The child with tension-type headache. Physical factors and interactive interventions
Popular Abstract in Danish Børn og især piger med spændingshovedpine (på engelsk tension-type headache,TTH) har en høj forekomst på verdensplan og betyder for børnene en risiko for skolefravær, medicin over forbrug og vedvarende hovedpine. Den viden, der findes om fysiske faktorers sammenhæng med hovedpine, er begrænset, ligesom viden og dokumentation for interventioner er det. Det overordnede målTension-type headache (TTH) in children and especially girls is a prevalent problem worldwide, and means there is a risk of school absenteeism, medication overuse and persistent headache. Knowledge about the associated physical factors is limited, as is knowledge on evidence based interventions. The overall aim of this thesis was to examine the associations of physical factors with frequent or chr