Geochemical and sedimentary signatures of Phanerozoic events.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Dramatiska händelser har inträffat regelbundet under jordens historia. Primära, kortvariga katastrofer som t ex asteroidnedslag, omfattande vulkanism eller kraftiga jordskalv kan ge långvariga miljöeffekter, som t ex global uppvärmning eller nedkylning, förändringar i havsnivå och cirkulationsmönster, syrefria oceanbottnar mm. Alla deGeological and biological catastrophic events have occurred repeatedly in the Earth's history, leaving traces in the global stratigraphical record in the form of sedimentary features, geochemical anomalies and biotic turnovers. This thesis focuses on the sedimentological and geochemical signatures of several key events in the Phanerozoic stratigraphical record, and aims to interpret the different