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Arbetsgivarens primära förhandlingsskyldighet samt undantag från densamma enligt 2 § MBL

Abstract The employer is obliged to initiate negotiations with the union organization to which the employer is bound by a collective agreement. This applies both to decisions which imply a substantial change in workplace operations or employment conditions of the individual employee. In case law this obligation has been very extensive through all cases that have been up in the Swedish Labor court.

Antibiotikaresistenta bakterier - Hotbild och möjliga lösningar

Under senare år har vi fått allt större problem med antibiotikaresistens bland bakterier. Dessa problem är delvis en oundviklig följd av användandet av antibiotika. De förvärras dock kraftigt av det faktum att vi använder antibiotika i en långt större omfattning än vad som kan anses nödvändigt. Detta överanvändande beror till stor del på det faktum att behandling med antibiotika i många fall är en

Färdighet och lekfullt skapande : hur ett band gör hiphop

Den ungdomliga hiphopkulturen finns idag överallt och används för att sälja allt från produkter till politiska budskap. Hiphopkulturen har sin utgångspunkt i USA och afroamerikanernas verklighet, men den finns som ett konstnärligt och politiskt uttryck i hela världen, inklusive Sverige. Trots att hiphopkulturen är en väldigt praktiskt orienterad rörelse bestående av olika uttryck (musiken, dansen

Föräldraledighet som en kompetensutvecklande period i livet

The aim of the study was to examine whether parental leave can serve as capacitating period in life. More specifically our aim was to get a deeper comprehension of the abilities and competencies developed through parental leave and how these can be of use to the individual when at work. 12 semistructured interviews were conducted with employees from a large organization in the south of Sweden. The

Belting i undervisning En studie i syn- och arbetssätt

Title: Belting in teaching. A study of views and teaching-procedure. The purpose of this study is to map how the singing teachers at a Swedish college of music describe and implement the vocal technique 'belting' in their curriculum. This study is based on watching and interviewing six different teachers. The theoretical part deals with voice physiology and four different theories surroun

Införande av evidensbaserade metoder: ett kommunperspektiv

This thesis is composed within the framework of the supplementary course in psychotherapy concentrating on family therapy (60 credits) arranged by Lund University's affiliate in Västerås, Sweden. The purpose of this thesis has been to explore how the idea to initiate evidence based methods in the workings of the Individual and Family Care Department of the City of Västerås was born. Furthermo

Att splittra en hierarki : Applicering av poststrukturalistisk feministisk teori på SAB-systemet

This paper analyses what effect an application of a specific poststructural feminist theory has on the Swedish classification system SAB. The purpose is to study if it is possible to open up the current representation of gender towards a more multiple one. The study is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part include a short presentation of both classification theory and feminist theor

Förvärvsprocesser - vad köper biblioteken in och varför? En undersökning av förvärv gällande skönlitteratur på Lunds huvudbibliotek och fyra stadsdelsbibliotek

In this Master's thesis we investigate the collection management regarding fiction for adults. The apprehension of fiction has changed over the years. From the beginning it was considered to be mostly educational rather than being the purpose of entertainment. As for today these views are not opposites to each other. Regarding this we discuss the problem concerning terms of quality. The purpos

Folkbibliotekssponsring : en undersökning av alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter för svenska folkbibliotek

As public libraries in Sweden receive the bulk of their budget from local government funding, which has stayed static or, at best, seen small increases, libraries have been faced with inadequate resources with which to satisfy increasing expectations from users. As few libraries are over-funded in the first place, ways may have to be found to combat this situation. The aim of this Masters thesis i

Sekvenskonst eller skräp? Bibliotekariers inställning till tecknade serier för vuxna på Malmös och Lunds stadsbibliotek.

The purpose of the following thesis has been to study librarians' attitudes towards comics for grown up people. I have compared the attitudes among the staff in two public libraries in Sweden, Malmö public library and Lund public library. I have conducted five interviews with librarians and observed how the comics are handled in each library. I have also carried out a literary study of the his

Exponera mera : ett arbete om skyltning på bibliotek

This Master s thesis deals with the display of library media, whether it is conceivable and desirable to draw inspiration from the retail business when displaying articles. The questions asked are: are there, in the retail sector, well established display ideas and - if so - what do they look like? Are the similarities in conditions, between the branches, sufficient? In conveying the ideas to libr

Distansutbildningens inverkan på folkbiblioteken - exemplet Blekinge

The aim of this study is to examine the services offered by the public libraries in the context of distance learning students. I wanted to examine if there has been any discussion among the public libraries on how the new needs and demands affect them. To get a premonition on the development in Sweden I have focused on the public libraries in the province of Blekinge, which in many ways can be loo

Svenska hedgefonders investeringsstrategier och deras riskexponering

In this paper Swedish hedge funds and strategies are discussed and analysed. These new financial forms seem to draw recently a huge attention both in media, press and the academic world. The fact is that hedge funds have existed already for a long time but it is still known too little about them. After the introduction of hedge funds, different asset pricing models are discussed including the most

Agile vs. Plan-driven in safety-critical development cases - A clash of principles

This study focuses on the topic of the values of agile development in safety-critical cases. It is argued that a discussion exists regarding the applicability of agile methods in safety-critical development projects where researchers and developers have divergent opinions. Furthermore, another perspective called plan-driven development is shown to have connection to safety-critical development. Th

Estimation of the market risk exposure of Vietnamese banks’ portfolios using VaR approach

This paper analyses the effectiveness of different methods to estimate Value-at-Risk (VaR) of VN-index, proxy of a Vietnamese bank’s portfolio. Both parametric and non-parametric approaches are employed to estimate daily VaRs for two sets of data, one of those sets is 8 months behind the other. We find that non-parametric methods are more reliable than parametric methods when employed to estimate

Individuell och jämställd lönesättning

Föreliggande uppsats behandlar lönesättning på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Lönesättningen i Sverige är inte i vidare utsträckning reglerad i lag. Grunden för lönesättningen är att det råder avtalsfrihet och att det är upp till arbetsmarknadens parter att genom kollektivavtal reglera området. Kollektivavtalen innehåller olika typer av reglering avseende arbetsgivarens lönesättning, exempelvis ange

Arbetslöshet och barnafödande - En studie av hur arbetsmarknadsläget påverkar fruktsamheten på individ- och samhällsnivå i Sverige

Fruktsamheten i Sverige har följt den ekonomiska konjunkturen under de senaste decennierna. Detta till trots att en period av arbetslöshet har en positiv inverkan på individens sannolikhet att föda barn. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka som föder färre barn när arbetsmarknadsläget försämras. Syftet är också att ta reda på om de minskade fruktsamhetstalen leder till en långvarig

The Gravity of EBA preferences - Disaggregating Trade Flows in Agriculture

This thesis makes an ex post evaluation of the EBA initiative and its influence on agricultural exports into the EU. I employ a gravity model for this purpose, and with dummy variables identifying seven groups of (agricultural) products this is a fairly new method. The data consists of 102 low- and middle income countries, of which 33 are LDC, and 2001 - 2005 is the time period covered. This makes

Investigating the usability of mobile phones

In this study we tried to explore available usability criterions. We wanted to see if they can be used for mobile phone. In order to investigate the usability of mobile phones we looked closer at both literature in the HCI field and also conducted interviews with the usability expert, user tests and surveys with mobile phones end users. During our research we noticed that designers need to take co