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Monte Carlo Simulations of Multigraft Homopolymers in Good Solvent

Multigraft polymers comprise a subclass of branched polymers where more than one side chain is attached to each node (branching point) of the main chain. We have investigated structural properties of single multigraft polymers under good solvent conditions by Monte Carlo simulations, employing a flexible bead-spring model. Beside the grafting density, denoting the linear density of grafted side ch

Effects of ionic substances in bleaching filtrates and of lignosulfonates on the activity of oxalate oxidase from barley

The effects of ionic substances in seven industrial filtrates from kraft pulping, mechanical pulping, and sulfite pulping on the activity of oxalate oxidase from barley were investigated by pre-treatment of the filtrates with ion-exchange resins prior to enzymatic degradation of the oxalic acid in the filtrates. The pre-treatment resulted in increased oxalic acid degradation rates in all filtrates

Line shape and composition of the In 3d(5/2) core-level photoemission for the interface analysis of In-containing III-V semiconductors

The In 3d(5/2) photoelectron spectroscopy peak has been widely used to determine the interface structures of In-containing III-V device materials (e.g., oxidation states). However, an unclear parameter affecting the determination of the energy shifts and number of the core-level components, and therefore, the interpreted interface structure and composition, is still the intrinsic In 3d(5/2) peak l

Variation in social organization influences the opportunity for sexual selection in a social lizard

Social monogamy has traditionally been suggested to be maintained because of weak sexual selection on male partner acquisition. However, the ubiquitous incidence of extra-pair paternity suggests that sexual selection can be strong in monogamous systems, although studies partitioning variance in male reproductive success have come to mixed conclusions. Here, we use detailed field data to examine va

Electronic and Structural Differences between Wurtzite and Zinc Blende InAs Nanowire Surfaces: Experiment and Theory

We determine the detailed differences in geometry and band structure between wurtzite (Wz) and zinc blende (Zb) InAs nanowire (NW) surfaces using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and photoemission electron microscopy. By establishing unreconstructed and defect-free surface facets for both Wz and Zb, we can reliably measure differences between valence and conduction band edges, the local

Long-term memory for odors: Influences of familiarity and identification across 64 days

Abstract in UndeterminedFew studies have investigated long-term odor recognition memory, although some early observations suggested that the forgetting rate of olfactory representations is slower than for other sensory modalities. This study investigated recognition memory across 64 days for high and low familiar odors and faces. Memory was assessed in 83 young participants at 4 occasions; immedia

Chronic hepatitis C in Swedish subjects receiving opiate substitution therapy-Factors associated with advanced fibrosis.

Background: Opiate substitution therapy (OST) reduces the risk of death from directly drug-related causes in heroin users, allowing other chronic health problems to emerge. People who inject drugs (PWID) are exposed to hepatitis C virus (HCV), with an associated risk of chronic liver disease. We investigated HCV prevalence and liver-related morbidity in a cohort of OST recipients, and analyzed fac

Incidence of hyperthyroidism in Sweden

Introduction: The incidence of hyperthyroidism has been reported in various countries to be 23-93/100000 inhabitants per year. This extended study has evaluated the incidence for similar to 40% of the Swedish population of 9 million inhabitants. Sweden is considered to be iodine sufficient country. Methods:All patients including children, who were newly diagnosed with overt hyperthyroidism in the

Intranasal Immunization With an Apolipoprotein B-100 Fusion Protein Induces Antigen-Specific Regulatory T Cells and Reduces Atherosclerosis

Objective-Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease. Autoimmune responses to low-density lipoproteins (LDL) contribute to its progression, whereas immunization with LDL may induce atheroprotective or proatherogenic responses. The objective of this study was to develop an atheroprotective vaccine by targeting a peptide of the LDL protein constituent apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) to the nasal muc

Evidence for the Higgs-boson Yukawa coupling to tau leptons with the ATLAS detector

Results of a search for H -> tau tau decays are presented, based on the full set of proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC during 2011 and 2012. The data correspond to integrated luminosities of 4.5 fb(-1) and 20.3 fb(-1) at centre-of-mass energies of root s = 7TeV and root s = 8 TeV respectively. All combinations of leptonic (tau -> l nu(nu) over bar with l = e,

Diversity of human papillomaviruses in skin lesions.

Pools of frozen biopsies from patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (n=29) actinic keratosis (AK) (n=31), keratoacanthoma (n=91) and swab samples from 84 SCCs and 91 AKs were analysed with an extended HPV general primer PCR and high-throughput sequencing of amplimers. We found 273 different HPV isolates (87 known HPV types, 139 previously known HPV sequences (putative types) and 47 sequences

Viral aetiology and clinical outcomes in hospitalised infants presenting with respiratory distress.

To determine the prevalence of various types of viruses in infants hospitalised due to respiratory distress, compare molecular diagnostic tests and evaluate symptom severity METHODS: All 136 nasopharyngeal aspirates from infants hospitalised for respiratory distress over a nine-month period were analysed for virus type by in-house respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) m

Theoretical EXAFS studies of a model of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II obtained with the quantum cluster approach

The oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of photosystem II is the only natural system that can form O2 from water and sunlight and it consists of a Mn4Ca cluster. In a series of publications, Siegbahn has developed a model of the OEC with the quantum mechanical (QM) cluster approach that is compatible with available crystal structures, able to form O2 with a reasonable energetic barrier, and has a signif

Cancer risks and immunohistochemical profiles linked to the Danish MLH1 Lynch syndrome founder mutation

Founder mutations with a large impact in distinct populations have been described in Lynch syndrome. In Denmark, the MLH1 c.1667+2_1667_+8TAAATCAdelinsATTT mutation accounts for 25 % of the MLH1 mutant families. We used the national Danish hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer register to estimate the cumulative lifetime risks for Lynch syndrome-associated cancer in 16 founder mutation familie

Increased Urine IgM and IgG(2) Levels, Indicating Decreased Glomerular Size Selectivity, Are Not Affected by Dalteparin Therapy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.

Fifty-four type 2 diabetic patients with neuroischemic foot ulcers were randomised to treatment with 5000 IU of dalteparin, (n = 28), or physiological saline, (n = 26), once daily until ulcer healing or for a maximum of 6 months. Thirty-three patients had normo-, 15 micro-, and 6 macroalbuminuria. The urinary levels of IgM and IgG(2) were elevated in 47 and 50 patients, respectively. Elevated urin

Adipose tissue is inflamed in NAFLD due to obesity but not in NAFLD due to genetic variation in PNPLA3

The rs738409 C > G single-nucleotide polymorphism in PNPLA3 leads to a missense mutation (I148M) which increases liver fat but does not cause insulin resistance. We hypothesised that patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) due to the PNPLA3 variant ('PNPLA3 NAFLD'aEuro parts per thousand= PNPLA3-148MM) do not have adipose tissue (AT) inflammation in contrast with those with NAFLD d