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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Internally Displaced Person in Georgia: Gaps in Law and Practice

This thesis examines three different conflicts in two different areas in Georgia, which created 254,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the country. This thesis examines whether Georgia fulfills its obligations under international law towards these two groups of IDPs. The definition of the IDPs is compared according to the Guiding Principles of the United Nations and the Law of Georgia on F

Diffusion of European Norms: Adoption of the principle of rule of law by Georgia and Ukraine

Several founding democratic norms of the European Union (EU) may nowadays be found in their emerging stage in the post-Soviet countries outside of the Union’s borders. This is an indication that norms may get diffused, float around the continent and find a fertile soil in a new environment. Thus Georgia, located thousands of kilometers away from the EU, is highlighted as a success story of its coo

Figure, Figurality and Visual Representation of Human and Humanity in the First Decade of 21st Century Photojournalism

Thesis reflects on the notion of photojournalism, media and communication processes in the era of Internet and redeveloped global cultural exchange opportunities. Subject of authenticity in the news coverage and digital manipulation of the image contents – used under various conditions depending on intention – become the current social problem that it’s forced routinely and which demands a broader

Escaping Intimate Partner Violence - a study of social work with victims of violence in an argentine slum.

The aim of the study was to examine social work with female victims of intimate partner violence in a slum in Argentina. The resources available and the methods used by the participants were studied. Feminist theory was used to analyse the hierarchal order in the society and an intersectional perspective was applied to the situation of the victims. Empowerment theory was applied on the working met

The influence of climate and land cover on wildfire patterns in the conterminous United States

The occurrence of wildfires is greatly dependent on an ecoregions typical climate and land cover type. To investigate whether climate or land cover primarily lead to wildfires in the conterminous United States, wildfire events from 1999- 2010 are analyzed. Wildfires are divided into years and eco-divisions, a sub-form of ecoregions. To assess whether warmer and dryer divisions are more severely a

BLOCKS - from place to place

Over the last 20 years the population in large Swedish cities and their suburbs has grown with 25%. This massive population growth has increased the competition in the housing market, which results in people moving more often. The most frequent movers are between 20-30 years old and they move every 6-12 months. With this background the goal was to examine the living situation for these people. Wha

Den digitala undervisningssalen - Konsekvenserna som uppstår i samspelet mellan informationsteknologi och problembaserat lärande

Den här uppsatsen berör samspelet mellan undervisning och informationsteknologier. Teoretiskt har vi gått djupare in på hur elevernas och lärarnas roll förhåller sig till problembaserad lärandemetodik. Vi har samlat in empiriskt material efter kvalitativa intervjuer som vi har genomfört med lärare från högstadiet och gymnasiet. Empirin har analyserats tillsammans med våra teoretiska kapitel där v

Think past away - A study of reconciliation processes in Kenya

This study investigates reconciliation processes, based on narratives of experiences from a rural area in Rift Valley, Kenya. A qualitative method has been used and ten interviews were followed out with people who had taken part in a reconciliation workshop run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya. The authors also took part in such a workshop themselves. In the analysis, the theory of symb

Irregular Migration in the South: Migrating from Nicaragua to Costa Rica

Studies about migration and development consist of a vast field of themes. However, irregular migration between developing countries is to a large extent still an unexplored area. Based on a constructivist approach and a qualitative study, this paper explores the structural explanations of irregular migration from Nicaragua to Costa Rica and the categorisation of migration flows into ‘south’ and ‘

Barbed wire through the Orchard - The study of how fenced borders affect the security of people

The purpose of this thesis paper is to describe how a physical border affects the Human security of people living in the borderlands and to investigate how the theory of Zartman is compatible with Human security as described by Owens. The case described is the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) between Georgia and South Ossetia where Russian soldiers erect a fence in 2011. The study uses Zartman’s


The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of overweight and obesity on early retirement. Data is gathered from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) database and on this data a linear probability model is applied, using both a Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (POLS) and a Fixed Effect (FE) strategy. In addition, separate regressions are run for current and lagged Body Mas

Maskulinitet och kriminaliteten - en konstruktion? En studie av självbiografier

Abstract Author: Anne Ignell Title: Masculinity and crime – a construction? A study of autobiographies Supervisor: Anna Rypi Assessor: Eva Palmblad The aim of this study was to examine how masculinity and a criminal lifestyle is constructed in the story telling of two autobiographies written by men who have a heavy criminal background, and to see how these two constructions relate to each other.

Fågel, fisk eller mitt emellan? En studie av mellanchefer i arbetslivet

Som bakgrund till denna studie ligger uppfattningen att det finns en diskrepans kring hur mellanchefer utför sitt arbete då de både ska leda och bli ledda. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur mellanchefer i Sverige uppfattar sin roll i företaget de verkar i, samt hur de förhåller sig till sina underordnade respektive överordnade. Analysen av det empiriska materialet använder sig av Bourdi

Material flow design in a warehouse - The case of S:t Eriks

The proposed evaluation process concluded with providing some suggestions for the stockyard that helps S:t Eriks Staffanstorp to work in a more time efficient way, to achieve a better customer service related to shipping times. The solution is divided into two different ideas: storing according the ABC analysis assigning the areas close to the shipping area the A products, and the second one is fo

Från buzzword till sanning?

Examensarbetets titel: Från buzzword till sanning? Seminariedatum: 2014-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15HP Författare: Jeanna Lundberg och Julia Undin Handledare: Jon Bertilsson Fem nyckelord: buzzword, fad, svenska reklambranschen, content marketing, fäste Syfte: Att förbättra tidigare kunskap om hur reklambyråer i Sverige hanterar samt förhåller siTitle: From buzzword to truth? Seminar date: 2014-06-05 Course: FEKH29, Bahelor Thesis in Business Administration, specialization in marketing, Undergraduate level, 15ECTS Authors: Jeanna Lundberg and Julia Undin Advisor: Jon Bertilsson Key words: buzzword, fad, the Swedish advertising business, content marketing, attachment Purpose: Improving prior knowledge of how advertising agencies in S

Diktaturens fångar

Democratization is one of the most studied and problematic areas in political science. Democracy theories are gaining more power and influence in society and researchers are gaining greater influence over those who work practically with development and democratization. This paper will investigate why Ethiopia is not becoming more democratic, despite the fact that the country has moved from a milit

Grooming - En granskning av bestämmelsen om kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte ur ett rättssäkerhets- och effektivitetsperspektiv

Grooming är en systematisk process, som för det första kränker barn och för det andra möjliggör att barn kan utsättas för fysiska övergrepp. Barn blir lurade särskilt av gärningsmän då de inte har samma skyddsmekanismer och riskmedvetande som en vuxen person. Kommunikationsteknologins framväxt under 2000-talet har utökat möjligheterna för vuxna som vill ta kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte. År 200Grooming is a systematic process, which firstly violates children, and secondly enables children to be subjected to physical forms of abuse. Children are deceived especially as they lack the same psychological safety mechanisms and risk awareness as that of an adult. The growth of communications technology during the 21st century has increased the possibilities for adults that seek contact with ch

Invändning om bristande kontradiktion i privatdomarförfarande

Vid sidan av civilprocess och skiljeförfarande kan kommersiella parter av-tala om att en tvist dem emellan ska avgöras av en inhyrd konsult. Om tvis-ten genomförs som att judiciellt förfarande benämns förfarandet i den här uppsatsen privatdomarförfarande. Konsulten benämns privatdomare. I civilprocessen och i skiljeförfarandet kräver lagregler att en part ska ha möjlighet att få uttala sig innan Instead of using litigation or arbitration, commercial parties may hire a con-sultant to settle their dispute. If the dispute resolution method is judicial in its character, this thesis defines it as private judging (privatdomarför-farande). The consultant is called a private judge (privatdomare). Litigation and arbitration have rules granting the parties to a dispute the right to prior notice and

Östeuropas slumrande konflikter

Russia have recently started to reassert themselves in their near abroad. With their annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea peninsula following an independence referendum other post-Soviet states have been looking at their Russian minorities nervously for signs of similar separatist tendencies. This paper will examine if there are valid reasons for these fears. To do this a comparative study has been

Sanning eller konsekvens? Amnesty Internationals hantering av balansgången mellan fredsbyggande och rättviseskipande vad gäller juridiska och icke-juridiska former av rättvisa

This essay aims to investigate how Amnesty International handles the so called peace versus justice dilemma in post-conflict societies. This is done by studying a number of Amnesty publications published between 1996 and 2000, concerning various aspects of justice within the peacebuilding-process in Sierra Leone. More concretely, what is studied is whether Amnesty tends to prefer judicial (trials)