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How to Educate an Organization in Working with Security Topics from a User Experience Perspective

I dagens snabbt föränderliga samhälle har teknologins inflytande djupt förvandlat olika aspekter av människors liv och medför både stora möjligheter och kritiska säkerhetsutmaningar. För att minska riskerna för dataintrång, skadliga attacker och övergripande cybersäkerhetshot vidtar företag proaktiva åtgärder genom att erbjuda utbildning och träning till sina anställda inom områdena cybersäkerhet In today's rapidly evolving society, the pervasive influence of technology has profoundly transformed various aspects of human life, presenting both unprecedented opportunities and critical security challenges. To mitigate the risks of data breaches, malicious attacks, and overall cyber threats, companies have taken proactive measures by providing education and training to their employees in t

Glauber Monte-Carlo Simulation and Model Comparison in High-Energy Collisions

In this thesis, a Glauber Monte-Carlo event generator is developed and used to analyze proton-Ion (p -$^{63}$Cu and p -$^{197}$Au) and Ion-Ion ($^{63}$Cu -$^{63}$Cu and $^{197}$Au -$^{197}$Au) collisions. Three different sub-collision models are implemented, the black disk, grey disk and oscillating grey disk models, and their validity is compared. The predicted nucleon-nucleon cross-sections by t

Använda DNA från släktforskning för att lösa brott?: En innehållsanalys av nyhetsrapportering om dubbelmordet i Linköping

On the 19 of October 2004 two people in Linköping, Sweden were murdered. Police secured DNA from the perpetrator, however it could not further the investigation since the DNA was not in the police registry. The case remained cold until 2020 when a new method of ancestral DNA was used, referred to as IGG. The method was previously tested in the USA and solved plenty of cold cases. The double homici

Ungas utsatthet av sexuell exploatering: En rättssociologisk undersökning bland unga i Lunds kommun

An increasing amount of youths in the municipality of Lund have communicated experiences with sexual exploitation, according to the municipal organization Fältgruppen. The aim of this paper is therefore to map the occurrence of sexual exploitation amongst 15 to 20 year olds in the municipality of Lund. To achieve this, a quantitative survey was carried out which was distributed to the target group

Circuit analysis using monotone+skew splitting

It is shown that the behavior of an m-port circuit of maximal monotone elements can be expressed as a zero of the sum of a maximal monotone operator containing the circuit elements, and a structured skew-symmetric linear operator representing the interconnection structure, together with a linear output transformation. The Condat–Vũ algorithm solves inclusion problems of this form, and may be used

CCU in Scandinavia: an uncertainty analysis regarding the future state of captured carbon in the region.

The urgent need to mitigate climate change has prompted researchers to investigate novel strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One promising technology that might ease the way for sustainable and circular economies is carbon capture and utilization (CCU), which not only captures CO2 emissions but also uses them to produce valuable products. This thesis investigates the potential of CCU in

Global variations in online privacy concerns across 57 countries

Cross-cultural studies have found national differences in how concerned people are about online privacy. However, it has not yet been settled what causes this variation, and several factors have been proposed in the literature, including internet habituation, individualism, and uncertainty avoidance. Here we investigate these factors by two studies. In the first, we examine the association between

New AIR for the Archaeological Process? : The use of 3D web Semantic for Publishing Archaeological Reports

The management of archaeological excavation data has been the subject of scientific debate in the last decades: critical elements have been identified, such as maintaining analytical data and the derived knowledge entangled, and other relevant aspects, like data curation, accessibility, and long-term preservation, have emerged. This study describes, illustrates, and evaluates the use of the Archae

The crisis of International criminal law in Africa: An African perspective on international criminal law and (in)security governance

Since coming into force the International Criminal Court, has been challenged with a series of issues. Criticism, especially, from African states has forwarded the underlying anxieties that riddles this relatively new institution of international criminal justice. More specifically, African states and the regional organ, the African Union, have denounced the Courts functioning on the continent - s

Keeping Up with the Transition: Sex for Compensation and Women with Asylum and Transgender Experiences in Sweden

This thesis focuses on the practice of sex for compensation performed by women with transgender and asylum experiences living in Sweden. It aims to explore the complexities of sex for compensation by positioning this practice as both strategy and a tactic for obtaining income used for gender affirmation, considering that gender-affirmative healthcare is not available for asylum seekers in Sweden.

The limits of Gender Autonomy - A Qualitative Analysis of Icelandic self-determination of legal gender and the Experiences of Trans, Queer, and Non-Binary Individuals

Since 2019, Icelanders can self-determine their legal gender. A third “neutral” option was also added. However, formulations in the Act allow only one self-determined change (Act on Gender Autonomy, 2019). Research on self-determination of legal gender has shown how acts can have limited effects since legal change is insufficient in addressing injustice. The separation of medical and legal concern

Beyond the Green: Exploring how municipalities consider the planning and implementation of nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are gaining popularity as tools to address societal challenges while providing social, economic, and environmental benefits. Given that NbS is a relatively new concept, there is a lack of guidance on how NbS in urban areas can be adapted to fit their socio-spatial context and provide benefits. This research uses an exploratory comparative case study between Rotterdam,

TBL - does it make sense?

De ökade kraven kring hållbarhet från organisationers intressenter har bidragit till att det har blivit allt viktigare att utvärdera sin roll i hållbarhetsutvecklingen. Triple bottom line (TBL) kan ses som ett ramverk som hjälper till att forma hållbara strategier eftersom det uppmuntrar till balans mellan de tre dimensionerna; miljömässiga, sociala och finansiella. Det har länge arbetats med tydl

Green and just regional path development

Path development and path creation are prevalent concepts in efforts to understand regional economic change and innovation. A recent focus has been on ‘green’ path development: industrial change associated with environmentally beneficial products and services. This provides a moment to take stock of the path development literature to date and ask: What or who is it for? In this article we use the

Den mörka sidan av ljuset

Förena mörker med trygghet för att gynna biologisk mångfald! Årligen ökar spridningen av artificiellt ljus på jorden till följd av att vi människor bland annat sätter upp mer utomhusbelysning. Belysning är en av många nödvändigheter för att människor ska känna sig trygga. Belysning medför dock ljusföroreningar som påverkar biologiska funktioner negativt och den biologiska mångfalden tar skada. TrThe spread of artificial light on Earth increases annually. One of many causes of this spread is due to increased street lighting and artificial light at night (ALAN). Lighting is one of the many necessities for people to feel safe. On the other hand, ALAN, which contributes to light pollution, negatively affects biological functions and thus biodiversity. The purpose of this study was to investig

The One China Problem? - The Diplomatic Recognition of the Republic of China

Why have some countries decided to recognize Taiwan despite majority of the countries maintain official ties with China? The thesis aims to investigate the reasons behind (non) recognition of Taiwan. In order to answer to the research question, the research applies a comparative case study looking at the United States and Guatemala and their actions towards Taiwan and what could explain them. Thr


Move-to-play is a musical instrument for persons with both cognitive and physical impairments, who would have trouble playing traditional instruments. Everyone, no matter their abilities, are given the chance to play and control music by moving their own body. This project is part of the MISK project, which is a collaboration between Certec, Furuboda folkhögskola and Eldorado resurscenter. To make

The importance of the setting during sedation for intrathecal chemotherapy in pediatric oncology care : A case study

Increasing survival rates for childhood cancer have brought attention to the high level of burden of cancer and its treatment. Improving supportive care for children throughout their cancer trajectory is thus important and could reduce the difficulties related to treatment, including time-consuming treatments and the waiting time associated with treatment procedures. The aim of this study is to de