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Throughput analysis of three multiuser diversity schemes

The throughput of three slot allocation schemes for the downlink of a wireless TDMA system are investigated under the assumption of block-Rayleigh fading. The schemes use the instantaneous SNR at the users in order to take advantage of the independent fading of the channels. In the first scheme, which has been proposed earlier (R. Knopp et al., 1995), the base station transmits to the user that ex

Avsked från världen : Dikter. Jacob Frese. Urval, inledning och kommentarer av Daniel Möller

Barockskalden Jacob Frese tillhörde länge de mest omtyckta svenskspråkiga poeter­na från första hälften av 1700-talet, men idag är det få som hittar fram till hans diktskatt. Frese var född i Viborg omkring 1690. Sedan ryssarna 1710 ockuperat staden kom han till Stockholm och fick tjänst som kanslist vid det kungliga kansliet. Våren 1712 drabbades han av ”skälvesot”, en häftig frossa som sedan åte

Kan romaner ge själavård? Pastorala tankar kring Bo Giertz författarskap

Kan romaner ge själavård? Det kan även svåra och långt ifrån kristna romaner göra, men aldrig ensamma. I en tid som strävar efter individuellt avpassade svar på allting, har romanen emellertid en märklig förmåga att ge just mina frågor, min längtan och mina tillkortakommanden ett inre sammanhang och en plats i ett större mönster, som jag annars kan ha svårt att finna. I bästa fall kan romanen ocks

Reform in Sweden. From Confessional Provincialism towards World Ecumenism

The development of reform in Swedish piety during the 'long' nineteenth century coincides with the working period of th 'long' Bible committee, 1773-1917. The nineteenth century was a century of Luther reading, with an ecclesiastical shift, including reforms of ecclesiastical books and changes on many levels from collectivism and institutionalism towards individualism. Popular pious songs were spr

Communication, Rationality, and Conceptual Changes in Scientific Theories

This article outlines how conceptual spaces theory applies to modeling changes of scientific frameworks when these are treated as spatial structures rather than as linguistic entities. The theory is briefly introduced and five types of changes are presented. It is then contrasted with Michael Friedman’s neo-Kantian account that seeks to render Kuhn’s “paradigm shift” as a communicatively rational

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In this article, I argue that Finnish passive participle (e.g. avattu 'opened' and suljettu 'closed') can be multiply ambiguous: the "same" morphophonological forms exhibit different patterns of eventivity and agentivity, and are used to form "traditional" non-agreeing passives, agreeing resultative passives and agreeing sentences that describe "pure" states and behave in most contexts like "tradi

Prospects for Bioenergy in Europe - Supply, Demand and Trade

Renewable energy sources (RES), such as biomass, can be used to address two important issues in Europe: climate change and energy security. If biomass is produced sustainably and used efficiently, bioenergy contributes very little to CO2 emissions. The overall objective of the work presented in this thesis is to provide a scientific basis describing how bioenergy can play a fundamental role in the