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A Comparison of TDD and FDD Massive MIMO Systems Against Smart Jamming

Frequency division duplex (FDD) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems introduce a large overhead in downlink channel estimation in contrast to the time division duplex (TDD) mode. This overhead results in a considerable spectral efficiency (SE) gap between the FDD and TDD modes. In this paper, we consider the performance of the TDD and FDD massive MIMO systems with a spatially corr

Similar distribution of pelvic sentinel lymph nodes and nodal metastases in cervical and endometrial cancer. A prospective study based on lymphatic anatomy

Objective: Comparing the anatomical distribution of metastatic and non-metastatic pelvic sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) in cervical and endometrial cancer. Methods: Detailed SLN mapping results were prospectively retrieved in cervical (n = 145) or high-risk endometrial cancer (n = 201) patients undergoing a robotic staging procedure. Cervically injected Indocyanine Green (ICG), allowing for reinjectio

Ecological impact of introduced and native crayfish on freshwater communities : European perspectives

Interest in the culture of freshwater crayfish throughout Europe has increased during the last few decades. However, the effects of both introduced and native crayfish species on the structure and diversity of freshwater communities has received little attention. In this paper, I review the impact of crayfish on macrophytes, algae, invertebrates, amphibians and fish; also I compare the impact of i

Core-Shell Spheroidal Hydrogels Produced via Charge-Driven Interfacial Complexation

Through charge-driven interfacial complexation, we produced millimeter-sized spheroidal hydrogels (SH) with a core-shell structure allowing long-term stability in aqueous media. The SH were fabricated by extruding, dropwise, a cationic cellulose nanofibril (CCNF) dispersion into an oppositely charged poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) bath. The SH have a solid-like CCNF-PAA shell, acting as a semipermeable

Exploring degrowth policy proposals: A systematic mapping with thematic synthesis

Degrowth – the planned and democratic reduction of production and consumption as a solution to the social-ecological crises – is slowly making its way to the sphere of policy-making. But there is a problem: proposals are scattered through a voluminous literature, making it difficult for decision-makers to pinpoint the concrete changes associated with the idea of degrowth. To address this issue, we

Sphingosine 1-Phoshpate Receptors are Located in Synapses and Control Spontaneous Activity of Mouse Neurons in Culture

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is best known for its roles as vascular and immune regulator. Besides, it is also present in the central nervous system (CNS) where it can act as neuromodulator via five S1P receptors (S1PRs), and thus control neurotransmitter release. The distribution of S1PRs in the active zone and postsynaptic density of CNS synapses remains unknown. In the current study, we invest