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Fashioning use: A polemic to provoke pro-environmental garment maintenance

During fashion’s life cycle the highest environmental impacts come from use: the way people maintain clothes in everyday life. Considering the way clothes are used allows designers to embed pro-environmental practices in garments with vast resource conservation potential. This chapter provides examples of garment design that shape the way people wash clothes. No-wash garments are found to be most

The Pseudospectrum of Systems of Semiclassical Operators

In this paper we study the pseudospectrum (spectral instability) of non-selfadjoint semiclassical systems of principal type, generalizing the results in the scalar case by Dencker, Sjostrand and Zworski in Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 57:3 (2004), 384-415.

Why Foil 4? A first look

Recent studies have shown that ability to recognize an imitated voice is affected by topic and familiarity with the person being imitated. The signal detection methods used in those studies give no specific information about the distribution of non matching positive responses (false alarms) amongst voices used as distracters (foils). This paper shows that there was a selective listener preference

Classification of bird song syllables using singular vectors of the multitaper spectrogram

Classification of song similarities and differences in one bird species is a subtle problem where the actual answer is more or less unknown. In this paper, the singular vectors when decomposing the multitaper spectrogram are proposed to be used as feature vectors for classification. The advantage is especially for signals consisting of several components which have stochastic variations in the amp

Biochemical and Physiological Characterization of Nonsymbiotic Plant Hemoglobins

Popular Abstract in English People normally associate hemoglobin with blood. It is true that the iron in the center of the hemoglobin molecule makes it excellent at carrying oxygen in the bloodstream from the lungs to every part of the body. However, seventy five years ago a hemoglobin was found in a plant. And plants do not have blood. So what is hemoglobin doing in plants? What are its functionsHemoglobins (Hb) are usually associated with blood in humans. However, these proteins are widely distributed among living organisms. In plants the most known group are the leghemoglobins. Still, other Hbs that not participate in symbiosis are also found. They are known as nonsymbiotic Hbs (nsHbs). NsHbs are divided into class-1 and class-2. In this thesis three nsHbs from sugar beet (BvHb1-1, BvHb

Neuronal Fantasies : Reading Neuroscience with Schreber

This essay examines the aesthetics and rhetoric through which popular science delivers the message of brain-mind conflation—‘You are your brain’. Noting the entwinement of realist and imaginary visual tropes in popular scientific presentations of brain imaging, author seeks a correlative ‘counter-text’ to this discourse in one of the classic texts in psychiatric history, the memoirs of the paranoi