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Wir Friderich von Gottes Gnaden etc. … von Dennemarck. En förfärlig blasfemi i Bergen på Rügen 1716
Fertility and female dietary exposure to persistent organochlorine compounds
Popular Abstract in Swedish Polyklorerade bifenyler (PCB) är ett samlingsnamn för ett antal kemiska föreningar. De utmärker sig genom att de har en god elektrisk isoleringsförmåga och tålighet för höga temperaturer, och de har därför använts i bl.a. transformatorer och kondensatorer men även som mjukgörare i plaster och färger. Sedan det visat sig att exponering för PCB innebar allvarliga hälsoeffPersistent organochlorine compounds (POC), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and dioxins, are long-lived and highly lipophilic compounds which are present in all biota today. In Sweden, one of the major exposure routes for POC is through the consumption of fatty fish from the Baltic Sea, which is off the east coast of Sweden, and one of the most highly exposed populations is the fishermen's
Stimulated emission in the ultraviolet by optical pumping from photoionization-produced inner-shell states in Cd$+$
Stimulated emission on three UV transitions in Cd$+$ has been observed by transferring population from inner-shell d-electron states, populated by photoionization, to outer-shell p-electron states using the output from a narrow-frequency dye laser. The use of similar techniques in other elements could eventually result in a number of new lasers in the UV and VUV.
Kommentar till Högskoleförordning (1993:100)
Identification of Continuous-Time Models
The paper considers the problem of estimation of the transfer function of a continuous-time dynamic system in the presence of colored noise. The author introduces an operator transformation that allows for keeping a continuous-time parametrization whereas the parameter estimation can be made by means of a discrete-time maximum-likelihood algorithm. A comparison is made between the performance of t
A Ten-year Follow-up of Female Opiate Addicts
Interpretation of high-energy X-ray satellites of L2,3 emission bands of Na, Mg, Al and Si
The high-energy satellite of the L2,3 X-ray emission band in Na, Mg, Al and Si has for a long time been attributed to the decay of an initial state with two holes in the 2p shell. In particular, the satellite threshold has been assigned to an initial (2p2)1D state. It has recently been found that X-ray and Auger data give two different values for the energy of this doubly-ionized state, and attemp
A Simulator for Dynamical Systems Using Graphics and Equations for Modelling
Simulation of Dynamic Discontinuous Recrystallization During Hot Deformation of Pure Copper
A probabilistic cellular automaton technique is employed in the simulation of dynamic discontinuous recrystallization (DDRX) in pure copper under hot deformation conditions. Important features of the present model are calibration of grain growth kinetics against the analytical solution and also the description of a misorientation-dependent grain boundary energy, valid in the entire range of misori
Cooperative purchasing in humanitarian supply chains: promises and pitfalls
Iran’s Nuclear Behavior: The Gender Dimension
In a nutshell, Iran’s nuclear dignity is predominantly of a masculine nature. While this holds true about many other nation-states and their foreign policy practices in today’s world, Western negotiators will be well advised to take these nuances into account and refrain from using a frame of reference in the talks that may undermine this particular type of identity. More specifically, the choice
Bortom kapitalism och socialism
The (re)production of accountability in the swedish public sector
Knowledge Bases and the Geography of Innovation
Despite the ongoing globalisation of economic activities, innovation does not take place randomly distributed over space, but concentrates in certain locations. A central argument to explain the spatial concentration of innovation activities lies in the ability of geographical proximity to facilitate interactive learning and knowledge exchange, which in turn is seen as an important driver for regi
A comparison of the tetrapyrrole cofactors in nature and their tuning by axial ligands
This chapter illustrates how quantum chemical calculations can be used to elucidate structural and functional aspects of tetrapyrrole cofactors, focusing on porphyrins, cobalamins, coenzyme F430, and chlorophyll. A particular emphasis is put on the biochemical significance of axial ligands, which can tune the function of the tetrapyrroles. With the use of quantum chemical calculations, it is possi