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Your search for "*" yielded 528937 hits

Direct and inverse resonance problems for seismic surface waves

This thesis concerns the investigation of direct and inverse resonance results for the Love and the Rayleigh operators, which arise from decoupling the three-dimensional elastic wave equation in the semiclassical limit in the half-space. Direct resonance results in terms of the asymptotic distribution of resonances in the complex plane are obtained for the Love and the Rayleigh operators. An inver

Explicit harmonic morphisms and p-harmonic functions from the complex and quaternionic Grassmannians

We construct explicit complex-valued p-harmonic functions and harmonic morphisms on the classical compact symmetric complex and quaternionic Grassmannians. The ingredients for our construction method are joint eigenfunctions of the classical Laplace-Beltrami and the so called conformality operator. A known duality principle implies that these p-harmonic functions and harmonic morphisms also induce

Introduction : Digital Methods and Experiential Approaches to the Past

In this chapter, the authors introduce the theme of computational/digital methods in the realm of sensory archaeologies. To this purpose, the concept of sensoriality and its relevance for the archaeological discourse is rediscussed. Key concepts such as perception of material culture help us in better defining possible modalities through which archaeologists can benefit from the use of formal meth

The changing arguments for assigning non-organised volunteers as assistant supervisors in the Swedish prison and probation service

This study explores the ideas behind and development of assigning non-organised volunteers as assistant supervisors within the Swedish Prison and Probation Service. The Swedish way of collaborating with volunteers in supervision of offenders is unique in an international perspective. This article includes an international literature review for this area that seldom is studied. With the help of Cha

“If you’re on this sub, you’re on every watchlist possible.” An open-source investigation into the gamification of terrorism on Reddit’s user-run forum r/unexpectedjihad

This study investigates the emerging phenomenon of gamification of terrorism, understood as the exploitation of video games mechanics and aesthetics to radicalize, proliferate propaganda and produce terror. Through an open-source ethnographic exploration of the “r/unexpectedjihad” community on Reddit, it attempts to answer how and to what extent violent jihadi sympathizers are gamifying terror in

Protect, Respect and Remedy: A Case Study of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

In 2011, the UN published a framework called the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and it has been viewed as a first of its kind, by being a global standard of principles that aims to prevent and address risks of human rights violations concerning corporate activities. The framework was ratified by all UN member states and received support from other non-state a

Progressive marine oxygenation and climatic cooling at the height of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event

The oxygen content of ancient seawater has been hypothesized to be a major controlling factor for biodiversity throughout Earth's history. The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) represents one of the largest increases in biodiversity during the Phanerozoic, with peak rates of diversity occurring in the Middle–Late Ordovician. Multiple causal factors have resulted in this long-term ad

Teachers’ actor-oriented transfer of movement pedagogy knowledge in physical education

Background: Physical education (PE) teachers in practically all countries are expected to help their students develop movement capability. To achieve this objective, teachers need certain knowledge and competencies. The question of how PE teachers should develop their capacities to achieve this task has received only limited research attention. Aim: The broad objective of this paper is to contribu

Kunskapssammanställning över kravställning på cykelbanor inom kommuner

Cykeln är en avgörandefaktor för en uppnå en samhällseffektiv och långsiktigt hållbar transportförsörjning där en mer attraktiv cykelinfrastruktur kan ge upphov till att fler väljer att resa med cykel i stället för bil. Överflyttningseffekterna från biltrafiken skulle innebära en reduktion av avgasutsläpp, icke-avgaspartiklar från vägtrafik, bulleremissioner och mindre trängsel i staden. SamtidigtBicycles are a prerequisite for a long term sustainable transportation service, where a more attractive infrastructure would contribute to a more sustainable transport mode such as cycling in favour of using motor vehicles. Success in changing the main mode of travel from cars to bicycles would result in reduction of greenhouse gas and exhaust emissions, non-exhaust emissions, noise pollution and

Task-related gaze behaviour in face-to-face dyadic collaboration : Toward an interactive theory?

Visual routines theory posits that vision is critical for guiding sequential actions in the world. Most studies on the link between vision and sequential action have considered individual agents, while substantial human behaviour is characterized by multi-party interaction. Here, the actions of each person may affect what the other can subsequently do. We investigated task execution and gaze alloc

Timing of Primary Surgery for Cleft Palate

BACKGROUND: Among infants with isolated cleft palate, whether primary surgery at 6 months of age is more beneficial than surgery at 12 months of age with respect to speech outcomes, hearing outcomes, dentofacial development, and safety is unknown. METHODS: We randomly assigned infants with nonsyndromic isolated cleft palate, in a 1:1 ratio, to undergo standardized primary surgery at 6 months of ag

Using Learning Study to Understand Preschoolers' Learning : Challenges and Possibilities

This article reports a meta-analysis based on a multiple case study of the use of learning study (LS) to understand children's learning in Swedish preschool. The aim is to investigate whether and how the LS model can be developed, adjusted and used to meet contemporary demands placed upon preschool teachers for increased content focus and improved cognitive outcomes. The research questions are (1)

Större utrymme för burfiske - är det lönsamt?

På den svenska västkusten fiskas havskräfta med både trål och bur. För att burfisket ska kunna expandera måste det tillgängliga området för burfiske utvidgas. Vi analyserar hur kräftfisket skulle påverkas på lång sikt av en sådan utvidgning och finner att:Antalet fiskare som använder bur skulle öka och antalet små trålare minska.Utvidgningen ger en omfördelning av ekonomiska värden mellan olika se

Land? Gone. Water? Gone. What Next? A Systematic Review of Impacts of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions on Water Security of Smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa

Recent land grabs in Sub-Saharan Africa are influenced by both land availability and access to water resources beyond seasonal rains. However, much of the literature has treated land grabs and their attendant water resource appropriations as separate phenomena until recently. This paper examines the complex interplay of large-scale land acquisitions and their impacts on the water security of small

Probing brain tissue microstructure with MRI : principles, challenges, and the role of multidimensional diffusion-relaxation encoding

Diffusion MRI uses the random displacement of water molecules to sensitize the signal to brain microstructure and to properties such as the density and shape of cells. Microstructure modeling techniques aim to estimate these properties from acquired data by separating the signal between virtual tissue 'compartments' such as the intra-neurite and the extra-cellular space. A key challenge is that th

Unga konsumenters attityder till socialt ansvarstagande inom varumärkeskommunikation

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka unga konsumenters attityder till företags sociala ansvarstagande. Forskningsfrågorna är 1. Hur ser unga konsumenters attityder ut till socialt ansvarstagande? 2. Vilka åtgärder bör tas enligt informanterna, för att förändra konsumenters uppfattning om företag med bristande socialt ansvarstagande? Teoretisk referensram: Denna studie använder en teoretPurpose: The purpose of this study is to examine young consumers' attitudes towards companies' social responsibility. The research questions are 1. What are the attitudes of young consumers towards social responsibility? 2. What measures should be taken according to the respondents, to change consumers' perception of companies with a lack of social responsibility? Theoretical foundatio

Roots of Institutional Transformation: Hamburg in the late 16th and early 17th centuries

This study examines the beginnings of Hamburg’s institutional transformation from a predominantly Hanseatic-style city to a Northern European financial and economic center. Existing literature has repeatedly pointed out the importance of migrants in the diffusion of economic institutions in the early modern period. In Hamburg’s case, commercially-minded migrants from Western Europe came to Hamburg