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Geochemical and sedimentary signatures of Phanerozoic events.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Dramatiska händelser har inträffat regelbundet under jordens historia. Primära, kortvariga katastrofer som t ex asteroidnedslag, omfattande vulkanism eller kraftiga jordskalv kan ge långvariga miljöeffekter, som t ex global uppvärmning eller nedkylning, förändringar i havsnivå och cirkulationsmönster, syrefria oceanbottnar mm. Alla deGeological and biological catastrophic events have occurred repeatedly in the Earth's history, leaving traces in the global stratigraphical record in the form of sedimentary features, geochemical anomalies and biotic turnovers. This thesis focuses on the sedimentological and geochemical signatures of several key events in the Phanerozoic stratigraphical record, and aims to interpret the different

Pain in older adults living in sheltered accommodation--agreement between assessments by older adults and staff

This study aimed to investigate the presence of pain, pain duration, localization(s), intensity, type and pharmacological treatment among older adults living in sheltered accommodation or receiving rehabilitation, as well as the agreement between pain assessments performed by staff and the older adults. Twenty-nine randomly selected older adults (65+ years) and the staff who looked after them part

Skånskt järn från malm till marknad

The iron production in the northern part of Skåne started around 1200 and ended in the 17 cent. In the medieval towns of Wä and Tommarp were smithies run by the king that took care of the tax iron and formed it into maleable and sellable forms and qualities.

Essays on Fiscal Policy, Private Consumption and Non-Stationary Panel Data

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den kanske viktigaste anledningen till att söka en grundläggande förståelse av ekonomiskt beteende är att erhålla ett underlag för utformningen och genomförandet av ekonomisk politik. Utan en sådan förståelse minskas möjligheterna att uppnå målen för den ekonomiska politiken. Detta gäller i synnerhet den ekonomiska politik som bedrivs genom finanspolitik. En av finanspIn the first essay of this thesis, we examine whether the effects of fiscal expansions and contractions exert a symmetric influence on the relationship between fiscal policy and private consumption. Our results indicate a considerable asymmetry across fiscal expansions and contractions. More specifically, during fiscal contractions, transfers seem to influence private consumption in a neoclassical

No title

Abstract in Norwegian Målet med denne studien var å utforske hvordan en kunne fortolke ekstatisk spiritualitet i et religionspsykologisk perspektiv, illustrert ved Toronto-vekkelsen. Studien er en kvalitativ studie basert på intervjuer, feltobservasjoner og skrevne dokumenter. Det teoretiske rammeverket er interdisiplinært ved at det er brukt teorier fra egopsykologi, sosialpsykologi, sosiologi, kThe purpose of this dissertation was to study how to interpret ecstatic spirituality, illustrated by the Toronto Blessing, from a religio-psycho¬logical point of view. The study is a qualitative research based on inter¬views, field observations and written documents. The theo¬retical framework is interdisciplinary, using theories from ego-psychology, social psychology, sociology, cultural anthropo

Merck fellowships contribute to the continued growth of clinical pharmacology in Sweden

Since 1990, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme, Sweden, has created fellowships for physicians embarking upon a career in clinical pharmacology at Swedish medical schools. The fellowship has provided full salary at the level of a resident in clinical medicine for an average period of 1-2 years. Between 1992 and 2004, 22 fellows representing all six medical schools were selected for a fellowship. Of these,

Signal transduction in macrophages. Intracellular pathways activated by microbial constituents

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt immunförsvar är nödvändigt skydd mot de patogener (bakterier, virus, jäst och parasiter) som finns runtomkring oss. Patogener som kommer in i kroppen och infekterar den, gör att en inflammation bildas. En inflammation är kroppens svar på en infektion (eller skada). Inflammation är en process som gör att immunförsvarets celler ökar sin förmåga att oskadliggöra inkräMacrophages play an essential role in the defense against infection by phagocytosis and by production of inflammatory mediators. Such mediators are TNF? and eicosanoids. Many microbial agents elicit arachidonate release in macrophages that lead to the formation of eicosanoids. This thesis is based on studies performed with the use of microbial constituents which induce arachidonate release or/and

S14-95, a novel inhibitor of the JAK/STAT pathway from a Penicillium species.

In a search for new inhibitors of the IFN-γ mediated signal transduction in HeLa S3 cells using secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) as reporter gene, a novel compound, designated as S14-95 was isolated from fermentations of the imperfect fungus Penicillium sp. 14-95. The compound inhibits the IFN-γ mediated expression of the reporter gene with IC50 values of 2.5~5μg/ml (5.4~10.8μM). Furthermore t

Nöjda som lärare, missnöjda som anställda - skolexistens mellan mening och missnöje

Hur kan det komma sig att en relativt stor andel lärare på en och samma gång är missnöjda med en rad arbetsvillkor och upplever att arbetet är meningsfullt? Varför är, med andra ord, många lärare nöjda med sin yrkesutövning som lärare samtidigt som de är missnöjda som anställda? Frågeställningarna har attackerats från flera håll med utgångspunkt från läraryrkets och skolans utveckling under de sen

Association between Pak1 expression and subcellular localization and tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer patients.

Background: p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1) phosphorylates many proteins in both normal and transformed cells. Its ability to phosphorylate and thereby activate the estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) potentially limits the effectiveness of antiestrogen treatment in breast cancer. Here we studied associations between Pak1 expression and subcellular localization in tumor cells and tamoxifen resistance

Expression, purification, crystallisation and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of Thermotoga neapolitana beta-glucosidase B

-Glucosidases belong to families 1, 3 and 9 of the glycoside hydrolases and act on cello-oligosaccharides. Family 1 and 3 enzymes are retaining and are reported to have transglycosylation activity, which can be used to produce oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates. Family 3 enzymes are less well characterized than their family 1 homologues and to date only two crystal structures have been solved. H