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Equality of Opportunity in Argentina - A Case Study of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program "Universal Allocation per Child"

This study is an evaluation of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program Universal Allocation per Child (AUH) in Argentina as a policy to reduce inequality of opportunity among children. Creating a Human Development Index (HOI), as developed by Paes de Barros et al. in 2009, I measure the changes in level of opportunity before and after the implementation of the AUH program, and I complement the

Bangladesh Democratization Process

Bangladesh became an independent country in 1971 and enforced a democratic governance system in 1991. The country has been witnessing a fairly steady economic and social growth processes during the past two decades. However, the political system in the country has not been seeing the same type of development. During four out of eight years in the time period 2001-08 Bangladesh was considered to be

En organisation, en röst? - Hur upplever olika målgruppers intresseorganisationer sin påverkan på den kommunala policyprocessen

This paper tries to contribute to the research on governance in Swedish municipalities. The investigation compares the relationship between Civil Society Organizations representing two different social groups and the municipality. Schneider & Ingram´s theory on social construction of target groups and the concepts of dependents and advantaged is used as an analytical tool. It is hence a compar

Oro relaterat till kommunikation. En kvantitativ studie om patienter på akutmottagningen.

De sjukhusbundna akutmottagningarna är en central verksamhet i Sveriges sjukvårdssystem som ger samhällsmedborgare möjlighet till snabb vård. Antalet akutbesök vid dessa inrättningar beräknas vara cirka 2,5 miljoner per år. Många patienter som söker till akutmottagningen är mycket oroliga över sin hälsa. Studien hade till syfte att jämföra självskattad oro hos patienter på akutmottagningen med der

Perspektiv på segmentering av Telias employer branding

Problem definition: Employer branding involves branding the company as an employer to potential and current employees. The concept has gained widespread attention in both theory and practice in recent years. TeliaSonera has earlier outlined an employer branding strategy at a general and broad level, but now wishes to narrow their strategy in order to make the employer brand more attractive. The th

Mixed Micelles of Oppositely Charged Diblock Copolymers - a Dynamic and Static Light Scattering Study

Polymerer är naturliga eller syntetiska makromolekyler som är uppbyggda av flera repeterande enheter, monomerer. I blocksampolymerer är de ingående typerna av monomerer fördelade i olika block i polymeren, t.ex. A och B. Blocksampolymerer är ett intressant forskningsområde med möjliga tillämpningar inom bland annat läkemedelstransport, så kallad controlled drug release, d.v.s för kontrollerad frisIn the present work, the formation of complex coacervate micelles and aggregates of the oppositely charged diblock copolymers poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)27-b-poly((3-acrylamidopropyl)trimethylammoniumchloride)15 [PNIPAAM27-b-PAMPTMA15(+)] and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)27-b-poly(2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic sodium)15 [PNIPAAM27-b-PAMPS15(-)] in aqueous solution have been studied at diff

Att mäta passformsnivån mellan arbetsprocesser och funktioner i ett informationssystem

Denna studie kommer att examinera hur man undersöker passformen mellan arbetsprocesser och funktioner som finns tillgängligt i ett informationssystem som användarna använder. Syftet är att överblicka och se vilka delar av en arbetsprocess som inte utförs effektivt, och därmed inte har en bra passform men informationssystemets funktioner. Studien kommer att samla in data kring användarnas arbetspro

State Aid and the Financial Crisis - A Special View from Iceland

European State Aid Law is rapidly becoming one of the most important area of law within the European Union. Since the beginning of 1970 the Commission and the Court have had to deal with more and more State Aid cases as it grew in correspondence with its growth. There has not been an extensive work done on State Aid until this Millennium with the works of Kelyn Bacon and Mark Heidenhain right up t

Employer attitudes towards people with a psychological disability

Only ten percent of people with disabilities in Sweden hold a salaried employment and one of the main barriers in hiring these individuals is employer attitudes. Using a correlational approach, the aim of this study was to investigate employer attitudes towards hiring people with a psychological disability. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed to headhunters and employers with hiring respon

Cloud Growth and Challenges

The purpose of this thesis is to probe more into how users are influenced to use cloud computing amidst the various cloud challenges and risks. Cloud computing is a new and advanced way of handling services, applications, resources, infrastructures and as any other Information Technologies, is composed of challenges and as well as possibilities. But like other technologies that die along with its