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"Jag vill leva ett vanligt Svenssonliv, ha fru och barn och ett arbete" : en studie i missbrukande ungdomars väg till socialtjänstens öppenvårdsinsatser, hur ser ungdomarna och deras socialsekreterare på öppenvårdsinsatserna, är detta en möjlig vårdform för dessa ungdomar?

The purpose of this essay is to examine the social services voluntary contribution to youth abusers, how it looks like and how it is experienced by the youth and their social workers. Is it a possible solution for young abusers? The study is qualitative and based on interviews with four youths and their nine social workers. My original plan was to study how the voluntary contribution is perceived.

Socialtjänstlagen ur ett medborgarskapsteoretiskt perspektiv

The main objective with this paper was to explore if you could find traces of any of the three models of citizenship chosen; T.H. Marshalls liberal model, the liberal kommunitarian model and the republican model in the Swedish law for social cervices called Socialtjänstlagen (2001:435) and, if so, if any of these three could be said to be the dominant one in comparison to the two others. The resea

Familjehem och sammanbrott - Möjligheter och begränsningar vid familjehemsplacering av barn och unga

The purpose of this paper was to examine and analyse which possibilities and limits that exist when putting children in to foster homes. Through interviews with ten social workers, our aim was to answer the following questions: - Which factors will increase the possibility of breakdowns? - Which factors will reduce the possibility of breakdowns? - How does the social service work to prevent break

Ja, men, anmäl då!: hur anmälningsskyldigheten enligt 71 § SoL uppfattas av barnomsorgspersonal, föreståndare och socialsekreterare i två kommuner i södra Sverige

The purpose with our essay was to illustrate child-care workers, headmasters for the child-care and social-workers opinion and knowledge about the obligation to report according to the 71 § SoL, and investigate if there are any restraining factors like lack of knowledge or lack of support and to see how the cooperation works and how it understands by the different parts. The main questions have be

"Varför ska man inte få vara som man vill?" : om sju unga dans- och ishockeykillars syn på manlighet

The purpose of this assignment was to illustrate how some young boys, who attend upper secondary school on the specific ice hockey and dancing branches, look upon manliness, how they consider themselves and the environment in which they are active. Key questions were how they consider themselves, how they consider their immediate environment, what the sport gives them, and how they view upon their

Unga vuxnas inställning till arbete och försörjning

The purpose of this paper has been to observe and compare similarities and differences in approaches to work and providing for themselves amongst two groups of young people between the ages of 19-24, the so called generation Y, one including people who were currently out of work and therefor involved in jobseeking activities and another group who were undergraduate students of social work. We want

LVM = motivationsarbete?

My aim with this study was to make a research to find out if it is possible to force someone to motivation. I also wish to understand the clients point of view regarding the motivation within the forced rehabilitation and if this opinion changed due to the time they spent i rahabilitation. The study is based on six qualitative intervius, relevant literature and previous science. The problem was: -

Utbrändhet: kan det förstås ur ett samhällsperspektiv?

The purpose of this essay was to better be able to understand the concepts of neurasthenia and burnout, and also what connections that can be made between these concepts and changes in society. The questions I used was: How can we understand the concept neurasthenia ? How can we understand the concept burnout ? How can these concepts be connected to recent development in modern society ? The metho

"Den här planen är min!" : en utvärdering av ett försök med Gemensamma Individuella Handlingsplaner - en metod i socialt förändringsarbete

Detta är en utvärdering av en metod som syftar till att utveckla och effektivisera samverkan mellan myndigheter i en kommun; Gemensamma Individuella Handlingsplaner, GIH. En grupp handläggare från fyra myndigheter har arbetat fram metoden inom ett delprojekt ingående i ett större lokalt samverkansprojekt, FRISAM. Projektet riktar sig till personer med många myndighetskontakter, försörjningsstöd oc

"Tänk att få tid med det lilla extra ..." : om kvalitetsaspekter i socialt omsorgsarbete på gruppbostad för dementa utifrån ett personalperspektiv

The aim of this study is to decribe social care in homes for elderly mentally frail people and by means of social-philosophical theories identify and analyse these in relation to practical working in social care. The quality study has been possible by the use of interviews with four care-workers and by participant observation. My opinion is that - regarding quality aspects - there isn´t enough tim

"BO" - att konstruera en klient: om bilden av missbrukaren i Socialtjänstens skriftliga material

The purpose of this study was to see how the client with drug problems is described in written material from two social welfare offices. Our questions were: - Can there be found a common image of the client in the written material? - If so, what does this image consist of? - What can be the cause of a common image of the client in the written material? - Are there differences between the two socia

Våldsutsatta kvinnor : och socialtjänstens förutsättningar att ge dem hjälp och stöd enligt 5. kap 11 § SoL

In the past decades there has been a progress in the legislation which regulates the rights of battered women. The social services are the authority which has the primary responsibility for battered women. This responsibility is regulated in the law since 1998. Evaluations have shown that the support for battered women needs to be improved since a majority of the rural districts don’t have any eme

Jesus sa; "Den som dricker av det vatten jag ger honom blir aldrig mer törstig" ( : med Jesus som behandlare

The purpose with our essay was to examine and understand the import of treatment for drug abuse with Christian elements. Our study was based on a qualitative method and former written material about the subject. Ten persons were interviewed; persons in and after treatment, employed staff and social workers. The questions for our study was; what kind of background and current situation does the per

"I will follow the law of my country" : a study of young Shanghainese women's view on their future in the light of the one-child policy

The objective of this thesis was to reveal how young and well-educated Shanghainese women see their future in the light of the Chinese one-child policy and why. The questions were elaborated in depth through a qualitative interview study. They were contextualised through an analysis of historical data and applicable theory. The questions were how do young well-educated Shanghainese women view the

Med unga ögon - fadersbilden hos ungdomar boende i olika familjekonstellationer

The purpose of this study was to illuminate 14-16-year old boys’ and girls’ conception of their father in a comparison between young people who are living with both of their parents and young people who are living with their single mother, but who are in contact with their father. The main questions were: o How are fathers conceived by young people who are living with their fathers, respectively n

Skolkuratorn - Kameleonten : en uppsats om skolkuratorns yrkesroll

Syfte med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur skolkuratorns yrkesroll uppfattas av skolkuratorer själva och av andra yrkesgrupper i skolan. Frågeställningen är: Är skolkuratorns yrkesroll otydlig i skolan och vilka konsekvenser får det för skolkuratorn att bedriva socialt arbete i skolan? Avgränsande frågeställningar är: Vad är en skolkurator? Vilka samarbetsparter har en skolkurator och vilka relatio

Våldtäkt En studie av hur våldtäktsoffer och förövare framställs i domstolen

This essay concerns the legislation and legal procedures concerning the crime “rape”. We focus on rapes committed by young offenders and where young victims (girls) are involved. Media often presents a picture that raped girls don’t get a fair trial because she comes out as a bad looking girl in court. Our purpose has been to investigate and analyse rape from a historical and legal perspective and

Drogfri på kriminalvårdsanstalt, att välja eller inte välja? : "ett ja är alltid ett nej till något annat"

This research investigates the factors influencing prisoners to choose to participate or not in Gnistan Addiction Activities at the Halmstad Prison. The factors included in this study were the importance of network, the type of treatment model, the atmosphere of the institution, the prisoners’ definition of addiction, plus experience with previous treatment. We chose a triangulation method using b

Active parenting : en utvärderingsstudie av kursen för föräldrar med barn 2-12 år

Active Parenting is an American course for parents with children between 2-12 years. The purpose of Active Parenting is to give the parents support and practical instruments in their parenthood. The course is also given in many cities of Sweden. Our aim with this paper was to evaluate the course by interviewing parents who live in Malmö. To examine this, we have interviewed 10 parents who have par