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Blurring boundaries : the role of sustainability reporting as a boundary object in FMCG supply chains

Purpose: The sustainability impacts of supply chain practices have become a topic of contention, and customers are demanding more information on the sustainable performance of corporate entities. Sustainability reporting has emerged in response to these concerns as a method to showcase the sustainability performance a company’s supply chain to relevant stakeholders. However, research on the topic

Likvärdig bedömning i grundskolans musikämne?

I egenskap av lärarstudent med ett år kvar av utbildningen har jag fortfarande vissa svårigheter med att tolka den nya läroplanen, Lgr 11. Jag har därför undersökt hur yrkesaktiva lärare tolkar och hanterar den nya läroplanen. Studien innehåller också en analys av likvärdigheten av lärarnas tolkningar eftersom nya rapporter påpekar bristande likvärdighet i den svenska skolan. Studien är kvalitativAs a teacher student with only one year left until fully educated, I still have some difficulties completely understanding and interpreting the new curriculum, Lgr 11, for the higher grades of Swedish elementary school. Therefore I examined how working teachers tend to interpret and deal with this new curriculum. The thesis also contains an analysis of the teachers’ answers in the perspective of e

The WTO : environmental friend or environmental foe?

The world’s fisheries and marine ecosystems are in danger of collapse. Fish is a highly traded commodity worldwide and the WTO regulates most global trade. Yet, overfishing is an environmental problem and the WTO is not an environmental organisation. Due to its power and reach, increased observance of sustainability could be very influential. It is argued that a tool like ecolabelling can improve

Focused Funds – How Do They Perform in Comparison with More Diversified Funds?

The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether or not focused funds can outperform bigger and more diversified funds, both in mean return and in its relation to risk taking. The data used in this thesis consist of 67 Swedish mutual funds, one benchmark index and 129 stocks. All data is from the period 2007-2011. The fund data is retrieved from FactSet, the benchmark index from SIX-Telekurs an

Important Market Characteristics in International Establishments

This study aims to identify important market characteristics that affect international market establishments in the IT consulting industry. A qualitative case study has been conducted at an IT consulting firm, where Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas has been used as a tool to identify and compare market characteristics to existing theory regarding internationalisation in the Knowledge-Intens

Exponering av bisfenol A från fiskkonserver

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor which is very present in our surrounding environment. As a component mainly used in plastics and in the inner linings in cans, BPA can also be found in our bodies due to migration into food. Once the substance is reaching the components of the body it is biotransformed into a more water soluble molecule called monoglucoronide. Whether to measure the unco

Chinese OFDI and Private Companies in Ethiopia - Industrialization and Employment Opportunities

Over the past few years, there has been considerable academic interest in studying the relationship between China and Africa. This study aims to describe what effect Chinese outbound foreign direct (OFDI) investments and private companies have had on employment opportunities and industrialization in Ethiopia. The research question reads: What effect has Chinese outbound foreign direct investments

Ett mystiskt ryggradsdjursfossil från Åsen och dess koppling till den skånska, krittida ryggradsdjursfaunan

I detta arbete presenteras en del av den ryggradsdjursfauna som fanns i södra Sverige under krittidens senare del, dvs. för mellan 100 och 66 miljoner år sedan. Vidare avhandlas ett mystiskt, fossilt skelettfynd från Kristianstadbassängen i nordöstra Skåne. Syftet med studien är att identifiera fossilet och att försöka bestämma till vilken djurgrupp det kan ha hört. Benet hittades i grundmarina sThis work presents a part of the vertebrate fauna that existed in the southern of Sweden during the latest Cretaceous period, between 100 and 66 Ma ago. Further, data on a mysterious skeletal finding from the Kristianstad Basin will be presented. The purpose of the study is to identify the fossil and to determine to which group of animals it might have belonged. The fossil was found in shallow, m

Modernisation of Public Procurement - Making the public market more competitive and collusion proof?

This thesis has its focus on the interaction between competition law and the public procurement regime. Since the two systems have the same objective of the creation of an internal market it is vital that the two systems reach coherence. Despite this there is now express provision on the importance to fight anti competitive behaviour in the Public Sector Directive 2004/18/EC. On March 28th 2014 th

Riskinventering i produktionsfas med fokus på kvalitet

I rapporten har ett av de större entreprenadföretagens, Skanska Sverige ABs, arbete kring riskinventeringar studerats. Enligt deras föreskrivna rutiner och arbetssätt startar riskhanteringsarbetet redan i anbudsskedet och ska genom hela projektet, och under produktionen, uppdateras. Förutsättningar finns för att göra riskarbetet kontinuerligt, men enligt personerna som intervjuats verkar det inte

”Jag har aldrig träffat en tonåring som mår jättebra under hela sin pubertetsperiod” - Skolkuratorers beskrivningar av psykisk ohälsa

The aim with the study was to analyse school counselor´s descriptions of how students mental ill-health expresses itself. We also aimed to analyse how they describe causes and solutions in relation to the students’ mental ill-health. Our study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six school counselors, who are all working at different secondary schools in the south of Sweden. Th


Globalization is a complex and constantly changing phenomenon shaping our contemporary world and societies. It is argued to generate economic growth and greater possibilities to most people in the world, but has an impact on an individual level as well, on our personal values and social attitudes. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the research done within the field of globalization and how

Political Economy of Accountability in a Resource-Rich Region: A Case Study of Bojonegoro

This study investigates the emergence of accountability in a natural resource-rich regency in Indonesia namely Bojonegoro. While it is widely acknowledged that natural resource-abundance tends to be associated with predatory states, Bojonegoro has able to promote accountability and achieve a high level of economic growth in the last five years. This paper thus attempts to analyze the incentives th

Driftstörningskonsekvenser utav ERTMS-implementering i Sverige

Today, Sweden is in an upgrade period between the two train control systems. Today’s system has soon reached the end of its lifecycle period and therefore need to be replaced. Meanwhile, decisions within the EU have been taken to improve interoperability between European countries. The solution will be an international control system replacing the different national train control and command syste

Strategic Business Partnerships in the Consumer Technology Industry - A Case Study on Partner Selection Criteria and Their Influence on the Outcome of Value Constellations

Thesis purpose: To identify relevant criteria underlying the partner selection process in a leading company in the consumer technology industry, as well as to subsequently analyse the influences which those criteria have on overall outcome. The intention is to draw valid implications for future research as well as for actors in similar market environments. Methodology: The researchers of this pa