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Att våldta ett barn. Gränsdragningen mellan brotten våldtäkt mot barn och sexuellt utnyttjande av barn.

Denna uppsats tar upp gränsdragningen mellan brottet våldtäkt mot barn och det mindre allvarliga brottet sexuellt utnyttjande av barn, men även de fall där ansvarsfrihet kan komma ifråga. Genom 2005 års sexualbrottreform infördes ett nytt 6 kap. i BrB med särskilda straffbestämmelser om bland annat våldtäkt mot barn. Tillämpningsområdet för brottet våldtäkt mot barn vidgades jämfört med våldtäktsbThis paper addresses the demarcation between the offence rape of a child and the less grave offence sexual exploitation of a child, but also those cases where an exemption of liability might be considered. The Sexual Offences Reform of 2005 introduced a new Chapter 6 of the Swedish Penal Code, with special penal provisions concerning inter alia rape of a child. The scope of the offence rape of a c

Gläntan - ledutveckling ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

Friluftsliv är en växande sektor som innefattar vandringsturism. Varje region med självkänsla utvecklar vandringsleder för att locka vandrare från när och fjärran. I sin strävan att utveckla de mest intressanta och mest tillgängliga lederna anpassas lederna efter besökarens fysiska och psykiska förutsättningar. I förbindelse till detta har informationsteknik blivit en naturlig följeslagare längs lOutdoor life is a growing sector which includes the trekking tourism. Each region with self- esteem develops trekking trails in order to attract trekkers from far and wide. In their quest to develop the most interesting and most accessible routes the trails are adapted to the visitor ́s physical and mental conditions. In doing so information systems as information technology has become a natural c

Smart Zabrze: Building on a Mine of Opportunities

In this report the reader is introduced to the vision for the Smart City Zabrze in Poland. This new city district in Zabrze - Nowe Miasto is a ca. 250ha large plot of mostly agricultural land and wetland vegetation. Smart City Zabrze will help pave the way for sustainable development of the Nowe Miasto area. The vision constitutes of three pillars: 1) the creation of a green network along the stre

Volatility Forecasting In the Nordic Stock Market

This paper studies volatility prediction on OMX Stockholm 30, OMX Helsinki 25 and OMX Nordic 40. The models used are a historical variance model, an exponentially weighted moving average model and three models from the GARCH family. These are GARCH(1,1), EGARCH(1,1) and GJR(1,1), with normal and t-distribution respectively. The volatility for 2008-2013 is forecasted with a rolling window technique

Analys av slutmonteringsprocesser utifrån ett kvalitetsperspektiv

Problem definition The supplier is currently experiencing some quality issues regarding the assembly of their brake components. The main problem is that the assembly lines function as filters for the entire manufacturing process. This is a rather inefficient and costly way of working, errors made in previous processes or by suppliers are brought to awareness first during assembly. In order to addr

Varumärkesorienteringens strategiska betydelse i icke-vinstdrivande organisationer ´En explorativ studie

Background A brand oriented company is recognized by its regard of strong brands and the ability to build strong brands as strategic resources. For a long time, companies in the private sector have had a monopoly on brand focused activities and research in this area has often been targeted to this specific sector. Another category of organizations has recently discovered the perks of building stro

Efterlevnad av redovisningsstandarder

Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera leasingtagares efterlevnad av nuvarande redovisningsstandard för leasingavtal enligt IAS 17. I studien har en kvalitativ metod i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med redovisningsspecialister används. Det har även genomförts en dokumentstudie utav fyra flygbolags årsredovisningar för att ge studie ytterligare djup. Studiens teoretiska reThe purpose of this study is to describe and analyse the lessee compliance with existing accounting standard for lease agreements under IAS 17. This study is based on a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews with accounting specialists represents the primary data in the study. Furthermore have four companies’ annual reports from 2013 been studied in order to receive greater understa

Kilohertz electro-optics for remote sensing of insect dispersal

This thesis evaluates the possibilities of determining the flight direction of insects by analysing the wingbeat modulation pattern of the backscattered sunlight from insects. The Lund University Mobile Biosphere Observatory (LUMBO) was used during the summer of 2013 for a field campaign at two locations in Skåne, Sweden. The purpose of the campaigns was to study insect activity and biodiversity i

Fastighetsfinansiering - En fallstudie om finansieringsmöjligheter i Sverige och Danmark

Författarna ämnar beskriva och analysera fastighetsföretags finansieringsmöjligheter och överväganden vid finansiering inom fastighetsbranschen. Studien har visat att det finns skillnader avseende finansieringsmöjligheter för svenska fastighetsbolag i Sverige respektive Danmark. Tradition påverkar hur marknaderna ser ut, och därmed vilka olika alternativ som finns tillgängliga på respektive marknaThe authors wish to describe and analyse real estate companies’ considerations regarding financing in the real estate industry. The thesis concludes that there are major differences regarding real estate financing alternatives in Sweden and Denmark. Tradition affects largely the different options available in each market. On the Swedish market the trend is toward continued growth of alternative fi

Små molekyler - Stor avkastning? - En studie av börsintroduktioners långsiktiga avkastning på den amerikanska läkemedelsbranschen

Syftet är att undersöka börsintroduktioner i läkemedelsbranschen och huruvida de underpresterar gentemot valt index på lång sikt. Samband mellan prestation och utvalda variabler testas. Tidigare forskning visar på generell långsiktig underprestation vid börsintroduktioner, hur pass applicerbar denna forsknings är på läkemedelsbranschen testas i uppsatsen.The purpose of this thesis is to examine initial public offerings in the health care and whether they underperform or not in the long run. The correlation between the performance and chosen variables is to be tested. Earlier research shows that there generally is long-run underperformance present after an IPO, this study tests if this research is applicable in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

Egna märkesvaror och beslut kring vertikal integration

Titel: Datum för seminarie: Kurs: Författare: Handledare: Nyckelord: Forskningsfråga: Metod: Teoretisk referensram: Empiri: Resultat: Abstrakt “Egna märkesvaror och beslut kring vertikal integration” - En fallstudie av beslutsprocessen inom ICA. 2015- 01-16 FEKH19, Kandidatarbete, 15 högskolepoäng Alexander Alm, Petra Görman, Maximilian Moëll Niklas Hallberg Egna märkesvaror (EMV), leverantörsmärkTitle: Seminar date: Course: Authors: Advisor: Keywords: Thesis purpose: Methodology: “Private label products and the decision on vertical integration” - A case study of the decision-making at ICA. 2015- 01-16 FEKH19, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, Business Administration, 15 University Credit Points Alexander Alm, Petra Görman, Maximilian Moëll Niklas Hallberg Private Labels, Brands, Vertica

Dynamisk simulering för att förbättra hanteringen av järnvägsstörningar

Simulering kan förbättra hanteringen av järnvägsstörningar Förseningar i järnvägssystemet kostar årligen såväl industrin som samhället miljardbelopp. Därför är det viktigt att minimera tiden som ett tåg står stilla efter en störning, som till exempel ett kontaktledningsbrott eller en personpåkörning. I examensarbetet presenteras en simuleringsmodell som kan användas som ett verktyg för att hitta Within the Swedish rail network, maximum track capacity is reached on multiple sections with costly delays as a result. Therefore minimizing the time a train is stationary after a disruption such as overhead line damage or suicide is important. Prior work has mapped stakeholders within the management of the two scenarios, but due to complexity, finding effective means of improvement is difficult.

Brandskydd i flerbostadshus– en utvärdering av tekniska brandskyddssystem

The aim of this report is to find cost-efficient fire safety solutions for saving lives due to fires in Swedish apartment buildings. This is done by evaluating existing systems through a cost-benefit analysis based on the value of a statistical life. The fire protection systems potential effects for different types of fires are evaluated based on a scenario analysis of the most common deaths due t

Web Browser Based Ladder-Editor

The goal for this master thesis is the creation of a graphical ladder-editor in JavaScript and HTML5. The editor is made in such a manner that the user inserts blocks by selecting them from a menu. Then the block is inserted simply by them clicking where the block should be inserted. The editor itself should handle the required lines. The editor also contains a menu with custom made buttons which

Being parent / teacher to a child who is growing up with ADHD: a single case study about bilingual child in a Swedish milieu

The main idea with this thesis is to discuss the situation of the parent and the teacher of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Previous research on the parents’ and the teachers’ per-spective of the children has helped me to understand the complexity of the disorder. I have analyzed a single case of a child from Poland who came with his parents to Sweden and started educ