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Chimney grafts preserve visceral flow and allow safe stenting of juxtarenal aortic occlusion.

OBJECTIVE: Chimney grafts have proven useful for urgent endovascular repair of juxtarenal aortic aneurysms. Stenting of juxtarenal aortic occlusive disease is not routinely advocated due to the risk of visceral artery obstruction. We report on the potential applicability of chimney grafts in 10 patients with juxtarenal aortic stenosis or occlusion. To our best knowledge, chimney grafts have not be


Three types of Gafchromic films have been studied to investigate their potential for use as a visually readable dosemeter for persons acting as first responders in connection with radiological or nuclear emergencies. The two most sensitive film types show a pronounced variation in sensitivity by photon energy and are therefore not suitable for use in cases of unknown exposures. The third film type

Sports camp with six months of support from a local sports club as a treatment of childhood obesity.

AIMS: Although childhood obesity is becoming increasingly prevalent, treatment options are limited and the continued development of effective treatment strategies is necessary. It is equally important to explore involvement of other resources in society, such as sports associations. This study was designed to investigate the possibility of reducing the degree of obesity in obese children by focusi

Precautions taken by mothers to prevent burn and scald injuries to young children at home: An intervention study.

AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent individual-based extended information given to mothers from city parts of low education can improve precautions taken by them to prevent burn and scald injuries involving young children in the home and further to compare the results with a group of mothers who had not received extended information. METHODS: This intervention study, with

Advancing Upconversion Emissions for Biomedical Imaging

During the past decade, upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) doped with rare earth ions have become an important class of fluorescence contrast agents for molecular imaging, due to their unique properties. Their property of anti-Stokes luminescence, with both the excitation and emission wavelengths close to the optimal for biomedical imaging, has been extensively explored in various biomedical appli

Plasma Copeptin, A Unifying Factor behind the Metabolic Syndrome.

Context: Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is known to affect liver glycogenolysis, insulin, and glucagon secretion and pituitary ACTH release. We previously showed that high copeptin, the stable C-terminal fragment of AVP prohormone, is independently associated with hyperinsulinemia and future development of diabetes mellitus. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine whether plasma copeptin

Modality packaging in Japanese : the encoding of modal meanings and subjectivity

This paper focuses on the grammatical expression or ‘packaging’ of modality in Japanese. I consider two aspects: (1) the grammatical encoding of epistemic, deontic, and evidential notions with English as a point of comparison, and (2) the co-encoding of modality and subjectivity. As for the former aspect, the comparison between Japanese and English exemplifies how languages can take different stra

Intrajejunal Levodopa Versus Conventional Therapy in Parkinson Disease: Motor and Nonmotor Effects.

ABSTRACT: Seventeen patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD) were treated with intrajejunal L-dopa infusion (IJL) and compared with a matched group of 9 patients (termed comparator [C]) not given IJL because of funding restriction by primary care trusts (PCTs) in the UK, although considered to be clinically eligible for IJL. Assessments were baseline and follow-up (6 months) with Hoehn and Ya