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The objective of this thesis is to investigate the students’ experience of using the target language in the classroom and that, by doing so, the obstacles and possible solutions to develop oral skills will be identified. The thesis is largely based on the theories of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCA) and Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE). The hypothesis of this thesis is that both the anxi

Gunshot Detection from Audio Streams in Portable Devices

Machine learning and artificial neural networks can be used to classify or detect specific sound events in audio signals. Gunshot detection is one use case for such networks and can be used to help law enforcement by alerting officers or triggering camera recordings. However, artificial neural networks with a high performance usually require large amounts of computational power, meaning that they

A Maasai Model to Wildlife Conservation: Exploring environmental subjectivities among the Maasai living in and around Naretunoi Community Conservancy and next to Nairobi National Park in Kenya

Objectives: Wildlife in Kenya, much like globally, is under significant pressure. In Kenya alone, there has been a 60 percent decrease in species and the remaining wildlife is faced with habitat loss and climate change, among others. The study of conservation practices - responding to the many challenges underlying the “sixth mass extinction” - has never been more relevant. All the more so is the

An Investigation of Methods for Flow Measurements in a Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger for Predictive Maintenance

For a company to stay relevant in the long term, it is essential to keep up with the latest technology and continuously consider new innovative solutions for improving products and services. The gasketed plate heat exchanger (GPHE) is a mechanical device, and this work attempts to investigate different possibilities for incorporating sensor devices and predictive maintenance systems to improve the

Hantering av GIS i kommuner. En studie kring hur kommuner hanterar organisatoriska och institutionella hinder vid användningen av geografiska informationssystem

Trots att hinder till GIS-användning varit kända sedan 1990-talet och trots att författare gett förslag på hur hindren bör överkommas existerar fortfarande hinder till GIS-användning inom kommuner. Denna studies syfte är att beskriva hanteringen av organisatoriska och institutionella hinder till GIS-användning hos de samhällsplanerande avdelningarna inom kommuner. Studien influerades av en kvalita

Fostering The Customers’ Purchase Intentions Through Social Media Influencers: An Intervening and Interactional Analysis

This study emphasizes the significance of social media influencer traits, such as expert, trustworthiness, likeability, and homophily, in determining the legitimacy of social media influencers as a formative construct in Sweden's fashion sector. It successfully instils brand image in customers, which leads to purchase intentions. More decisively, brand image influences the link between the tru

Will AI Change How We Innovate? - A Study of Inventive AI, Patentability, and Inventorship in Light of the DABUS case

I en intervju med publicisten Ken Tyler så beskrev den amerikanska efterkrigskonstnären och abstraktionisten Helen Frankenthaler uppfinnarskapet som en regellös aktivitet: “Så föds konsten, på det sättet sker genombrott. Bryt mot reglerna eller ignorera dem. Det är vad uppfinnarskap handlar om.” Jämfört med juridikens precisa och noggranna metodik så framstår uppfinnandets skapande metod något anThe U.S. painter Helen Frankenthaler, a behemoth of post-war American abstractionist painting, once described the act of inventing as an activity without rules. ”This is how art is born, how breakthroughs happen. Go against the rules or ignore the rules. That is what invention is about”, she is quoted saying in a 1994 interview with legendary publisher Ken Tyler. In contrast with the precise and

The Religious Practice to Circumcise Boys – Who’s Right Will Prevail? Balancing Child and Parental Rights Under the ECHR.

Den religiösa seden att omskära pojkar är mycket omdiskuterad. Den ena gruppen ställer sig bakom föräldrarnas rätt till religionsfrihet, den andra ställer sig bakom pojkars rätt till kroppslig autonomi och religionsfrihet, det vill säga rätten att inte bli omskuren. I denna uppsats kommer dessa intressen att beaktas ur ett EKMR-perspektiv. Europadomstolen har ännu inte prövat ett fall om pojkars rThe religious practice to circumcise boys is widely debated. One group is siding with the parental right to freedom of religion. The other is siding with boys’ right to bodily autonomy and freedom of religion, that is, not to be circumcised. In this thesis, these interests will be considered from the perspective of the ECHR. The ECtHR is yet to try a case regarding boys’ right or lack thereof not

Samma takt till nya toner - handläggare om yrkesidentitet och professionell status efter ändrad delegationsordning

Social work has been the subject for many reformations during the last decades. One change in the execution of meeting the needs of the public – a changed delegation order – decreases the social workers’ right to make decisions, in the social service’s housing unit in a Swedish municipality. The aim of this study was to investigate what this change means for the professionals at this organization,

Wellness - Hälsa eller Skönhet? : en kvalitativ textanalys av YouTube-serien "Beauty Secrets"

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ textanalys med titeln Wellness - hälsa eller skönhet? - En kvalitativ textanalys av YouTube-serien “Beauty Secrets”, skriven av Vera Stiglund, Ebba Antesson Månsdotter och Olivia Viklund. Uppsatsen är skriven i ämnet Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds Universitet. Undersökningen studerar Wellness och hur fenomenet

Barn under 15 år som misstänks för brott - En granskning av straffprocessen utifrån ett barnrättsperspektiv

Trots att barn under 15 år är inte straffmyndiga och därmed inte får dömas till någon påföljd kan brott de begår bli föremål för en polisutredning. När möjligheten för polisen att utreda brott begångna av icke straffmyndiga barn infördes på 80-talet var det främst för att resultatet av utredningen skulle ligga till grund för samhällets sociala insatser beträffande barnet, ett ändamål som ändrats mDespite the fact that children under the age of 15 are not criminally responsible and therefore cannot be sentenced to any punishment, they can still be investigated by the police. When the possibility to investigate crimes committed by children under the age of 15 was introduced in the 1980s, the purpose was mainly to assist the social services with information about the child in order to provide

“En ensam galning” – med folkligt stöd och utstuderad ideologi: Om högerpopulismens påverkan på rasistiskt våld

In recent years a trend of alt-right extremism has taken place globally. While radical right-wing populism (RRP) is also on the rise, events like the Capitol attack during the presidency of Donald J. Trump raise questions about how politics might affect the use of extremist violence. Focusing on racist hate crimes, this paper considers whether radical right-wing populism affects the degree of raci

Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av att bedöma smärta hos patienter med demenssjukdomar

Bakgrund: Demenssjukdomar ökar bland befolkningen då vården förbättrats och därmed lever människan längre. Demens utgör en kognitiv svikt som påverkar kommunikationsmöjligheterna vilket skapar en barriär mellan patienten och sjuksköterskan, och därmed påverkas även sjuksköterskans möjlighet till att effektivt smärtbedöma patienter med demens. Syfte: Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att undersök

Agreed Payment for Non-performance in International Commercial Contracts

The commercial contracts commonly require an agreed payment clause for nonperformance. This clause provides agreed statement of the amount recovered by the innocent party in case of a breach of contract. The term, agreed payment for non-performance includes two types of clauses, penalty clause and liquidated damages clause. The penalty clause and liquidated damages clause have similar features

Lexical competition and predictive certainty in speech recognition: Modulations of pre-activation negativity amplitude by continuations, entropy and inhibition

A growing body of evidence suggests that speech recognition is facilitated by rapid activation of possible lexical candidates and subsequent competition and selection. An event-related potential (ERP) component 136-204 ms after word onset, the pre-activation negativity (PrAN), correlates with lexical competition. Further, the increased negativity for low lexical competition correlates with increas

To comprehend young people´s approach in the digital environment during the covid-19 pandemic. Risks and Opportunities.

The aim of this essay was to understand young people´s approach towards the digital environment during the covid-19 pandemic, when their physical education relocated into the digital environment and their homes. A form of teaching they have never faced before, which can be equated as almost an experiment. This one-year master thesis includes a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews. Eig

"Effect of hydrocolloids on rheological behaviour and sensory characteristics of plant-based sausage analogue."

Rheology is a science studying the flow, deformation and fracturing of a material. For a general understanding, this science is utilised to predict how a certain material will behave under certain conditions; in other words, the aim is the characterization of a material. (Wahlkrantz, 2020) This characterization is used to describe the elastic behaviour and the flow behaviour of a material. The ela