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Dendrokronologisk analys av golvplank från rum 62B, Kungsmakstornet på Kalmar slott
Instrumentalisering av äckel : Bajs och betelnöt
Illegal drugs are disgusting, while legal and medical drugs are not. This is a message that has long been promoted in Sweden and has become a self-evident claim, even though the active substances in legal and illegal drugs can be the same. What is then the difference between a threatening, disgusting drug and a non-threatening medical cure? In this article, proximity and distance to objects alread
Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget
Despite the importance of high-latitude surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the rapidly changing Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. Here, we harmonize SEB observations across a network of vegetated and glaciated sites at circumpolar scale (1994–2021). Our variance-partitioning analysis identifies vegetation type as an important predictor for SEB-component
Mild-to-Moderate Kidney Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease: Observational and Mendelian Randomization Analyses
Background: End-stage renal disease is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular events. It is unknown, however, whether mild-to-moderate kidney dysfunction is causally related to coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. Methods: Observational analyses were conducted using individual-level data from 4 population data sources (Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, EPIC-CVD [European Prospective
Leaderless Management as the Solution to Struggles Over the Moral Center of Healthcare? : Ward Nurses’ Critique of Management as “Real Utopias” in the Public Sector
Through a historization of the Swedish public sector together with vignettes grounded in interviews, this paper questions managerialism in the public sector. The chapter argues for leaderless management as a shift of attention from managerialism toward worker control. The chapter explores what nurses identify as central areas of conflict shaping their work, and what forms of change they view as ne
Editorial : Extracellular matrix in homeostasis and cancer
House sparrows do not exhibit a preference for the scent of potential partners with different MHC-I diversity and genetic distances
MHC genes play a fundamental role in immune recognition of pathogens and parasites. Therefore, females may increase offspring heterozygosity and genetic diversity by selecting males with genetically compatible or heterozygous MHC. In birds, several studies suggest that MHC genes play a role in mate choice, and recent evidence suggests that olfaction may play a role in the MHC-II discrimination. Ho
The Complex Relationship Between Early-Life Stress and Cellular Aging
The Secrets of Plastic Language Revealed : Multimodality, Polysemiosis, and Iconicity
The notion of “plastic language” (or, as we will say in the following, the plastic layer) of the picture goes back to French structuralism, where it was supposed, just like “iconic language”, to be fundamentally based on arbitrary conventions. Nobody nowadays takes seriously the idea of depiction being purely conventional, but we will argue that the same counterclaim should be made with regard to
Dendrokronologisk analys av Slädövraket, Blekinge
The effect of regular, low-dose, sustained-release morphine on routine physical activity in people with persistent breathlessness : a hypothesis-generating study
Earlier Alzheimer's disease onset is associated with a shift of tau pathology towards brain hubs which facilitates tau spreading
Background: In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), younger symptom onset is associated accelerated cognitive decline and tau spreading, yet the drivers of faster disease manifestation in patients with earlier symptom onset are unknown. Earlier symptom onset is associated with stronger tau pathology in fronto-parietal regions which typically harbor globally connected hubs that are central for cognition. Sinc
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Students’ narrative action in social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary school : Limitations and openings
In this article, we undertake a narrative analysis of social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary school as a case study. In doing so, we want to stress the need to pay attention to the contextual and situated limits and openings of the conceivable repertoire of legitimate stories of social science in the Swedish context and its related research. The students’ attempts at sense making and a
Hur upplever sjuksköterskor förberedelser av barn inför vård och behandling? - Systematisk litteraturöversikt och metasyntes
Abstrakt. Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor möter barn med varierande bakgrunder, hemsituationer och med funktionsnedsättningar. Sjuksköterskan bör därför ha kunskap om barnets utveckling samt hälsa och ohälsa. Barnkompetens behövs för att möta barnens behov, vilket ger barnet tillit och förtroende för vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor upplever förberedelser a
Antihelium-3 fluxes near Earth using data-driven estimates for annihilation cross section
Antinuclei found in cosmic rays could provide a smoking gun signal for dark matter as this signal is virtually background free. The study of 3He cosmic rays requires the knowledge of their production, propagation in the galaxy and annihilation cross-section. While the former two have been already estimated with data-driven methods, there were no experimental data available for the 3He inelastic cr
Domain Decomposition for Non-smooth (in Particular TV) Minimization
Domain decomposition is one of the most efficient techniques to derive efficient methods for large-scale problems. In this chapter such decomposition methods for the minimization of the total variation are discussed. We differ between approaches which directly tackle the (primal) total variation minimization and approaches which deal with their predual formulation. Thereby we mainly concentrate on