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Acceptans av vegetarisk mat hos barn - Hur kan Lunds kommun öka acceptansen av vegetarisk mat hos elever i de kommunala skolorna?

In recent years, decreased meat consumption has been emphasized as important for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The municipality of Lund is working to reduce its meat consumption by serving vegetarian food once a week in the municipal schools. The results differ between schools, where students in some schools have accepted the vegetarian food while students in other schools have not. The purpo

Arbetsrelaterad motivation: Sambandet mellan employee engagement och empowerment

Undersökningen studerar sambandet mellan employee engagement och empowerment, samt hur styrkan i detta samband kan bero på ålder. Studien innefattar en internetbaserad surveyundersökning där urvalet begränsas till tjänstemän inom den offentliga sektorn. Enkäten innehåller frågor rörande individens upplevda arbetssituation. Analysen visar en positiv korrelation mellan de två variablerna, r = .705, The research examines the relation between employee engagement and empowerment, and how the strength of this relationship is affected by age. The research includes an internet-based survey to a sample of civil servants in the public sector. The survey consists of questions related to the individual's perceived work-situation. The analysis shows a positive correlation between the two variables,

Lunds Domkyrkas takkonstruktion

Lund Cathedral was built in Romanesque style when Lund became an archbishopric in the early 1100s. The roof structure of the church then had a flat wooden roof on the inside with room for tension rods so that the roof structure only affected the masonry walls with vertical loads. After a major fire in the 1200s, where the church was almost completely destroyed, cross vaults were built. This meant

Ingen förstår varandra : Om poetiska framställningar av djur i Aase Bergs Liknöjd fauna

The problem of representing animals in literature and poetry is a topic that lately has started to receive more attention from theorists and literary scholars. In her poetry book Liknöjd fauna, the swedish poet Aase Berg creates a space for negotiating and deconstructing the borders between human, animal and nature. At the same time, the poems seem to lead a discussion on the very act of represent

I demokratins tjänst: Makt- och rollförändring mellan yrkespolitiker och högre tjänstemän i svenska kommuner

De senaste åren har det skett en stor omsättning av högre kommunala chefer. En del kan förklaras med pensionsavgångar, men en del har med något annat att göra. Tidigare undersökningar och forskning pekar på att vi har en kommunal tjänstemannaorganisation och politik i förändring, där trycket har ökat på både politiker och tjänstemän. En av riktningarna går mot en ökad politisk professionalisering

Nu plingar det igen, härligt väl?

Denna uppsats handlar om hur distansarbetssättet via smartphone, Office Home Smartphone, påverkar balansen mellan det privata och det arbetsrelaterade livet. Här presenteras denna balans som Work Life Balance, även kallat WLB; vad det är, hur man uppnår det och om det är någonting att sträva efter. Även det ovannämnda arbetssättet Office Home Smartphone, även kallat OHS, presenteras; vad det ä

Brott utan handling och förövare:en kritisk diskursanalys av Handbook for legislation on violence against women

This essay contains a critical discourse analysis of the UN document Handbook for legislation on violence against women from 2010. The critical discourse analysis is conducted from a critical feminist perspective and the focus has been on the identified subject positions. The four main subject positions identified are the criminal legal subject, the subject of criminal responsibility, children and

Behöver du något? Ja, HR. En studie av HR-specialisters arbete mot en effektiv rekrytering.

Titel: Behöver du något? Ja, HR. - En studie av HR-specialisters arbete mot en effektiv rekrytering Vad: Kandidatuppsats, Service Management, Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, VT 2014 Författare: Erika Eriksson och Mitra Javadzadeh Handledare: Ulrika Westrup Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att öka kunskapen om centrala strategier som HR kan använda sig av för att möjliggöra en effektiTitle: Are you in need of something? Yes, HR. - A study of HR-specialists work towards an effective recruitment What: Degree of Bachelor of Science thesis, Service Management, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, first semester 2014 Authors: Erika Eriksson and Mitra Javadzadeh Advisor: Ulrika Westrup Purpose: The aim of this study is to increase knowledge of key strategies that can enable an

Att bli anställningsbar: samverkande maktordningar i diskurser om ungdomsarbetslöshet

This thesis analyses dominant discourses in five reports about methods used in Swedish youth unemployment programs financed mainly by the European union. The purpose is to examine and deconstruct creation of meaning in institutional knowledge production about employability. With a poststructuralist approach the thesis draws on Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory. The feminist concept of inte

PE Threshold for Business Profits in E-Commerce Context-To what extent does the present Permanent Establishment threshold influence the taxation of Electronic Commerce cross-border transactions?

Issues related to attribution of profits already exist in the traditional economic framework and are of a different nature, however these issues seem to become more bothersome in transactions conducted in e-commerce context, with an electronic economy. The matter is similar to the traditional economic problems in regard to transfer pricing adjustments; however these issues are much more complex du

Framställning av matdjur som både objekt och levande individer i Svenska Dagbladet

De flesta människor både äter djur och bryr sig om deras välfärd. Sedan otaliga år tillbaka har köttkonsumtion varit en stor del av människans kosthållning och har endast blivit ifrågasatt av en liten minoritet som väljer att inte äta kött. Denna uppsats undersöker i en textanalys ordvalen i tre nyhetsartiklar publicerade i Svenska Dagbladet som skildrar matdjur (de djur som föds upp för att använ

Genusframställning i reklam : en kvalitativ studie av Kellogg's Special K

Redan innan vi hunnit fram till jobb eller skola så har ett flertal företag överröst oss med olika typer av budskap som berättar vad vi ska äta, hur vi ska lukta och uppföra oss. Men framförallt vilka produkter vi ska köpa för att bli som kvinnan i annonsen (Ekman 1998:91). I den här studien plockade vi isär och analyserade tre av Kellogg’s Special K:s reklamfilmer från tre olika tidsepoker. Syfte

Kriskommunikation i heterogena befolkningsstrukturer

An increasingly heterogeneous demography in society demands for a shift of attitude towards crisis communication. With a population where one in five has got a foreign background it is important that governments and decision makers continuously evaluate the current crisis management plans, and take measures through updates where so is considered to be needed. This report aims to evaluate the curre

Is A New International Law On E-book ‘Lending’ Necessary To Satisfy The Requirements of International Human Rights Law?

In the last few years there has been a huge growth in the e-book market, and many copyrighted works are published as e-books before the analogue versions are printed, if they are ever printed. In order to provide e-book lending services, libraries must sign copious amounts of license agreements with materials distributors. Due to restrictive terms in license agreements, legal exceptions to copyrig

So, did you know how you use it?: Understanding The Consumption in Facebook Community

The rapid changes in internet technology, coupled with Web 2.0 have created new and exciting ways of how we interact, socialize, and express ourselves. These new forms of socializations have been highly facilitated by Social Networking Sites (SNSs). These SNSs work as platforms for all types of information and entertainment experiences, creating a distinct culture of consumption of information and

Local Income Taxation and Migration: Estimating the Effect of Local Income Tax Rates on Migration in a Tiebout Setting

This study examines the impact of local income taxation on migration by using the Tiebout hypothesis. By studying the municipalities in the old Malmöhus region during 1992-2012 it is found that the level of a local income tax rate does not deter migrants, while a high tax rate relative to the average in the area does. The study identifies that the tax rate of neighbouring municipalities affects mi

Population, demography and nighttime lights: An examination of the effects of population decline on settlement patterns in Europe

Nighttime satellite photographs of Earth reveal the location of lighting and provide a unique and highly accurate view of human settlement, density and distribution. Nighttime lights have been shown to correlate with economic development and population worldwide. Little research has been done on the link between nighttime lights and population change over time. This link is explored here for Europ

The effect of epidural anaesthesia on TCI dosage, depth of anaesthesia and the need for hemodynamic treatment during lung surgery.A prospective observational pilot study

Aim: To investigate the effect of general anaesthesia on the TCI-dosage, the depth of anaesthesia and the need for hemodynamic treatment. A comparison between general anaesthesia (GA) alone and general anaesthesia combined with epidural anaesthesia (GA+EDA). Background: There are some uncertainties in the literature whether epidural anaesthesia has any effect on general anaesthesia governed by Ta