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Your search for "*" yielded 531887 hits

Evaluation of long-term functional status in first-ever stroke patients in a defined population

Medical, social and ADL variables were registered within 48 hours of stroke onset and 6 and 12 months later in 346 first-ever stroke patients. One year after stroke onset 27% of the patients were dead. 78% of the surviving patients were living in their own homes, 10.6% in old people's homes with no medical facilities and 9.5% in nursing homes. A health index was used for ADL evaluation and the qua

At least three hepatitis C virus strains implicated in Swedish and Danish patients with intravenous immunoglobulin-associated hepatitis C

BACKGROUND: Three reported Swedish cases of hepatitis C in patients receiving an intravenous immunoglobulin (Gammagard, Baxter Healthcare, Deerfield, IL) were among the first to bring to light a worldwide outbreak of hepatitis C associated with non-solvent/detergent (SD)-treated Gammagard. In February 1994, all implicated batches of Gammagard were recalled and exposed patients traced. STUDY DESIGN

Perilipin and adipophilin expression in lipid loaded macrophages

Lipid-filled macrophages (foam cells) are a defining feature of atherosclerotic plaques. Foam cells contain lipid dro plet- associated proteins that in other cell types regulate lipid turnover. In foam cell such proteins may directly affect lipid droplet formation and lipid efflux. Differentiated primary human monocytes or THP-1 cells were lipid loaded by incubation with aggregated low density lip

Reduction of iron oxides by carbon in a circulating fluidized bed reactor

A theoretical analysis of the reduction of iron oxides by carbon in a circulating fluidized bed reactor is considered in this study. Iron oxide and coal particles are fast fluidized in the main column by a hot stream of gases (N2–CO–CO2–H2–H2O). The analysis considers kinetic and hydrodynamic factors in the reactor and assumes the reduction reaction by carbon to proceed through gaseous intermediat

Hand function tests and questions on hand symptoms as related to the stockholm workshop scales for diagnosis of hand-arm vibration syndrome.

The severity of hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is usually graded according to the Stockholm workshop scales. Although the Stockholm workshop scales are regarded the gold standard for assessing the severity of HAVS, they are based primarily on subjective symptoms. The aim of the present study was to explore the agreement between Stockholm workshop scales and the outcome from ten well-defined cl

Mellan klient och rättssystem : Tvångsvård av barn och unga ur socialsekreterares perspektiv

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på socialsekreterares utredningsarbete av barn och unga inom socialtjänsten. Syftet har varit att beskriva och analysera tvångsvårdsprocessen ur socialsekreterares perspektiv, samt förstå och förklara hur detta påverkar barnavårdspraktiken. Det empiriska materialet består av barnavårdsakter och fokusgruppsintervjuer med socialsekreterare. This dissertation focuses on assessments concerning children and young persons in the Social Services. The aim has been to describe and analyse the compulsory care process from a social worker perspective, and to understand and explain how this affects the practice of child welfare. I have used case files from the Social Services and focus group interviews with social workers as empirical data. Th

Novel Immunotherapies and Immunoregulation in a Chronic Inflammatory Disease of the Central Nervous System

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of central nervous system (CNS) which is thought to arise from a breakdown of immunological tolerance in CD4 cells. The aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of regulation mechanisms of T cell-dependent chronic inflammation in the CNS and explore ways to overcome the onset and progression of the disease, which can be an importa

Registration of emission and transmission whole-body scintillation-camera images

In this work, a method for registration of whole-body (WB) scintillation-camera images is presented. The primary motive for the development is to perform activity quantification using the conjugate view method on an image basis. Accurate image registration is required for sequential anterior and posterior scans, for serial emission images for analysis of the biokinetics, and for transmission and e

Corticosterone levels in relation to migratory readiness in red-eyed vireos (Vireo olivaceus)

We examined the relationship between plasma levels of corticosterone and the migratory activity and directional preference of red-eyed vireos during fall migration at the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Corticosterone is thought to play a role in physiological and behavioural processes before, during, and after long-distance migratory flights. An increase in corticosterone at the onset of mi

CD133 is not present on neurogenic astrocytes in the adult subventricular zone, but on embryonic neural stem cells, ependymal cells, and glioblastoma cells

Human brain tumor stem cells have been enriched using antibodies against the surface protein CD133. An antibody recognizing CD133 also served to isolate normal neural stem cells from fetal human brain, suggesting a possible lineage relationship between normal neural and brain tumor stem cells. Whether CD133-positive brain tumor stem cells can be derived from CD133-positive neural stem or progenito

Truncated semenogelin I binds zinc and is cleaved by prostate-specific antigen

Semenogelins I and II are major coagulum-forming proteins in semen, and they are secreted mainly by the seminal vesicles. These proteins bind Zn2+ and act as substrates for prostate-specific antigen and transglutaminase. A variant semenogelin I lacking 60 amino acids has been described that occurs in different populations with an allele frequency of 1%-3%. To better understand the function of the

Soaking in a NaCl solution produce paler potato chips

Pairs of potato slices were blanched, soaked in a NaCl solution or water and fried. The originally adjoining faces of the chips were analysed for average L*a*b* color by digital photography and image analysis. Stepwise increases in blanching temperature (60, 65, 70, 75, 80 degrees C/5 min) gave rise to gradually darker chips above 65 degrees C, by a total of 9L* units (P = 0.001). Slices soaked af

A program for computing weak and intermediate field Zeeman splittings from MCHF wave functions

Given electronic wave functions generated by the MCHF_CI program (LSJ format), this program calculates diagonal Lande a factors that determine separations of magnetic sublevels in weak external magnetic fields. In addition the program computes off-diagonal Lande factors and constructs the total interaction matrix for an atom in a magnetic field. By diagonalizing the interaction matrix and plotting

Carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis) winter habitats - insights in shelter plant preference and migratory capacity

The carrot psyllid (Trioza apicalis) is a serious pest in carrot-growing areas in northern and parts of central Europe. The psyllids overwinter as adults on conifers and during summer feed and lay eggs on carrot plants (Daucus carota ssp. sativus), thereby destroying the crop. To investigate the migratory capabilities and preferences for different shelter plant species of the carrot psyllid, we ma

Levels of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin B activities, and cystatins in human sputum: relationship to inflammation

Sputum samples from 25 patients with bronchiectasis were assayed enzymatically for myeloperoxidase, neutrophil elastase and cathepsin B, and immunologically for cystatin A, cystatin B, cystatin C, cystatin S and kininogen. High myeloperoxidase and neutrophil elastase levels were found in those sputum samples that were assessed visually to be purulent. These samples were also found to contain high

Determination of wound strength for quantitation of skin damage after pressure ischemia. An experimental study in rabbits

Rabbits skin folds were placed in plexiglass chambers enabling control of the skin fold temperature during cuff compression (200 mmHg) for 4 hours. In 10 animals the skin folds were kept at 36 degrees C - in another 10 animals the skin fold temperature was lowered to 10 degrees C. To quantitate the skin injury caused by the pressure ischemia a standardized wound was made, and immediately closed, a