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Nothing more to see : Contestations of belonging and visibility in Russian media
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka vilken roll synlighet spelar i skapandet och utmanandet av tillhörighet till politiska gemenskaper. Baserat på en empirisk studie av ryska medier under 2010-talet föreslås ett sätt att teoretiskt begreppsliggöra förhållandet mellan synlighet och tillhörighet, som utgår från idén att vad som blir synligt för en publik och hur,The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the role of visibility in the production and contestation of belonging to political communities. On the basis of an empirical enquiry of Russian media during the 2010s, a theoretical conceptualization of the relation between visibility and belonging is suggested, starting in the idea that what becomes visible to publics and how, and what is rendered i
Willingness to pay for health improvements of physical activity on prescription.
AIMS: To estimate the willingness to pay for health improvements among participants in the programme "Physical Activity on Prescription". The objective was also to examine predictors such as income, education level, health status, activity level and BMI, differences for long- and short-term health effects of physical activity and differences between a high- and low-intensity activity group. METHOD
Crisis communication in a new world: Reaching multicultural publics through old and new media
Abstract in UndeterminedCrisis communication is a growing field of research and practice. A weakness in the traditional research field is the lack of theoretical development and the isolated sender and mass communication focus. In the present paper, we challenge traditional research by focusing on the contemporary cultural and ethnic diversity in society from an audience-oriented media perspective
Controlling many-body effects in the midinfrared gain and terahertz absorption of quantum cascade laser structures
A many-body theory based on nonequilibrium Green functions, in which transport and optics are treated on a microscopic quantum-mechanical basis, is used to compute gain and absorption in the optical and terahertz regimes in quantum cascade laser structures. The relative importance of Coulomb interactions for different intersubband transitions depends strongly on the spatial overlap of the wave fun
Obstetric management of intrauterine growth restriction.
The aim of obstetric management is to identify growth-restricted foetuses at risk of severe intrauterine hypoxia, to monitor their health and to deliver when the adverse outcome is imminent. After 30-32 gestational weeks, a Doppler finding of absent or reverse end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery of a small-for-gestational age foetus is in itself an indication for delivery. In very preterm f
Blodtryck och diabetes typ 2: ACCORD-studiens resultat måste respekteras.
Statliga forskningsmedel bör finansiera kritisk samhällsforskning
Vasoactive Peptides with Angiogenesis-Regulating Activity Predict Cancer Risk in Males.
BACKGROUND: Tumor development requires angiogenesis, and antiangiogenesis has been introduced in the treatment of cancer patients; however, how the cardiovascular phenotype correlates with cancer risk remains ill-defined. Here, we hypothesized that vasoactive peptides previously implicated in angiogenesis regulation predict long-term cancer risk.METHODS: We measured midregional proatrial natriuret
Charles Dickens i filmform
Development and Application of Pure Rotational CARS for Reactive Flows
Popular Abstract in Swedish Eftersom mer än 80% av världens samlade energianvändning är beroende av förbränning i någon form är vidare kunskap om förbränningsprocessen viktig. Fortsatt effektivisering av förbränningsprocessen är idag högaktuell för uppbyggnad av framtidens mer miljövänliga energisystem och för utvecklingen utnyttjas omfattande diagnostikarbeten. Inom området anses diagnostik med hThe thesis deals with the further development of pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (RCARS) for improving the capabilities of gas phase thermometry. The main effort has been to make the technique more robust when employed under a wide range of temperatures and operational conditions. A primary aim has been to investigate the impact of collisional broadening on N2 RCARS thermom
On the Forward-Backward Spatial APES
In this fast communication, we examine non-parametric data-adaptive spatial spectrum estimation using an array of sensors. We derive a forward-backward (FB) version of the recent spatial APES (SAPES) beamformer, and show that the SAPES algorithm is robust to the case of pairwise coherent sources. Numerical simulations indicate that the proposed FB version of SAPES offers higher resolution than the
A Hybrid Approach to the Modelling and Simulation of Grinding Processes
We present recent advances in the modelling and simulation of Internal Traverse Grinding, a high performance grinding process incorporating a high rate of material removal combined with a high surface quality. Due to a special grinding wheel geometry, the latter two goals are achieved in just one pass of the tool through the axisymmetric workpiece. The simulation framework we present generally con
Independence of the judiciary – A fundament of human rights
Framtiden på spåren i Sydsverige. Seminarie vid LTH 24 april 1990.
Us and Them. Talking about Social and Ethnic Groups
The Making of Embrace and Exclusion: Isaiah 53 in the Light of Homecoming After Exile
Abstract This study attempts to understand what problem Isa 53 addresses and seeks to answer. The question is asked as an historical question and it is argued that Isa 53 address a specific historical problem, arising out of the conflicts created after the return of those who had gone into exile. At the end of the exile, there was hope that the deported people would return to the land, that the l