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Well-being and perceptions of everyday activities among those who attend community-based day centres for people with mental illness in Sweden - Does an immigrant background make a difference?

Background: Community-based day centres (CBDCs) for people with mental illness are a common service for both people with an immigrant background and native Swedes. Aim: The aim was to compare CBDC attendees with an immigrant background with attendees who were native Swedes in terms of well-being and perceptions of everyday activities and investigate whether ethnic background could predict these fa

Citation metrics and Impact Factors fail as measures of scientific quality, in particular in taxonomy, and are biased by biological disciplin and by geographic and taxonomic factors

Based on the experience of the author and analyses of citation frequences of papers published in various biological journals, the use of citation counts and journal Impact Factors as a measure of scientific quality is discussed. It is concluded that citation frequency differ not only among biological sub-disciplines such as ecology and taxonomy, but also among taxonomic papers on highly similar toBased on my experience and analyses of citation frequencies of papers published in various biological journals, I discuss the use of citation counts and journal Impact Factors as measures of scientific quality. I conclude that citation frequency differs not only among biological sub-disciplines such as ecology and taxonomy, but also among taxonomic papers on highly similar topics, and that these l

Does glycosylation influence the experimental antithrombotic effect of a two-domain tissue factor pathway inhibitor?

We have earlier shown that both full-length and truncated glycosylated tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) lacking the third Kunitz domain and the c-terminal region has an antithrombotic effect comparable to low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in an experimental venous thrombosis model. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a recombinant truncated non-glycosylated TFPI (117QTFPI1-161

Brain responses to morphologically complex words: an electrophysiological study on Swedish past tense forms

Dual system models postulate two distinct neural mechanisms for the processing of inflected words: irregular forms (e.g. ‘went’) are assumed to be directly accessed as whole word representations, whereas regularly inflected items (e.g. ‘played’) might undergo rule-based decomposition (Pinker & Ullman, 2002). Irregular verb stems incorrectly carrying a regular inflectional suffix have been repo

Protamine neutralization of intravenous and subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin (tinzaparin, Logiparin(TM)). An experimental investigation in healthy volunteers

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether tinzaparin sodium (a low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)) was fully and permanently neutralized in vivo in man by protamine sulphate (PS) after intravenous (i.v.) or subcutaneous (s.c.) injection. Fifty healthy adults equally divided in five age- and sex-matched groups were included. The groups received 50 IU unfractionated heparin (UH)/kg bo

Sub-100-nm gate-length scaling of vertical InAs/InGaAs nanowire MOSFETs on Si

We demonstrate a process to vary the gate-length of vertical MOSFETs on the same sample with high accuracy and high performance. Fabricated vertical InAs/InGaAs MOSFETs on Si have gate length ranging from 25 nm to 140 nm. The results shown are from single nanowire transistors as well as arrays with nanowires ranging from 80 to 500 nanowires. The devices show good yield and clear scaling trends. We

Carbon credits compete poorly with agricultural commodities in an optimized model of land use in Northern California

Nascent US carbon markets reward farmers for reforesting agricultural land, with consequent ecological co-benefits. We use a dynamic optimization model to determine the likelihood of an orchard farmer in northern California converting to forest under 90 plausible future scenarios. We find reforestation to be a highly unlikely outcome, occurring only 4.0% of the time under current economic, biophys

Compression therapy for venous leg ulcers : Risk factors for adverse events and complications, contraindications - a review of present guidelines

Introduction: The adequate use of compression in venous leg ulcer treatment is equally important to patients as well as clinicians. Currently, there is a lack of clarity on contraindications, risk factors, adverse events and complications, when applying compression therapy for venous leg ulcer patients. Methods: The project aimed to optimize prevention, treatment and maintenance approaches by reco

Carrier Recombination Processes in Gallium Indium Phosphide Nanowires

Understanding of recombination and photoconductivity dynamics of photogenerated charge carriers in GaxIn1-xP NWs is essential for their optoelectronic applications. In this letter, we have studied a series of GaxIn1-xP NWs with varied Ga composition. Time-resolved photoinduced luminescence, femtosecond transient absorption, and time-resolved THz transmission measurements were performed to assess r

Mitochondria are not captive bacteria

Lynn Sagan's conjecture (1967) that three of the fundamental organelles observed in eukaryote cells, specifically mitochondria, plastids and flagella were once free-living primitive (prokaryotic) cells was accepted after considerable opposition. Even though the idea was swiftly refuted for the specific case of origins of flagella in eukaryotes, the symbiosis model in general was accepted for decad

Trust but Verify : Trust Establishment Mechanisms in Infrastructure Clouds

In the cloud computing service model, users consume computation resources provided through the Internet, often without any awareness of the cloud service provider that owns and operates the supporting hardware infrastructure. This marks an important change compared to earlier models of computation, for example when such supporting hardware infrastructure was under the control of the user. Given th

Limitations of oxygen uptake and leg muscle activity during ascending evacuation in stairways

Stair ascending performance is critical during evacuation from buildings and underground infrastructures. Healthy subjects performed self-paced ascent in three settings: 13 floor building, 31 floor building, 33 m stationary subway escalator. To investigate leg muscle and cardiorespiratory capacities and how they constrain performance, oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR) and ascending speed were m

Assessment of the degradation efficiency of full-scale biogas plants : A comparative study of degradation indicators

Increasing popularity and applications of the anaerobic digestion (AD) process has necessitated the development and identification of tools for obtaining reliable indicators of organic matter degradation rate and hence evaluate the process efficiency especially in full-scale, commercial biogas plants. In this study, four biogas plants (A1, A2, B and C) based on different feedstock, process configu

Effect of food intake on 92 neurological biomarkers in plasma

Objective: This study evaluates the effect of food intake on 92 neurological biomarkers in plasma. Moreover, it investigated if any of the biomarkers were correlated with body mass index. Materials and Methods: Twenty-two healthy subjects (11 male and 11 female aged 25.9 ± 4.2 years) were investigated. A total of 92 biomarkers were measured before a standardized meal as well as 30 and 120 min afte

MNE microfoundations and routines for building a legitimate and sustainable position in emerging markets

A number of studies have analysed how multinational enterprises (MNEs) develop appropriate strategies for managing the institutionally different contexts of various markets. However, we still know rather little about how MNEs manage different institutional pressures when they operate in emerging markets. These markets have a higher level of uncertainty as their values and structures undergo change