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The pressure profile in the Lund Pelletron accelerator with the newly installed terminal pumping in use

Terminal pumping has recently been installed in the Lund tandem Pelletron electrostatic accelerator. The equipment allows a higher gas density in the stripper and an improved vacuum in the accelerator tubes compared to the former system. This improvement has led to an increased beam transmission and to superior measurements for our accelerator mass spectrometry programme. The pressure profile of t

Comparison of glutathione peroxidase activity, and of total and soluble selenium content in two muscles from chicken, turkey, duck, ostrich and lamb

Glutathione peroxidase activity (GSHPx), total and soluble selenium in two muscles from five species were compared (chicken, duck, turkey, ostrich and lamb). The highest GSHPx activity, found in duck muscles (4.8 U/g; 3.0 U/g), was significantly higher than that in lamb (1.8 U/g; 1.4 U/g), turkey (1.2 U/g; 0.6 U/g), chicken (1.0 U/g; 0.7 U/g), and ostrich muscles (0.9 U/g; 0.8 U/g). GSHPx activiti

Gluon distribution functions in the kappa(perpendicular to)-factorization approach

At small x, the effects of finite transverse momenta of partons inside a hadron become increasingly important, especially in analyses of jets and heavy-quark production. These effects can be systematically accounted for in a formalism based on k(perpendicular to)-factorization and unintegrated distribution functions. We present results for the integrated and unintegrated distribution functions obt

Long-term outcome of acute hepatitis B and C in an outbreak of hepatitis in 1969-72

The objective of this study was to investigate the epidemiology, etiology, and long-term outcome of an extended outbreak of acute hepatitis that occurred in an area of Sweden between 1969 and 1972. The outbreak was analyzed retrospectively by retesting stored frozen serum samples for the presence of hepatitis A, B and C markers. The results were compared with the diagnoses that had been determined

Estimating surface soil moisture from soil color using image analysis

In this technical note the ability to estimate surface soil moisture (theta) from soil color using image analysis is evaluated. Four natural soils and uniform fine sand were used. Calibration soil samples with theta varying from 0 to 0.40 m(3) m(-3) in 0.05 m(3) m(-3) increments were prepared and photographed. The variations in soil color with theta were investigated in both the RGB (red, green, a

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The aim of the study was to establish the influence of dexamethasone and/or alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) on the growth, mineralization, geometric and mechanical properties of ribs as a methodological model. The experiment was conducted during the final 24 days of prenatal life and first 14 days of neonatal life. The volumetric bone density of the trabecular and cortical bone was determined separately

Tiling resolution array comparative genomic hybridization analysis of a fibrosarcoma of bone.

Fibrosarcoma of bone is a rare malignant tumor accounting for less than 5% of all primary malignant bone neoplasms. There is very limited knowledge regarding the molecular genetics of this tumor, and there are no cytogenetic data available. In the present study, a fibrosarcoma deriving from the left iliac bone of a 10-year-old girl was characterized using cytogenetics, fluorescence in situ hybridi

Balanced truncation of linear time-varying systems

In this paper balanced truncation of linear time-varying systems is studied in discrete and continuous time. Based on relatively basic calculations with time-varying Lyapunov equations/inequalities we are able to derive both upper and lower error bounds for the truncated models. These results generalize well-known time-invariant formulas. The case oftime-varying state dimension is considered. Inpu

Stationary NOx storage and reduction experiments on a heavy-duty diesel engine rig using a bypass system

This work concerns exhaust gas cleaning for heavy-duty diesel engines by means of NOx storage and redn. technol. A full-scale engine rig has been constructed, and stationary NOx redn. tests performed. In the NOx storage and redn. approach, NOx is stored on a BaO surface as Ba(NO3)2 under long lean conditions and desorbed and reduced under short rich conditions. The rich conditions are created by i

Temperaturmätningar i tegelskorsten vid oljeeldning med låg effekt

Rapport avseende mätningar utförda i experimentanläggning vid Institutionen för Byggnadskonstruktionslära, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Projektet är en direkt fortsättning av projektet "Temperatur- och fuktmätningar i skorsten vid omväxlande olje- och elvärme (BKL 1986:26)

Are current rapid detection tests for Group A Streptococci sensitive enough? Evaluation of 2 commercial kits

A new, 1-step, enzyme-linked immunoassay kit for detection of Group A Streptococci (GAS) in throat samples (QuickVue In-Line One-Step Strep A Test; Quidel Corporation, San Diego, CA) was evaluated for use in a study comprising 536 patients in 8 primary healthcare centres. Compared to conventional culture at the clinical microbiology laboratory, the sensitivity achieved was 73.9% and the specificit

A hint at quark deconfinement in 200 GeVAu+Au data at RHIC

We give the emission function of the axially symmetric Buda-Lund hydro, model and present its simultaneous, high quality fits to identified particle spectra, two-particle Bose-Einstein or HBT correlations and charged particle pseudorapidity distributions as measured by BRAHMS and PHENIX in 0-30% central, roots(NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. The best fit is achieved when the most central r

Stealth radomes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar periodiska strukturer som används som frirymdsfilter för elektromagnetiska vågor. Två typer av periodiska strukturer behandlas, nämligen så kallade frekvensselektiva ytor (FSS) och artificiella puck strukturer (APP). En FSS består av en eller flera periodiska gitter av identiska element som är inbäddade i ett godtyckligt antal dielektriska skiThis dissertation deals with periodic structures that are used as free-space electromagnetic filters. Two types of periodic structures are treated, namely the so called frequency selective surface (FSS) and the artificial puck plate (APP) structure. The FSS structure consists of one or several periodic arrays of identical elements embedded in an arbitrary number of dielectric layers. The APP struc

Tuberculosis mortality during a civil war in Guinea-Bissau

CONTEXT: Tuberculosis (TB) is an increasing global problem, despite effective drug therapies. Access to TB therapy during conflict situations has not been studied. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of irregular TB treatment due to an armed conflict in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Ongoing retrospective cohort study conducted in the capital city of Bissau among 101 pat

Effect of active site-inactivated factor VIIa on ischaemia/reperfusion injury in a porcine flap model.

In free flap surgery, restored blood flow following a lengthy ischaemic period may lead to necrosis as a result of ischaemia/reperfusion (IR) injury. This injury comprises both proinflammatory and prothrombotic events, where the tissue factor/factor VIIa complex probably has a key role. Active site-inactivated factor VIIa (FFR-rFVIIa) exerts an antithrombotic effect by binding to tissue factor wit