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Reproductive and hormonal factors and risk of renal cell carcinoma among women in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is twice as common among men compared with women, and hormonal factors have been suggested to partially explain this difference. There is currently little evidence on the roles of reproductive and hormonal risk factors in RCC aetiology. Materials & Methods: We investigated associations of age at menarche and age at menopause, pregnancy-related factors, hy

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Coronapandemin slog hårt mot den svenska sjukvården. För att bidra till hittills knapphändiga litteraturen inom effektivitetsanalys av coronapandemin använder sig uppsatsen av de icke-parametriska metoderna Data envelopment analysis (DEA) och Malmquist-index för att utöka förståelsen för hur den effektiviteten utveckladesfrån innan till under pandemin. Med data på regionnivå specificerades en inpu

Investigation of well-defined pinholes in TiO2 electron selective layers used in planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells

The recently introduced perovskite solar cell (PSC) technology is a promising candidate for providing low-cost energy for future demands. However, one major concern with the technology can be traced back to morphological defects in the electron selective layer (ESL), which deteriorates the solar cell performance. Pinholes in the ESL may lead to an increased surface recombination rate for holes, if

Forensic assessment of single stab injuries to the trunk

IntroductionForensic pathologists are frequently confronted with questions about the likelihood that an injury is inflicted by an assault or is self-inflicted. However, little is known of epidemiological variables applicable to differentiate between homicides and suicides in deaths caused by single stab injuries to the trunk. MethodUsing the Swedish forensic autopsy register we identified 94 homic

Informed Systems: : Enabling Collaborative Evidence Based Organizational Learning

Objective – In response to unrelenting disruptions in academic publishing and higher education ecosystems, the Informed Systems approach supports evidence based professional activities to make decisions and take actions. This conceptual paper presents two core models, Informed Systems Leadership Model and Collaborative Evidence-Based Information Process Model, whereby co-workers learn to make info

The role of business models in emerging economic concepts for sustainable development

Sustainable development requires collaboration between governments, businesses, and citizens. However, economic models, sustainability practices, and global policies are currently not fit-for-purpose to maintain global temperatures to 1.5 degrees centigrade within the timescales required to maintain a safe space for humanity to thrive. This study maps the alignment of business values and practices

Diaspora Bonds Revisited: Review of the Potential and Feasibility of a Ghanaian Diaspora Bond

This paper explores the potential and feasibility of a Ghanaian diaspora bond. The paper uses a mixed-method approach combining qualitative interviews with key incumbents in the diaspora finance sector with quantitative data from two surveys on diaspora bonds from the Commonwealth (2018) and Mensah (2019). Furthermore, the paper reviews the existing body of literature on diaspora bonds and other f

The Effects of Programming, Communication, and Equality on Contraceptive Uptake

This paper aims to better understand how contraceptive uptake is influenced by both individual and environmental factors, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa, by comparing Uganda and Kenya as examples of different policy environments. Implementing a literature review and statistical regression, this paper analyses how various factors (including indicators of gender equality, family planning exposur

Emission Trading Systems and Forestry: Understanding the Case of New Zealand and Applications for Sweden through the EU ETS

Forest carbon sinks are becoming increasingly important as a climate change mitigation tool. To date, New Zealand is the only country that has fully incorporated forestry into its emission trading framework. This study seeks to understand if and how that has impacted forest management practices and carbon sink enhancement. Furthermore, this study seeks to understand to what extent the practices in

On Nonlocal Plasticity, Strain Softening and Localization

Plasticity theory represents a fundamental continuum approach to the study of great variety of phenomena in the mechanics of inelastic solids. Basic to the theory is the appearance of permanent deformation and its association with the phenomenological concept of plastic deformation. The origin of plastic deformation in a solid may be looked upon as the result of a complex interference of its micro

Change agency in (old) industrial regions : Shaping new futures

Denna avhandling studerar lokala aktörers roll vid förändringsarbete i gamla industriregioner. En gammal industriregion definieras som ett område med en ensidig och överspecialiserad industristruktur, som är dominerad av mogen industri och som upplever minskad sysselsättning och/eller avindustrialisering. Denna typ av region är ofta starkt påverkad av gamla strukturer och förväntas därför ha svåraThe aim of the dissertation is to develop a better understanding of the role of local agency in the transformation of old industrial regions. Theoretically the dissertation builds on concepts which are important in the debate on regional development in old industrial regions such as path dependency, negative lock-ins, the role of institutions, and new path development, while exploring and unpackin

Torima, Sutabaru? A Quantitative Study on Current Japanese Youth Language

In this thesis, several current and former trends of Japanese youth language are examined through the perspective of age-appropriate speakers, following previous scholarly arguments that youth language research is fraught with judgements made by non-members of the relevant age group. By the means of a quantitative online questionnaire, the study seeks to find examples of expressions that Japanese