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Soft-output-decoding: Some aspects from information theory

Recent literature presents methods for the analysis of concatenated coding schemes by solely characterizing the behavior of the component codes [4], [12], [16], [9], [7]. Component codes are analyzed either analytically using unique properties of special component codes, e.g., single-parity-check code or accumulator, or via simulations. The goals of this paper are to find fundamental insights into

Quantum electronic transport in low-dimensional semiconductors

Electronic transport is studied at low temperatures in two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) and in mesoscopic semiconductor microstructures. The method of microwave-detection of the Shubnikov-de Haas effect for the contact-free characterisation of transport properties of 2DEGs is explored using both magnetic-field modulation and light-induced carrier modulation. The methods are compared to magn

Balde, Jacobus

In the frame of an encyclopedic article, a surview of the famous baroque Jesuit author Jacob Balde's life and his diverse oeuvre of Latin poetry is given.

Support for the industrial packaging development process: Buyer and supplier perspectives

Industrial packaging contains the parts of final products and is used in the handling and transport of them from the component supplier to the manufacturing company. An increased interest and emphasis on industrial packaging is necessary if the associated potential benefits in terms of costs, efficiency and effectiveness of packaging related activities are to be realized (related activities are th

Drop Break-up in High-Pressure Homogenisers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen behandlar hur fettdroppar i mjölk slås sönder i en mjölkhomogenisator. Mekanismerna bakom sönderslagningen har analyserats genom uppmätning av flödesfältet i spalten samt genom att fotografera dropparna, när de slås sönder. För att möjliggöra mätning och fotografering har två skalmodeller av en homogenisator tagits fram. En fullskalemodell, vilken The overall aim of this project was to investigate the drop break-up process in milk homogenisers. This was done by measurements and calculations of the flow fields in the gap region and by visualisation of drops being broken up. To make visualisation and measurements possible, two scale models of a homogeniser gap were developed. The full-scale model was a direct copy of the gap in a production-

Sorption and transformation of polar pharmaceuticals during wastewater treatment studied by hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under det senaste årtiondet har förekomsten av läkemedel i miljön rönt stor uppmärksamhet. Studier har visat att flera läkemedel hittats i sjöar och vattendrag och kan förorsaka negativa effekter hos vattenlevande organismer. Den i särklass största vägen via vilken läkemedel når miljön är avloppsreningsverk. Efter att vi ätit ett läkemedel kommer kroppen också att utsönThis thesis addresses the application of hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction as a simple, efficient and environmentally friendly tool to study the fate of four common anti-inflammatory drugs (ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and ibuprofen) during wastewater treatment. Initial experiments verified that this technique is applicable on aqueous as well as suspensions of solid samples, thus great

The Death of Sacred Texts : Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions

The Death of Sacred Texts draws attention to a much neglected topic in the study of sacred texts: the religious and ritual attitudes towards texts which have become old and damaged and can no longer be used for reading practices or in religious worship. This book approaches religious texts and scriptures by focusing on their physical properties and the dynamic interactions of devices and habits th

The Role of Transesophageal Echocardiography in Clinical Decision-Making in Patients with Stroke or Atrial Fibrillation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ekokardiografisk undersökning av hjärtat utvecklades i Lund i början av 1950 talet av kardiologen Inge Edler tillsammans med fysikern Helmuth Hertz och har under de första 30 åren huvudsakligen utförts via bröstkorgsväggen så kallat transthorakalt ultraljud. Under 1980 talet utvecklades tekniken och man fick instrument som via matstrupen kunde utföra en ekokardiografiskThe subject of this thesis is the clinical use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in patients with stroke or atrial fibrillation. Subjects were examined with echocardiography and sonography of the carotid artery. A control group of randomly selected volunteers without cerebrovascular disease was compared to patients with ischemic stroke. Cardiac pathology was classified as minor potential e

Odd Couples: A History of Gay Marriage in Scandinavia

The concept of marriage as a union of a man and a woman was fundamentally challenged by the introduction of registered partnership in Denmark in 1989. Odd Couples is the first comprehensive history of registered partnership and gay marriage in Scandinavia. It traces the origins of laws which initially were extremely controversial—inside and outside the gay community—but have now gained broad popul

Mobile Performances : Linguistic Undecidability as Possibility and Problem in the Theology of Religions

How to judge religions other than one’s own when facing a plurality of religions? The author makes a philosophical inquiry in two interconnected fields, linguistic undecidability and the necessity of making judgements. The central claim is that no stable centre for meaning can be established for linguistic entities. Even in cases where a stable centre of meaning would seem to be required, the auth

Det nya bibelspråket

Sammanställning av språkliga iakttagelser gjorda i bibelöversättningen 1999 jämförd med äldre översättningar i ett antal B-uppsatser i nordiska språk vid Lunds universitet vt 2000.

Validation Results

This report describes the validation of the SASPENCE driver support system using an evaluation method which has been developed within the scope of the SAfe SPEed and safe distaNCE (SASPENCE) project. SASPENCE aims to develop a driver support system that focuses on keeping a safe speed and safe heading distance in relation to other road users and road infrastructure. The system warns the driver to