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Semi-automatic evaluation of lymph nodes in patients with rectal neoplasms with diffusion weighted MRI

Efter prostatacancer, bröstcancer och hudcancer är cancer i tjocktarm och ändtarm tillsammans den fjärde vanligaste typen av cancer i Sverige med omkring 11% av alla cancerfall. Förekomsten av tjock och- ändtarmscancer varierar i världen och den högsta förekomsten av denna välfärdssjukdom finns i USA, Europa, Australien och Nya Zeeland. De lägsta incidenserna finns i utvecklingsländerna. Relativt Background and purpose Several studies have shown that surgery with pre- or post-operative adjuvant radiotherapy reduces the local recurrence rate in rectal cancer patients. Preoperative evaluation of lymph node involvement is difficult but important for assessing the benefit of radiotherapy. Radiologists usually assess lymph node sizes and shapes to determine nodal involvement, but it can be diff

Bridging barriers - Pro-trade effects of immigration on Swedish exports

This study examines the pro-trade effects of immigration on Swedish exports. Beginning in the theory that immigrants through their unique set of networks and knowledge can facilitate international trade and bridge informational barriers to trade, this study will estimate the immigration effect on exports for Sweden. Unlike studies in similar settings, this paper applies a Pseudo poisson maximum li

Automated temporal NDVI analysis over the Middle East for the period 1982 - 2010

The NDVI time-series consist of trend, season and noise. Changes in the season component are related to climate factors and they happen gradually over long period of time. The changes in the trend component are often due to human activities, fires and etc. This paper implements two algorithms (PolyTrend and DBEST) in R language, in order to examine the vegetation changes in the Middle East and to

Changing the World through Consumption : The Contradictions of Political Engagement in the Case of Oatly

In 2014, Swedish oat milk producer Oatly was sued by the dairy lobby LRF Mjölk for their use of marketing slogans such as “It’s like milk, but made for humans” which the dairy lobby claimed painted cow’s milk negatively. Dubbed the “milk wars”, the dispute sparked an intense debate over the political and environmental impacts of dairy production up until and beyond the court’s decision in November

Erfarenhetsåterföring av nyproducerade skolor

Syftet med studien är att se om nyproducerade skolor överstiger budgeten. Det har undersökts om det finns något mönster som ökar förståelsen till diskrepans mellan kalkylerad slutkostnad och det verkliga utfallet. Detta kan skapa möjlighet till erfarenhetsåterföring vad gäller nyproducerade skolor och på så sätt kan eventuell fördyrning minimeras i framtiden. Inledningsvis presenteras den valda foThe purpose with this study is to see if new production schools exceed the budget. It will be reviewed whether there is a pattern that can increase the understanding of the discrepancy between calculated final cost and the actual outcome. This could create an opportunity for knowledge management regarding new production schools and thereby minimize possible inflation in future projects. Initially,

"Att ställa krav är att bry sig" - Om gymnasietjejers upplevelse av att bli betygsatta

Bedömning ur ett elevperspektiv har väckt förvånansvärt lite forskningsintresse. Samtidigt ser vi oroväckande statistik om ökad skolstress och psykisk ohälsa bland elever, framförallt tjejer. I och med den senaste skolreformen (gy11) är betygsättningen allt mer konstant och individualiserad. Syftet med denna studie är att, på en mer strukturell nivå, se hur den samhälleliga synen på kunskap och b

Impact Investing: Exploring Issues of Investor Demand and Fund Performance

This thesis presents the results of an evaluation of the performance and determinants of fund flows for selected Impact Investing and Socially Responsible Investing portfolios of funds. The impact of current and past measures of monthly and annual financial return are considered from the perspective of potential investors. The results show that Impact Investing funds out-performed general market v

Klimatutlöst matbrist i tidiga medeltida Europa, en jämförande studie mellan historiska dokument och paleoklimatarkiv

Under år 820-824 AD drabbades stora delar av Europa av en intensiv kallperiod som orsakade kraftig matbrist och svält. Den historiska bevisningen för händelsen är förhållandevis tydlig men fram tills nu har denna kallperiod aldrig tidigare i detalj korrelerats till eller styrkts av klimatdata. Genom sammanställning och tolk-ning av befintlig litteratur och användning av befintlig högupplöst paleok

Investigating the Effect of Antenna Polarization on the Performance of CoMP Systems based on Synchronous Multi-link Measurements

In this master thesis work, the effect of polarization, at the Base Station (BS) side, on the performance of multi-user Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP) systems is studied. This study was performed using synchronous multi-link measurements that took place at the campus of the faculty of Engineering, LTH, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, where two different BS setups were studied. In the first setup, on

Karismatisk Kristus : en retorisk studie om Jesus som karismatisk ledare i Matteusevangeliet

I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt vad som kännetecknar karismatiska ledare samt försökt ta reda på huruvida Jesus uppfyller kriterierna för karismatiskt ledarskap enligt Matteusevangeliets framställning av honom. För att lyckas med detta har jag letat efter gemensamma nämnare i olika forskares sätt att definiera begreppen "karisma" och "ledarskap" samt använt mig av Webers

Försvagningen av Philips-kurvan

Uppsatsen behandlar sambandet mellan arbetslösheten och inflationen - Phillips-kurvan - i USA efter finanskrisen 2007. Enligt Philips-kurvan bör inflationen stiga när arbetslösheten faller, men efter krisen verkar detta samband ha försvagats i USA och ett flertal andra länder. Centralbankerna har svårt att förklara de kvarstående låga inflationsnivåerna trots att arbetslösheten sjunit markant.

Diagnosen som finns men inte syns -En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella förhåller sig och arbetar med underdiagnosen ADD

The aim of the study was to examine how professionals in the Child and Youth Psychiatry work and relate to the diagnosis of ADD. ADD is included in the diagnosis of ADHD according to the diagnostic manual DSM 5 and is described as ADHD predominantly inattentive form. Research shows that ADD is less observed in relation to ADHD. The research questions in the study are: How do the professionals unde

BEPS Action 6 - An inclusion of anti-abuse measures in tax treaties to prevent the improper use of a tax treaty - Are the measures suggested in BEPS Action 6 necessary from a Swedish perspective?

The thesis provides an overview of the relationship between tax treaties and domestic law and issues that arise if a contracting state uses domestic anti-avoidance rules to prevent the improper use of a tax treaty. Improper use of a tax treaty is an issue addressed in the BEPS Action 6 report. The suggestion is to include a limitation-on-benefits clause in the OECD Model Convention, a principal pu

Studies of putative interaction partners for the cell polarity determinant DivIVA in Streptomyces coelicolor

DivIVA, ett protein med spetskompetens Streptomyceter är jordbakterier som bildar mycel medförgrenade hyfer mycket likt hur många svampar växer. Bakterierna i detta släkte är kända producenter av antibiotika och omkring två tredjedelar av all antibiotika tillgänglig idag produceras av streptomyceter och deras släktingar. Förutom deras produktion av antibiotika så har streptomyceterna en unik livsStreptomyces species are filamentous bacteria from the phylum Actinobacteria in which cell elongation occurs at the poles of the cell. This differs from many other bacteria like Escherichia coli where cell elongation occurs by insertion of peptidoglycan in the lateral wall. An essential protein for polar growth in Streptomyces is the coil-coiled protein DivIVA. DivIVA has an essential role in orch

Integrated System for Machining Process Visualization and Analysis in Blade Applications

The manufacturing industry is heading towards a more digitized environment. Sandvik Coromant is therefore developing intelligent tools, as well as software tools for machining applications. The aim for this thesis is to develop the understanding of a specific machining process. This is done through a background study of previously known methods, followed by development of a demonstrator to integra

Varumärkesinkongruens i kommunikation: Hur konsumenter skapar mening kring reklambilder med varumärkesinkongruenta budskap

Den här studien syftar till att öka kunskapen kring hur konsumenter förstår och påverkas av det relativt nya fenomenet varumärkesinkongruent marknadskommunikation. Utifrån resultaten från en förstudie utformades fyra fiktiva reklambilder med en varumärkeslogga från ett väletablerat varumärke. Dessa reklambilder utformades i enlighet med tre olika grader av inkongruens. De användes sedan i semi-strThis paper aims to increase the knowledge of how consumers understand the relatively new phenomenon brand incongruency and how it affects them. Based on the result from a pre-study, four fictional advertisements using a logo from a well-established brand were constructed in order to correspond to three different levels of incongruency. These were used in semi-structured interviews in order to exam

Public Service Media in the Realm of Political Antagonism

The primary objective of this study is to explore Public Service Media’s mission of reinforcing democracy in relation to emerging media consumption patterns and political antagonism. In order to explore the phenomenon, the thesis analyzes the case of the coverage of the issue of migration by SR P4, a local radio station of Swedish Radio, during October 2015. To explore the case, two research metho

The Growing City

London is a large city, yet it’s almost entirely dependent on food from outside the city. The city imports 80 percent of its food, and much of it from abroad. Food is being transported longer and longer distances and these food miles (from producer to consumer) comes with great concerns about local and global sustainability. Heavy road freight daily congests and pollute the inner city of London as

The Right of Free Movement and the Borderlands in Europe: Perceptions, Practices and Perspectives in the Context of the Refugee Crisis and the Terrorist Attacks in Paris

This thesis examines how the right of free movement and the borders are perceived and practiced by Europeans, and how they affect the everyday lives of Europeans in the context of the current refugee crisis and Paris attacks. It claims that EU, EEA, CH and the Schengen area constitute a cultural construction within Europe based on inclusion and exclusion, belonging and citizenship. The freedom of