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En författare presenteras - en studie av hur förlagen framställer sina deckarförfattare

Uppsatsen undersöker hur förlagen presenterar och framställer sina deckarförfattare, både i marknadsföringens textuella beskrivningar och i fotografier av författarna. Studien är inriktad på de förlag som har den mest omfattande deckarutgivningen i Sverige idag och presenterar och analyserar främst återkommande men även vissa avvikande mönster som har kunnat urskiljas i framställningarna. Resultat

Moderating Effects on Entrepreneurial Orientation in a Professional Family Firm

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine what factors moderates or influence the entrepreneurial orientation. Our study provides a unique context that was examined. Argued by theory, moderators vary according to different contexts. Subsequently, we want to confirm some of the moderators discussed in literature and research what other context specific moderators that exist. Furthermo

Management of Business Rules Approach – A model based on Resource Based View

Business rules approach is often defined as a way of managing and automating business rules where a business rule is a statement influencing business behavior. The literature is mainly focusing on the development and implementation of business rules and only partially discusses the strategic management of them. The academic research acknowledges the importance of rule management and handling strat

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Traveller of the Century (2009) by Andrés Neuman is a passionate love story that reflects 19th Century Europe and furthermore it constitutes a reinterpretation of the period by the author, in which he combines the classical novel with modern literary techniques. This essay analyzes the presence of translation in the story, interpreting it as a metaphor for love, and investigates its significance f

Idrottens arenor - en satsning på gott och ont

In recent times, Sweden has experienced a boom in the construction of new arenas, which constitutes a good example of modern day planning in the country. The purpose of this paper is to investigate what these arenas symbolise and what sets of values influence and possibly alter the decision-making processes surrounding the construction of the arenas. The analyses are based on the theories of neoli

Den våldtagna bosniska, kroatiska och serbiska kvinnan

Mass Rapes in Bosnia-Herzegovina illustrated the structural sexual violence in war and made it hypervisible. Despite the fact that 111 cases involving sexual violence during the war are being heard in the court of Bosnia and Herzegovina only thirty-six cases have been completed. Sara Sharratt’s theory argues that all institutions in society including the courts are affected by the stereotypes and

Sociala mediers roll inom B2B

Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att kartlägga hur personer med inflytande över inköp resonerar kring sin relation till leverantörer och potentialen med sociala medier i den interaktionen. Särskilt fokus ligger på problemlösning i vid mening, eftersom det är en central aspekt av kund-leverantörs-förhållandet. Metod: Det vetenskapsteoretiska perspektivet är konstruktionism. En kvalitativ uppsa

The Preferred Treatment of the Fixed Establishment in the European VAT

The concept of the FE is relevant in the EU VAT from the two main perspectives as regards the cross-border supplies of services: entitlement of the MS to tax the supply and distribution of VAT accounting obligations between the supplier and the customer. This influences VAT burden and cash flows of both the parties to the supply and the state in which the supply is subject to VAT. The concept is,

Chinese-style WLB: An Investigation of Chinese Female Workers’ Perceptions on Work-life Balance

Work-life balance (WLB), especially for female workers is a popular topic being widely discussed in different fields. Yet, there are insufficient studies on how Chinese female workers perceive their own WLB and organizational WLB support. In our research, we hold that WLB is personally interpreted and subjectively perceived. Therefore we conducted interviews with Chinese female workers to explore

An Exploration of Google's Acquisition through Integrating Strategic Brand Management and Network Theory

The purpose or the study is to explore Google’s network expansion through acquisitions by integrating two different perspectives - Strategic Brand Management and Network Theory - in order to fill the gap in the existing branding literature in relation to network theory. In addition to Strategic Brand Management and Network Theory, the study also explores literature that is related to interrelatedn

Marknadseffektivitet på Stockholmsbörsen - Effektivitetsskillnader granskade via analys av aggregerad insynshandel

Studien genomfördes med syftet att undersöka eventuella skillnader i marknadseffektivitet mellan Large-Cap och Small-Cap på Stockholmsbörsen. Metodvalet, de teoretiska utgångspunkterna samt datahanteringen utformades efter analys av flertalet tidigare studier inom området. Effektiviteten testades sedan med hjälp av en eventstudie av insynshandel publicerad av Finansinspektionen. För att generera s

Gestaltning av det förflutna : berättelser i museiutställningar

Museums, as we know them, originate from the enlightened modernity with its emphasis on rationality and positivism. Today, however, modernity is highly contested, and the role of the museum has shifted. We argue that historical museum exhibitions operate in the boundary between didactics and experiences, which in turn affects the way exhibitions communicate with its visitors. The aim of this thesi

The Image of European Identities : The European Union and Instagram

The aim of this study is to look at the discourses of European identity from two different angles. The first angle is European identity from an EU perspective which EU seeks to create amongst the European citizens. This is studied in the book European Foreign Policy, consisting of legislations and treaties connected to the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The second angle is the images of Europ

The Search for Professional Identification - An interpretive case study examining identity work at a consulting firm.

This thesis purpose is to examine what impact employer branding and organisational culture has on individual’s identity construction from a socially constructed view. We have used a qualitative research method based on an anti-positivistic epistemology and a socially constructed ontological perspective. We have conducted a case study at Quarter Consulting (a pseudonym for one of "The big 4&qu

Selling Stories and Consuming Culture : The Connection between Literature and Marketing in Max Barry's Syrup (1999) and Jennifer Government (2003)

Literature and marketing are closely connected. This statement might be considered surprising. This thesis, however, aims to explore this connection by applying an interdisciplinary approach anchored in both marketing and literary theory. The multifaceted nature of the relationship between the fields can be discussed from various angles. The novels Syrup (1999) and Jennifer Government (2003) by Au

The Safeguarding of Employees’ Rights Arising from Collective Agreements in the Event of Transfers of Undertakings - Balancing the Tension between Employees’ and Employers’ Interests

Directive 2001/23/EC on the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, aims primarily to protect employees from being placed in a less favourable position solely as a result of a transfer of an undertaking. Article 3(3) of the Directive, more particularly, provides that, upon a transfer of an undertaking, the new employer is bound by terms and conditions agreed in

More than wine : cultural ecosystem services in vineyard landscapes

Problem area: Ecosystem services, the benefits that people obtain from nature, are essential for human well-being, but are declining globally. Even though research on ecosystem services has increased in the last decade, knowledge on cultural ecosystem services (CES), which are the non-material benefits people gain from ecosystems, is still limited. Wine production shapes special landscapes that pr

Elektronisk legitimering i en fysisk kontext - en designstudie om Mobilt BankID som legitimation hos postombud

Den digitala plånboken är ett nytt kapitel i smartphonens historia som i och med mobila betalningslösningar kan agera substitut för traditionella betalningsmedel. Något denna plånbok däremot inte innehåller är en motsvarande lösning för legitimationen, ett plastkort som i digitaliseringen inte verkar ha någonstans att ta vägen. Faktum är att legitimering med smartphonen blev möjligt i takt med lan

The permission process for large onshore wind turbines in Sweden - How do authorities interpret the laws?

Denna studie undersöker tillståndsprocessen för stora landbaserade vindkraftverk i Sverige. För att bygga en gruppstation med fler än sju vindkraftverk som är högre än 120 meter eller enstaka verk högre än 150 meter krävs tillstånd från Länsstyrelsen. Tillståndsansökningar till Länsstyrelsen kräver att den kommun där vindkraftverken ska placeras ger sin tillstyrkan enligt 16 kap. 4 § i Miljöbalken

Sociala medier som det digitala vardagsrummet

Allt fler företag använder internet och sociala medier för att kommunicera med konsumenter, genom dessa medier har de möjlighet att sprida information om sig själva samt direkt få feedback från allmänheten. Det här har påverkat företags sätt att utbyta information med konsumenter och medför därför nya risker och möjligheter för företag att beakta. Studien undersöker hur företag använder och förval