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Depot neuroleptic maintenance treatment: clinical, pharmacological and neuropsychological aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Underhållsbehandling med neuroleptika minskar risken för nya skov av schizofreni. Ofta har patienter med kronisk psykos bristande sjukdomsinsikt och är därmed dåligt motiverade att följa medicinordinationer (bristande compliance). I sådana fall kan injektionsbehandling med depå-neuroleptika vara ett gott alternativ. Av de 89 patienter som behandlades med depåneuroleptikNeuroleptic maintenance treatment is effective to reduce the risk of further episodes of schizophrenia and other chronic psychoses, except affective. Lack of insight often lead to poor compliance to the prescripted medication. Then, neuroleptics might be given as depot injections. A group of chronic psychotic outpatients were assessed of clinical symptoms and side effects regularely during the th

Vulnerability Analyses of Interdependent Technical Infrastructures

In this chapter, the modelling framework presented in Chap. 5 will be used to perform vulnerability analyses from three perspectives: global vulnerability, critical components, and geographical vulnerability. Two case studies of two real-world interdependent infrastructure systems are performed; one focusing on an electric distribution system coupled with a water distribution system, and one focus

Share Liquidity and Corporate Efforts to Enhance it. A study on the Swedish Stock Exchange

All modern firms need access to capital markets at the lowest possible cost. Today's investors want to be able to increase or decrease their ownership rapidly, at low transaction costs and they demand return compensation for the trading costs they meet. This means that the price of the firm's security will reflect its share liquidity characteristics. Consequently liquidity-increasing financial inv

Jaktens historia

A survey of hunting, and attitudes towards hunting in Sweden from 17th to 20thh century

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In this paper, we argue that, in addition to non-agreeing passives, Finnish has even an agreeing passive. The agreeing passive shows similar behaviour to non-canonical passives in other languages, such as get-passives in English. The agreeing passive differs from ordinary copular constructions in various ways, most importantly in the availability of an event-interpretation. Agreeing and non-agreei

Stacking of heterostructures and metallic elements for a submicron resonant tunneling transistor

We have successfully embedded a metal gate in-between two resonant tunneling double barrier heterostructures (RTD), thus realizing a three dimensional resonant tunneling transistor. The gate is placed 30 nm above and 100 below the two RTD's, respectively. The asymmetric gate allows for a unique control of the current-voltage characteristics, not only controlling the peak current but also the peak

Adaptation of Work Places and Homes for the Disabled Using Computer-aided Design

When adapting environments for the physically disabled, it is important to encourage and activate not only the person concerned, but also other people involved or affected. A computer aided planning tool has been developed to support the participation of all persons involved, as well as supporting the planner’s (e.g. an occupational therapist) design of the environment. The prototype development a

Chinese Investigative Journalists' Dreams: Autonomy, Agency, and Voice

This edited volume brings together scholars positioned in and outside of China, including former Chinese journalists, in a comprehensive and in-depth study of Chinese investigative journalists' dreams, work practices, and strategies. It is the first book that systematically addresses the roles and values of Chinese investigative journalists in different types of media, in the process addressing to

A Photometric Study of the Galactic Disks based on Strömgren Photometry

One of the key questions in todays galaxy research is the formation and evolution of disk galaxies such as the Milky Way. Using observations in the intermediate band Stromgren uvby filter system we have investigated how both density and metallicity varies within the Galactic disks in order to learn more about the Galaxy and its past. As a first step we test the abilities of the Stromgren photomet

Metodik för snabba multielementanalyser av biologiskt material

Avsikten med detta projekt har varit att utveckla väl fungerande rutiner för PIXE-analys av biologiska prov med anknytning till exponering i arbetsmiljösituationer. Kravet på metoderna är att de tillvaratar PIXE-metodens fördelar (multielementanalys, små prov, snabb analys, låga detektionsgränser) och samtidigt förändrar eller förstör så lite som möjligt av den information som finns i de ursprungl