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Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) reveal details of polyploid evolution in Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)

The utility of the PCR-based AFLP technique (polymerase chain reactions amplified fragment length polymorphisms) was explored in elucidating details of polyploid evolution in the Eurasian orchid genus Dactylorhiza. We emphasized Swedish taxa but also included some material from the British Isles and elsewhere in Europe. Three different sets of primers, amplifying different subsets of restriction f

Interchain effects in the ultrafast photophysics of a semiconducting polymer: THz time-domain spectroscopy of thin films and isolated chains in solution

We compare the generation and decay dynamics of charges and excitons in a model polymer semiconductor (MEH-PPV) in solution and drop-cast thin films, by recording the sub-ps transient complex conductivity using THz time-domain spectroscopy. The results show that the quantum efficiency of charge generation is two orders of magnitude smaller in solution (~10–5) than in the solid film (~10–3). The pr


Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste decennierna har våra skogar utsatts för en allt högre grad av stress som en följd av förändrade produktionsmönster och en hög deposition av gödande och försurande ämnen, såsom kväve ovh svavel. Kväve är det ämne som begränsar trädens tillväxt, och det höga nedfallet av detta ämne har resulterat i att träden växt mycket snabbbare. Deras behov av andra näForests in Sweden are undergoing rapid and considerable changes regarding both management methods and environmental conditions. To understand the effects of these changes and to be able to predict impending changes in forest ecosystems, a holistic understanding of the processes governing the ecosystem is needed. To gain such an understanding, the ForSAFE model of the biogeochemical cycles in a for

Acute infections in children are accompanied by oxidative modification of LDL and decrease of HDL cholesterol, and are followed by thickening of carotid intima-media.

Background Atherosclerosis begins early in life. Infections might contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In this study, we investigated whether acute infections in children could alter the carotid wall morphology and the tipid profile. Methods Mean carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) was measured by high-resolution ultrasound in 28 hospitatised children (mean age: 5 2 years), who fulf

Intracellular sorting of galectin-8 based on carbohydrate fine specificity

Galectin-8 has two carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs), both of which bind beta-galactosides, but have different. ne specificity for larger saccharides. Previously we found that both CRDs were needed for efficient cell surface binding and signaling by soluble galectin-8, but unexpectedly binding of the N-CRD to its best ligands, alpha 2-3-sialylated galactosides, was not needed. In search for

Purification and characterisation of a water-soluble ferrochelatase from Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase is encoded by the hemH gene of the hemEHY gene cluster and catalyses the incorporation of Fe2+ into protoporphyrin IX. B. subtilis ferrochelatase produced in Escherichia coli was purified. It was found to be a monomeric, water-soluble enzyme of molecular mass 35 kDa which in addition to Fe2+ can incorporate Zn2+ and Cu2+ into protoporphyrin IX. Chemical modificatio

Influence of urban geometry on outdoor thermal comfort in a hot dry climate: A study in Fez, Morocco

There are few studies on the microclimate and human comfort of urban areas in hot dry climates. This study investigates the influence of urban geometry on outdoor thermal comfort by comparing an extremely deep and a shallow street canyon in Fez, Morocco. Continuous measurements during the hot summer and cool winter seasons show that, by day, the deep canyon was considerably cooler than the shallow

Leaving Home in a Peasant Society. Economic Fluctuations, Household Dynamics and Youth Migration in Southern Sweden, 1829-1866.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar barns flyttningar hemifrån i det förindustriella bondesamhället. Utöver att studera när barn lämnade hemmet kopplas också flyttningsprocessen till den förindustriella hushållsekonomins funktionssätt. Analysen görs på ett longitudinellt material för ett område i västra Skåne under perioden 1829-1866. Individerna följs från födseln, eller från det aThis study deals with the process of children leaving home and its interactions with the household economy in preindustrial society. A theoretical model of leaving home is outlined and then analyzed multivariately, using a longitudinal micro-level dataset for a sample of parishes in western Scania, Sweden, for the period 1829-1866. In a first introductory part the social and economic background as

Submaximal-exercise-induced impairment of human muscle to develop and maintain force at low frequencies of electrical stimulation

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that low intensity exercise-induced low frequency fatigue is caused by failure of excitation-contraction coupling. Changes in knee extension torque at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 50 Hz electrical stimulation of quadriceps muscle in ten healthy, young, male subjects were recorded during 20-min voluntary exercise followed by 60-min recovery. In seven of the ten

Hypens Grammatik informationsteknologi i återberättandet som myt praktiserad verklighet och vetenskaplig analys alternativt IT-hypen åren innan och omkring millennieskiftet i väntan på nästa hype och nästa och nästa ...

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hypens grammatik informationsteknologi i återberättandet som myt, praktiserad verklighet och vetenskaplig analys alternativt IT-hypen åren innan och omkring millennieskiftet i väntan på nästa hype och nästa och nästa ... Detta är titeln på min avhandling, som snarare fokuserar på en speciell ”hype” än att den tar upp informationssamhället som sådant. I detta fall, hypeThe Grammar of The Hype digital information technology -IT- in retelling as myth its experienced reality and in scientific analysis or the IT-hype in the years prior to and at the turn of the millennium waiting for the next hype and the next, and“next”... This is the title of my thesis and it focuses rather on a particular “hype” than deals with the so-called information society as such. What is

Poly(ethylene oxide)/Laponite nanocomposites via melt-compounding: effect of clay modification and matrix molar mass

The present study focuses on the preparation of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) nanocomposites based on the synthetic Laponite clay. The clay was added both in its pure form as well as organically modified with low molar mass poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) components in order to enhance the compatibility between Laponite and PEO. Several PEG's with different end groups were used. Almost all of them were f

Ground-truths or Ground-lies? : environmental sampling for remote sensing application exemplified by vegetation cover data

During time of fast development of computer and sensor technology, ground data sampling strategies have achieved diminished attention in many remote sensing studies. This paper discusses the importance of designing an appropriate sampling scheme of ground data collection for remote sensing applications. The difficulties of achieving a balance between the size and the error of the samples are ident

Industry dynamics in the Swedish textile and wearing apparel sector

This paper analyses the adjustment process within the Swedish textile and wearing apparel sector and finds results that support the notion of Schumpeter's 'creative' destruction. The turnover of plants and jobs seems to 'improve' the industries from within due to an exit (entry) of less (more) productive plants, exit (entry) of old (new) incumbents, a destruction (creation) of less (more) human-ca

Evaluation of long-term functional status in first-ever stroke patients in a defined population

Medical, social and ADL variables were registered within 48 hours of stroke onset and 6 and 12 months later in 346 first-ever stroke patients. One year after stroke onset 27% of the patients were dead. 78% of the surviving patients were living in their own homes, 10.6% in old people's homes with no medical facilities and 9.5% in nursing homes. A health index was used for ADL evaluation and the qua