dense community, where land is very scarce. Single floor, clay built compound houses occupy the entire neighbourhood. Spatial planning is lacking, infrastructure is limited and overcrowding proposes a severe problem. Nima, a neighbourhood which is a direct result of rap

Climate Change in Kenya : a review of literature and evaluation of temperature and precipitation data

Världen står inför allvarliga och komplexa konsekvenser när det gäller klimatförändringar. Naturliga och mänskliga bosättningar på samtliga kontinenter är påverkade, och den afrikanska kontinenten anses höra till ett av världens mest utsatta områden bland annat på grund av snabb befolkningstillväxt och stort beroende av regn-bevattnat jordbruk. Denna uppsats handlar om klimatförändringar i Kenya. The world is facing serious and complex impacts with regard to climate change. Natural and human settlements on all continents are affected, and the African continent is considered as one of the most vulnerable areas due to rapid urbanization growth and high dependency on rain-fed agriculture, amongst others. This thesis focuses on climate change in Kenya. The first aim is to compare trends of cli

Ambidextrous product development - An investigation into the tension between exploration and exploitation

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what drives the tension between exploration and exploitation in a product development process (PDP) as well as trying to understand if and how it can be managed. Research questions: What drives the tension between exploration and exploitation in a product development process? How can the tension between exploration and exploitation be managed in

Mobile Money Adoption in East Africa: A cross-country study of best- and least-performing countries

Mobile money is a digital financial innovation enabling electronic payments and transfers through mobile phones. It has proven to be a convenient, safe and cheap way for money exchange in developing countries where access to traditional banking services is limited. This thesis aims to explore why Small and Medium Enterprises in Zambia do not adopt mobile money in an otherwise well-developed region

Undersökning och framtagning av hårdvara för ONE Demand

This thesis was done in collaboration with, and on behalf of, One Nordic AB. The purpose was to examine the system One Demand, a system used for sampling measurement data, to begin the development of a new version of the system. The new system is comprised of two parts, a central unit and a graphical user interface. The first step was to find a single board computer, on which the computer program

WPP design and analysis - An assessment of wake effects and power fluctuations from large scale wind power plant clusters

For the last decades, the wind energy industry has been growing rapidly. More of the production is moving offshore, and in the Baltic Sea some key areas have been identified as particularly suitable for wind power plants. The European Commission have initiated the Baltic Integrid project to assess the potential of building meshed HVDC grids between the Baltic countries and use these areas for wind

Reducing lead time during installation projects through Continuous Improvement and Early Management

Problem: Tetra Paks strategi är att expandera World Class Manufacturing(WCM) från produktionen till att täcka installationsprojekt för att reducera dess ledtid. Det finns dock en stor utmaning för att utföra detta, då flera avdelningar är inblandade samt osäkerheterna kring att installationerna utförs ute hos kund. Frågan är därför; hur kan Tetra Pak använda Early Management metodologi från WCM föProblem: Tetra Pak’s strategy is to expand World Class Manufacturing (WCM) from manufacturing to installation projects in order to reduce the installation lead time. There is a challenge in the WCM implementation since it requires a cross-functional approach and uncertainties with the installation projects being at customer’s site. The question at hand is; how can Tetra Pak use the Early Managemen