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On Einstein equations on manifolds and supermanifolds

The Einstein equations (EE) are certain conditions on the Riemann tensor on the real Minkowski space M. In the twistor picture, after complexification and compactification M becomes the Grassmannian Gr(2)(4) of 2-dimensional subspaces in the 4-dimensional complex one. Here we answer for which of the classical domains considered as manifolds with G-structure it is possible to impose conditions simi

Pump-probe lifetime measurements on singlet ungerade states in molecular nitrogen

Excited-state lifetimes for a number of vibronic states of (1)Pi(u) symmetry in molecular nitrogen have been determined experimentally in a laser-based pump-probe scheme using a coherent and tunable extreme ultraviolet source based on harmonic generation. States investigated in N-14(2) were b(1)Pi(u)(v = 6-9), of valence character, and c(3)(1)Pi(u)(v = 1) and o(3)(1)Pi(u)(v = 1), of Rydberg charac

När det interna varumärket får motsatt effekt: medarbetarberättelser om motstånd

Denna studie har en socialkonstruktionistisk utgångspunkt och syftar till att undersöka upplevelser av intern varumärkeskommunikation som styrningsverktyg från ett mottagarperspektiv. Syftet grundas i en problematik där den strategiska idén med interna varumärken går förlorad när hänsyn inte tas till medarbetares subjektiva upplevelser av varumärket. För att uppnå syftet har en fallstudie genomförFrom a social constructionist view, the purpose is to examine experiences of internal brand communication as a management tool from a recipient perspective. The problem is based on the fact that the strategic intention of internal brands is lost when co-workers’ subjective experiences are not taken into account. To reach the purpose, a case study has been conducted where co-workers on operative le

Syndiga kvinnor och dygdiga män : Medeltida sexualetik i Europa

This thesis examines the medieval notions of gender and sexuality through the eyes of contemporary scholarly work in this field of research. The dominant medieval notion of women/femininity and men/masculinity has been the focus in my reading and understanding of those texts. I have been presented to medieval texts of different genres. The research deal with the questions of what was considered to

Problemet med ojämställdhet: en feministisk diskursanalys av problemrepresentationen av ojämställdhet i svenskt bistånd

This essay analyzes central directional documents of Swedish international development with the aim to analyze the problem representation of gender inequality, using Carol Bacchi's “What's the problem represented to be?”-approach to discourse analysis. Central for this essay's framework is postcolonial feminism pursuantly the understanding of Chandra Talpade Mohanty, as well as a criti

Oxygen isotopes in corals and their use as proxies for El Niño

El Niño and the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) have a great impact on global climate, often with disas-trous effects in many parts of the world. The carbonate skeleton of corals record El Niño activity by tracing sea surface temperature and salinity in the oceans where they grow. As El Niño’s core region is the equatorial Pacific Ocean, this is where the most direct consequences of ENSO are seen, com

Kvinnors rättigheter i det nationalistiska Ungern : en feministisk ideologianalys

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the underlying tendencies of the Hungarian nationalism in relation to women's rights. Thus, the study aims to analyse which actual effects these nationalist tendencies have on women's rights. This is done using feminist critical ideology analysis. The thesis focuses on women's right to protection from discrimination in relation to family, work a

Idealkvinnan : vem var hon då och vem är hon nu? En historiskt jämförande innehållsanalys mellan 1400-talets Malleus maleficarum och nutida påvliga texter

This essays focus is to unravel the discourses concerning women by doing a historic-comparative qualitative content analysis on Malleus Maleficarum, written in 1486, and modern papal writings in order to compare the similar or different ways in which the ideal woman is understood. The reason for why these materials have been chosen is based on the influential spread these writing had or have, and

Om det stärkta skyddet mot tvångsäktenskap och barnäktenskap

I mars i år lämnade regeringen ett förslag till riksdagen som syftar till att stärka skyddet mot tvångsäktenskap och barnäktenskap. Förslaget innehåller såväl civilrättsliga som straffrättsliga lagändringar. Förslagets utgångspunkt är att sådana äktenskap inte kan tolereras. Redan idag ger svensk rätt uttryck för att sådana äktenskap inte är önskvärda. Att tvinga någon att ingå äktenskap är idag sIn March this year the Swedish Government submitted a proposal to the parliament that aims to strengthen the protection against forced marriages and child marriages. The proposal includes law changes that are both civil and criminal. According to the Government such marriages cannot be tolerated. Which Swedish law already expresses. Forcing someone to get married is punishable as unlawful threat.

Podvertising : om sponsring i ett nytt medieformat

Firstly, the title of this paper is Podvertising: advertising in a new media format (in Swedish: Podvertising: om sponsring i ett nytt medieformat) and the authors are Holger Brundin and Fredrik Bröndum. The paper is authored for Media- and communication studies at The institution for communication and media, Lunds University. The podcast is a fairly new and growing format of media with the inte

Interaction between art.132, art.133 and art.134 of the Council VAT Directive 2006/112/EC

The exemptions for certain activities in the public interest of art.132(1) of the VAT Directive are confined to those supplies of goods and services carried out by bodies governed by public law. Article 133 of the Directive enables the Member States to grant to bodies other than those governed by public law, in accordance with certain conditions, the exemption of those transactions related to hosp

Is the current EU VAT legislation efficient for collecting VAT on electronically supplied services to non-taxable persons?

Nowadays, the supply of electronic services constitutes an important part of commerce over the Internet and is expected to grow significantly in the future. Taxing the consumption of electronic services has proven not to be an easy task, especially in regard to its provision for non-taxable persons. In the European Union the approach is to tax them at destination (though intra-Community supplies a

Measuring systemic risk in the Nordic countries - An application of CoVaR

Spillover effects and systemic risk contribution of institutions, as measured by their CoVaR and delta-CoVaR respectively, is one way of assessing risk both for an institution in isolation, as well as for regulators and the economy as a whole. CoVaR is the q%-VaR of an institution conditional on another institution already being at its q%-VaR level, whereas delta-CoVaR measures each institution’s

Humanitarian intervention— by the sovereignty and for the sovereignty

The Article 2(1) of the Charter of the United Nations has clearly articulated the sovereign equality for all its Members, while the Article 2(7) states that the United Nations will not intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state unless the matters involve in the international peace and security. It seems that once the matters, which are essentially with

Paying for Delay or Something Else?--The Potential Anticompetitive Effect of Reverse Payment Patent Settlements in the Pharmaceutical Industry under article 101 TFEU

This thesis discusses the recent hot topic in the intersection of IP law and competition law; “pay-for-delay” agreements in the pharmaceutical industry. Such agreements arise in patent disputes where originator manufacturers (‘Originators’) claim patent infringement by the generic manufactures (‘Generics’). However, patent infringing defendants end up paying the plaintiff large sums of money, acco