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Bakslag och handslag: En fallstudie över Nordirlands process mot provinsregering

This essay is about the Northern Ireland Conflict and the Belfast Agreement. Its focus is on the development in Northern Ireland politics after the implementation of the Agreement which was ratified in a referendum. The essay is a case study which analyzes the progress towards an Assembly Government and powersharing between the unionists and the nationalists/republicans. The development is anal

EN VÄG BORT FRÅN SOCIAL EXKLUDERING? - Fyra deltagares upplevelser av ett holistiskt projekt

The intention of this essay was to describe and analyse the participant's experience in a work project based on a holistic model. The main purpose of the project was to integrate homeless people back into society. My main questions were: 1. What meaning did the project have in the participant's life? 2. Which opinions did the participants have concerning the goals of the project? 3. Were t

Introduktion av nyanställda inom Socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to look at introduction for staff in a social service office and the social workers experience off the first period at a new workplace. Qualitative interviews have been used as a method of investigating how social workers look at introduction in the workplace and how social workers have experience the first period at the workplace. The empirical material have been analyse

Infiltration av lakvatten från specialceller i bioceller -en effektiv metod för att förhindra spridning av metaller

Deponering är en metod som sedan länge använts för att behandla avfall. Metoden är dock kopplad till en rad miljöpåverkande faktorer, varav produktion av lakvatten är en. I lakvattnet finns bland annat lösta näringsämnen och metaller och dessa kan ge negativ påverkan på ekosystem om de sprids i miljön. Det här examensarbetet syftar till att besvara frågan om metaller i lakvatten kan retarderas ge

Brutna vallöften - vad är acceptabelt? En studie av moderaterna och kristdemokraterna innan och efter valet år 2006

This paper begins to observe two non-socialist parties in Sweden, Kristdemokraterna and Moderaterna, before and after they won an election. The two parties formed an alliance with other parties and manifested a political program. The main focus lies on their campaign promises and their premier political area as a single party before the election and what results that has been produced a year

School, Pupil's well-being and Achievement Scores: A psychological perspective on some of the factors that affect some pupils' performance in school

This study aims to describe how pupils' achievement scores can be affected by the school that the pupil goes to and the pupil's well-being. The participants in this study were upper secondary school pupils. The participants were doing their last year in upper secondary school and they are pupils that have reached the age of 18 years. Questionnaires were used for this study. This method ent

En studie av begreppet attraktiv arbetsgivare inom ett IT-företag

This study was carried out at a company within the computer industry, a sector that is expanding and is facing scarcity of competent personnel. The purpose was to examine factors that are crucial for being an employer of choice. To get a profound picture of the employees' comprehension of their work situation, a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with ten of the employees were

Does Party Politics Matter? - En hypotesprövande studie om USA:s partipolitiska position till europeiskt säkerhetssamarbete

In his recent article Professor of International Affairs Charles Kupchan claims that Party Politics has become increasingly important for American Foreign Policy since the end of the Cold War. This assertion makes it valuable to assess how the substance of the Foreign Policy differs between the two American parties in various cases and if this difference is characterized by consistency or by chang

Which Right is Right? - an analytical dialogue

In this paper, we strive to analytically debate through dialogue, the question of positive rights and whether or not positive rights are the preferable way to interpret and practically implement rights. We present our own definition of rights influenced by Wesley Newcomb Hohfelds idea of relational rights. And use it as a base for discussion in the second half of the paper. The discussion is cente

Konkurrerande "frames": Förhandlingarna om EU:s tjänstedirektiv

This paper concerns the question of how one can frame a political message. I investigate how a political frame is bound both to the line of argumentation connected with a certain discourse and to the audience closely related to that discourse. I have chosen to study a single case where the policy process was characterized by a framing contest. The case shows how negotiating the new Services Direc

Tonala och temporala avvikelser hos svenska inlärare av franska

I denna uppsats har jag fortsatt den ndersökning av svenska inlärare av franska som påbörjades i min C-uppsats. Avsikten har varit att studera om de språkliga avvikelser från den franska normen som upptäcktes i den förra studien kvarstår även denna gång då studien inte längre gäller vokaldurationer utan istället det tonala förloppet och final förlängning. Svenska inlärares prosodiska konstruktion

Vokaler i ystaddialekten : I vilken utsträckning används müslivokalen? : Müslivokalen och några andra vokalljud

Föreliggande uppsats är disponerad så att den i stort kan sägas vara två uppsatser, en för allmän språkvetenskap och en för fonetik, samtidigt som det finns gemensamma kapitel med information och sammanfattning som gäller båda ämnena.1 Uppsatsen har en övergripande titel Vokaler i ystaddialekten, och två undertitlar; I vilken utsträckning används müslivokalen? (den allmän språkvetenskapliga delen)

Codeswitching in print advertisements in Hong Kong and Sweden

The present study focuses on the codeswitching phenomenon in Hong Kong and Swedish print newspaper advertisements. With a contrastive analysis of code-switched advertisements from Hong Kong and Sweden, this paper will also describe the patterns and structures of Cantonese-English and Swedish-English codeswitchings, what are mixed and the reasons why people code-switch. The results show that intra-

Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Recharge in Gulf Islands, Canada

With significant changes expected in the earth's global climate over the next century, due to global warming, and its resulting changes in the frequency and amount of precipitation, there has been growing concerns on climate change impacts on water resources. Especially concerned to water managers and governments is the potential impacts on groundwater aquifers since they are the main availabl

Myten om partnerskapet: Om institutioner, rationaliserade myter och regionala tillväxtprogram

The overarching goal of this paper is to explain the intensive occurrence of partnerships ? regarded as a specific organizational structure ? in the formulation and implementation of Regional Growth Programs. By using theoretical concepts from new institutionalism, the paper tries to examine the explanatory capacity of this theory in the specific case of partnerships. The basis is a skeptical sta

Barn i familjehem: En studie, om långtidsplacerade barns fysiska och psykiska hälsa, tonårsgraviditet, skolgång samt om föäldrarnas psykiska hälsa och mortalitet, i en undersökningskommun

The main purpose of the study was to analyse the well being of children placed in foster care for at least two years, in one sample municipality. An assessment was made of how the social service admistrated and took responsibility for these children in terms of schooling, physical and mental health. To further understand the situation of the children three areas of investigation were added concern

The European Security Strategy - A European Securitization Strategy?

In this report I aim at establishing whether or not the European Security Strategy (ESS) of the EU is a securitization move by the EU and whether the EU is a credible securitizing actor in relation to the contents of the ESS. The first question will be answered through a discourse analysis of the ESS based on the constructivist theory of securitization. The answer to the second question will be ba

Acehkonflikten - en analys med identiteten i fokus

A violent conflict emerged in the Indonesian province of Aceh in 1976, with the rebels of the Free Aceh Movement, GAM, on one side, and the Indonesian government on the other. GAM demanded Aceh to become independent, but the Indonesian government did not accept their nationalistic claims. The conflict therefore lasted for almost thirty years, and many civilians were killed during this period. This