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Den gröna shoppingpraktiken - En studie om hur kontexten påverkar konsumenters gröna shoppingstrategier

Genom att studera hur individer shoppar grönt i praktiken och i olika kontexter kan två luckor inom forskningen börja fyllas. Först och främst luckan som syftar till att förstå hur konsumenter faktiskt agerar, vilket är ett gap inom litteraturen. Men även hur kontexten påverkar den gröna shoppingpraktiken, som är ytterligare ett gap i forskningen. Med utgångspunkt i denna problematisering är syfte

Should Bitcoin Be Considered a Complementary Asset in a Long-Term Investment Portfolio?

This thesis is set out to examine the risk-adjusted performance impact of including Bitcoin in a Swedish investor’s portfolio, how the allocation of a Swedish investor’s portfolio changes by the inclusion of Bitcoin, and if Bitcoin should be part of a Swedish investor’s portfolio under pessimistic views. To examine these questions, we use the Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, Omega ratio and the Black-

Power on the plate : how industry upholds consumption of animal products

Background: Current consumption levels of animal products (APs) are unsustainable but measures to reduce their consumption are lacking. Simultaneously, APs are widely perceived as healthy which hinders their substitution with other foods. The AP-industry might influence AP consumption as they have the necessary financial means, the interest and the organizational capacity. Objective: To investiga

Who can compete? Analysing the concept of potential competition in reverse patent settlements

After the General Court’s (GC) decision in case T-472/13 H. Lundbeck A/S and Lundbeck Ltd v Commission it seems the concept of potential competition in the context of so-called ‘pay-for-delay’ agreements, or reverse patent settlements, might have been altered; that the bar in order for an undertaking to qualify as a potential competitor might have been lowered. This thesis aims to examine whether

Do Markets Reward Green Investing?

This master essay provides an elaborate study of the relationship between the environmental and the financial performance of corporations with focus on the European market. It aims to identify the nature and significance of this relationship, using a sample that is taken from different business sectors across 17 European countries over the seven-year period from January 2010 to December 2016. The

Animal Welfare, Public Procurement and the EU Internal Market - A Recurrent Dilemma in Swedish Policy Making?

Med utgångspunkt i en artikel skriven av den svenska civilministern, syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka huruvida det är förenligt med EU-rätten att hänvisa till ’svenska’ djurskyddskrav (uttryckligen eller inte) vid offentlig upphandling av livsmedel. Uppsatsen syftar särskilt till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning tre aktuella reformer skulle kunna tänkas påverka handlingsutrymmet för upphandlOn the basis of an article recently authored by the Swedish Minister for Public Administration, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine whether contracting authorities are allowed to refer to ‘Swedish’ standards of animal welfare (whether explicitly or not) when purchasing foodstuffs, without infringing the EU rules on free movement. In making this assessment, the thesis identifies three rec

Quantifying the Impact of Community Social Capital on Sustainable Development in Uganda: The influence of water user committees in mitigating deterioration of household access to safe water

Background: while access to safe water in Uganda increased between the early 1990s and 2010, current studies are showing that many safe water sources are not being properly maintained and so end up being abandoned. Since the maintenance of safe water sources is under the jurisdiction of water user committees (WUCs), this study seeks to measure the ability of water user committees in mitigating a d

To what extent did Austria-Hungary experience sectoral specialization from 1867 to 1910?

Abstract: Austria-Hungary was from 1867 to the beginning of the first world war, one of Europe’s largest countries and also a monetary and customs union exhibiting features common in recent debates on economic integration. The role of economic integration on growth, development and industrialisation are central themes in today’s debates. The effects of economic integration have been debated thus t

Integration of Image and Word Embeddings for Descriptive Image Similarity

Många människor har idag en privat digital fotosamling, i molnet eller på en dator. Sådana samlingar är ofta bara kronologiskt sorterade, även om mer intelligenta lösningar som t.ex. ansiktsigenkänning allt oftare används för att skapa smarta strukturer. Ett annat sätt att göra en fotosamling mer dynamisk och intressant skulle kunna vara genom att föreslå semantiskt relaterade foton till det foto Many people today possess a private digital photo collection. Such collections are often just chronologically sorted. One way to make photo browsing more interesting would be to suggest semantically related photos to a currently viewed photo, and if, in addition, such a relationship could be justified in words, that would create extra value for the user. To find a solution to this problem, the ap

Rätt information med 3D-animation

För att skapa ett obrutet informationsflöde har studien konstaterat två bidragande faktorer. ICE-projektering är ett steg att kvalitetssäkra information mellan aktörerna samt korta svarstiderna. Det viktigaste med ICE-projektering är även att informationen blir tillgänglig för alla. Den andra faktorn är en välfungerade projektportal. Detta åstadkoms genom en tydlig mappstruktur och en tjänsteman s

ECG-derived respiration in atrial fibrillation

In past years, the demand for an indirect extraction of respiration and the interest in a joint study of respiratory and cardiac systems represented the driving forces for the development of Electrocardiogram Derived Respiration (EDR) algorithms. The main advantage of them consists in deriving a sufficiently reliable surrogate respiratory signal by only exploiting the normal electrocardiogram (ECG

Towards a bottle weight reduction - Evaluation in a selected milk plant in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is one of the biggest milk producers in the world. The dairy market is a competitive industry where cost is a driving force. Milk is considered a day-to-day product in this country, packaged primarily in HPDE bottles. The need for a cost effective product is driving companies to seek for alternative packaging solutions. The thesis is focused on the weight reduction of a HDPE bot

Pågatåg Nordost - en kvalitativ undersökning av effekterna av en infrastruktursatsning

The growth in Scania is expected to increase by developing Scania’s polycentric structure and create regional expansion. This regional expansion will be developed partly by investments in infrastructure, which are expected to generate better accessibility. The aim of this essay is to investigate a specific train investment in north-eastern Scania, Pågatåg Nordost, and its impacts on development an

Hiring Through Algorithms

Through technological advancements and the evolution of e-Recruitment tools, Human Resource Management (HRM) has evolved from a traditionally analog talent acquisition process towards a digitized replicant. In this thesis we investigate and aim to make sense of current managerial challenges within the recruitment processes when using currently available e-Recruitment tools.

Maturity, Speculation and Corporate Hedging - An Empirical Study in Oil and Gas Firms from 2000-2008

In this paper, we develop a new but also under-researched measure for firms’ hedging practice: maturity. Comparison between the outputs of two sets of Tobit model using hedge ratio and maturity respectively shows that the costs of financial distress hypothesis and the financing costs hypothesis are partially supported by both hedge ratio and maturity. Besides, the economies of scale hypothesis rec

Economic growth: help or hinder for sustainability? : an investigation of perspectives on economic growth and sustainability within the Swedish environmental movement

There is a longstanding debate between environmentalists and economists regarding the possibility to combine economic growth and sustainability. So far, the neoliberal economists’ argumentation for a capitalist economic system with everlasting economic growth has been the dominating paradigm. In Sweden, one group of environmentalists able to influence policymaking without being actual decision-mak

“It won’t happen to me” VS “It could have been me” - Changes in health behavior initiated by a negative health shock to a peer

Despite being aware of the health risks associated with making “bad” health decisions, we seem to deny our personal vulnerability to the harmful effects of poor health behavior. Aiming to explore whether the harmful effects associated with poor health behavior are personalized once our peers suffer from them, reflected by improved health behavior and referred to as “peer effects”, this study uses

ID-kontrollernas icke åsyftade effekter för tågresenärer och transportföretag vid Öresundsbron

The purpose of this study was to embark on a theory in examining the unintentional effects affiliated with the law, when legislation took place in establishing border controls within the internal boarder. The study is aiming to focus on the affects travelers along with transportation companies experience on a day to day basis. Following the analysis method which is based on a theory by Robert K. M