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Paying for Delay or Something Else?--The Potential Anticompetitive Effect of Reverse Payment Patent Settlements in the Pharmaceutical Industry under article 101 TFEU

This thesis discusses the recent hot topic in the intersection of IP law and competition law; “pay-for-delay” agreements in the pharmaceutical industry. Such agreements arise in patent disputes where originator manufacturers (‘Originators’) claim patent infringement by the generic manufactures (‘Generics’). However, patent infringing defendants end up paying the plaintiff large sums of money, acco

Språk som dörröppnare i Europa : en kvalitativ analys av EU:s flerspråkighetspolitik

This thesis is a mapping of the European Commission's multilingualism policy, as it is manifested in five official documents. The purpose is to investigate whether the policy is working according to the vision and multilingualism policy of the Commission. In other words are the EU citizens learning more languages according to the policy? A narrative analysis with strong influence from content

Intranätets nya ansikte

Titel: Intranätets nya ansikte. Författare: Lisa Naess och Sarah Mesch. Handledare: Johanna Stenersen. Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att studera hur organisationer balanserar formell och informell kommunikation i en centraliseringsprocess av sitt intranät. Metod: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer samt officiella dokument som grund. Slutsats: Vår studie

Strategi för välfärd - en diskursanalytisk studie av kultur i vård, omsorg och skola

Abstract Author: Ella-Kari Meyrell Title: Strategy for welfare - a discourse analytical study of culture in health, social care and school organizations Supervisor: Håkan Jönson Assessor: Torbjörn Hjort The aim of this study was to examine how culture (as “the arts”) is constructed as a strategy in welfare work. The empirical material was based upon 160 articles from Swedish printed and web base

The Impact of Social Networks on Agricultural Technology Adoption

This thesis analyses the impact of social networks on technology adoption among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. The effects of four types of social networks on adoption of fertilizer and soil conservation practices were estimated using a sample of households from the Ethiopian Rural Household Surveys (ERHS). Trusted kinship links were found to have a small but positive effect on fertilizer adopti

Avfall och beteende i Brf Ellstorp

Ellstorp housing cooperative has long had problems with household waste not being properly recycled and bulky refuse not being left in designated areas, leading to overfilled bins and chaotic recycling rooms. In this study, an investigation was carried out among the residents in Ellstorp, using a survey handed out to all residents and group interviews with volunteering residents and the board of t

Rätt att skaffa barn? En diskursanalys av habiliteringspersonals tal om arbetet med barnlängtan hos personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

This study aims to contribute to the debate concerning parenthood among persons with intellectual disabilities. Its focal point is the analysis of present discourses within the field of habilitation concerning on questions regarding how to relate to and work with thoughts of a future parenthood among clients with intellectual disabilities. The study argues that while the general attitudes in socie

Prankvertising Phenomenon: The Effects on Consumer Buying Decision

Prankvertising is a phenomenon that is gaining significant exposure in marketing world, attracting both small and large companies to implement it as a new advertising strategy. Its success has been proven by millions of views and shares within a few days, reflecting an effective tool of viral marketing. Despite its success in gaining rapid audience reach, the argument relating to its true success,

Att läsa mellan siffrorna - En empirisk studie om earnings management under börsintroduktioner i Sverige

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att empiriskt undersöka utförandet av earnings management under börsintroduktioner bland svenska bolag med hemvist i Sverige som noterats under 2009 och 2010. Studien ämnar även utreda vilka faktorer som påverkar utförandet av earnings management samt tänkbara orsaker till eventuella skillnader mellan Sverige och USA. Teoretiska referensramen: Den teoretiska ref

Cognitive absorption and the behavioral intention to use business intelligence: Determinants and influence of cognitive absorption

Introduction: In the last decade Business intelligence became increasingly important for organizations to adopt in order to compete in highly changing industries. The main purpose of the business intelligence system is to enable users to make and execute decisions better and faster. However, the success of business intelligence is not guaranteed. Users are defined as one of the main sources of the

The impact of Over-education and Under-education on Earnings: Egypt in a Post Revolutionary Era

Previous research has mainly addressed the impact of over/under-education on wages in developed countries. Therefore, this paper attempts to fill the void gap in the literature by empirically examining the impact of over-education and under-education on wages in a developing country, namely Egypt, using the 2012 Egyptian Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS). In order to do so, actual years of educati

Finding the potential privacy gap in the Big Data Supply Chain

We live in a digitalized society. All the abundant data we produce, today called “Big Data” it changing our lives, and will soon disrupt it. Different studies and analysis argue about the advantages that Big Data comes in, not only as a competitive advantages for the data holders, but also in health, government, for the citizens and society as a whole. Nevertheless, Big Data comes with significant

An Analysis of the Effect of Government Effectiveness on the Aggregate Level of Entrepreneurial Activities

A level of entrepreneurial activities is widely considered as one of the key characteristics of economy in the context of economic development. However, empirical evidence and theoretical models failed to achieve a consensus with regard to the mechanism underlying existence of a certain level of entrepreneurial activities. This thesis, based on the extensive matching theory literature, considers

Trådlös mätning av vibrationer på godståg

The goal is to construct a system that can predict and prevent failures on freight trains. As the resulting product is a proof of concept, the main focus is to show the capabilities of this concept. To predict and prevent failures, a system needs to be implemented with constant vibration measurement on every buggy along a train with up to 60 wagons. The challenges faced for solving this is the lac

Förändringen från arbetskraftsemigration till investeringsemigration : en studie om den kinesiska emigrations utveckling från mitten av 1800-talet fram tills idag

Kinas emigration idag utgörs framför allt av förmögna kineser som investeringsemigrerar. Detta är ett emigrationsfenomen som är väldigt annorlunda i förhållande till de kineserna som emigrerade som arbetskraft förr. Den här uppsatsen studerar hur den kinesiska emigrationen utvecklades från arbetskraftsemigration, som påbörjades under mitten av 1800-talet, fram tills dagens investeringsemigration.

Entrepreneurial Action in the Pre-Export Phase of SMEs: A Cognitive Approach

The purpose of this study is to advance the theoretical knowledge of internationalisation of small and medium-sized firms from an individual perspective. In particular, the research takes a cognitive approach in understanding how experiential knowledge shapes entrepreneurs’ uncertainty perception and thus their willingness to recognise and act upon export opportunities. Six in-depth, semi-structur

Anestesiologisk omvårdnad till patienter med övervikt och fetma - En intervjustudie med anestesisjuksköterskor

Bakgrund: Andelen personer med övervikt och fetma har under senare år ökat inom operationsverksamheten. Det är huvudsakligen anestesisjuksköterskan som ansvarar för patientens hälsa och säkerhet perioperativt, varvid de specifika förhållanden som råder kring omvårdnaden av överviktiga patienter i samband med anestesi är viktiga att belysa. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva innebörder av

Inflationsvolatilitetens samband med sparkvot och humankapital - en studie av upphinnarländer med hög volatil inflation

Syftet med studien var att utföra en empirisk undersökning för att ta reda på ifall de teoretiska resonemangen kring inflationsvolatilitetens inverkan på sparkvot och humankapital har stämt överens med verkligheten. Genom att empiriskt undersöka 14 upphinnarländer under 30 år har, sambandet mellan hög volatilitet i inflationsnivåer, sparkvot och humankapital observerats. Urvalet av länder har base

Man vs. Machine

Historically, technological innovations have substituted human labor for decades and if the revolutionary technological developments continue, substitution may happen at an increasing pace. This increasing pace might place high demands on society to quickly adapt if high levels of technological unemployment are to be avoided. This paper examines how the computerization of society may affect the la