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‘’We are not managers, we are leaders’’ - A Case Study of a Leadership Development Program

Title: ‘’We are not managers, we are leaders’’ - A case study of a Leadership Development Program. Purpose: The aim is to gain insights in how individuals make sense of a leadership development program and acquire a more nuanced understanding on how they position themselves as a leader in the program. Theoretical background: The theoretical background provides previous research on leadership &

Reliabilitetsprövning av anknytningsskattning

Syfte: Studien undersöker om det på ett reliabelt sätt går att använda en modifierad version av Pati-ent Attachment to Therapist Rating Scale (PAT-RS) för att skatta anknytningsmönster från patient till terapeut utifrån inspelade psykoterapisessioner från fjärde sessionen under en korttidsterapi. Metod: Två oberoende observatörer har skattat anknytningsmönster från patient till terapeut utifrån 30Objective: This thesis investigates if it is possible to use a modified version of Patient Attachment to Therapist Rating Scale (PAT-RS) estimating attachment style between patient and therapist dur- ing an early stage of short term psychotherapy in a reliable way using recorded psychotherapy ses- sions. Method: Recorded material from 30 psychotherapy sessions have been separately estimated by two

Förhållandet mellan psykologisk flexibilitet, livskvalitet och psykiatriska symtom: En valideringsstudie av ett nytt mätinstrument

Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera ett nytt mått på psykologisk flexibilitet respektive inflexibilitet samt utforska hur psykologisk flexibilitet, mätt med detta nya mått, förhåller sig till psykiatriska symtom, upplevd livskvalitet samt ett tidigare etablerat mått på psykologisk flexibilitet. Studien syftade även till att undersöka huruvida varians i upplevd livskvalitet kan sägas medierasThe aim of this study was to evaluate a new measure of psychological flexibility and inflexibility and to investigate how psychological flexibility, measured with this new instrument, relates to psychiatric symptoms, quality of life, and to a commonly used measure of psychological inflexibility. A second aim was to investigate whether variation in perceived quality of life is mediated statisticall

Examining and Improving Stock Redistribution Process within European and Asia Regions: A Case Study at Epiroc AB

The unbalanced supply and demand will raise the distribution and transportation problems. Lateral transhipment (called stock redistribution) between two Customer Centres (CC) has been implementing to reduce unhealthy inventories. The two significant issues are the inefficient process and unnecessary cost of reactive lateral transhipment. The searching and communication processes can take longer th

Lost in Thoughts - A Quantitative Study About Repetitive Thinking, Gaze Behavior and Experiences of Distress

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om och hur repetitivt negativt tänkande (RNT) påverkar nivån av upplevt obehag under återkallning av neutralt och negativt laddade bilder, samt hur blickbeteenden modulerar sådana effekter. Ett annat syfte var att studera huruvida RNT och bildinnehåll påverkar deltagarnas blickbeteende. Datan som analyserades i denna studie hade sedan tidigare blivit insamThe purpose of the present study was to investigate if and how repetitive negative thinking (RNT) influences the level of experienced distress during recall of images of neutral and negative content, and how such effects might be modulated by gaze behavior. Another aim was to study whether RNT and image content influences participants’ gaze behavior. The data that was analyzed in this thesis was p

Singular Value Decomposition as a Method for Analyses and Forecasts of Financial Data

This paper examines the sufficiency of a trading method based on singular value decomposition (SVD) of past stock prices. The SVD method is frequently used as a tool to reduce data noise, compress big-data, and analyse data components. Hence, the method is well suited to form a ground for a predictive tool of price developments. From the predicted pattern, a strategy was formed by construction of

A new age in seafaring? Analysing the Dutch approach to incentivise a zero carbon fleet

Contributing 3% of global annual carbon emissions, the shipping sector has to do its part to keep the global temperature under the maximum increase of 2°C. To fulfil this target, the Netherlands conceived the ‘Green Deal on Maritime and Inland Shipping and Ports’ in 2019. This thesis aims to make a preliminary assessment on the policy’s effectiveness by applying Weber et al.’s environmental pol

Returning to Quality: An Empirical Investigation of Short Sale Constraints Effect on a Quality Investment Strategy

This paper examines an investment strategy relying on underlying characteristics of stocks and how market efficiency drives its returns. By using the recently published quality-minus-junk factor this paper attempts to explain the abnormal performance of portfolios sorted on their quality score by using a natural experiment which interferes with market efficiency. Using data from the U.S. and the S

Financial Determinants of Carbon dioxide emissions

In recent years, the raising concern about carbon dioxide emissions has been linked to not only environmental or industrial, but also financial aspects. Common financial determinants of carbon dioxide emissions analysed by previous studies include economic and financial development, financial structure, and trade openness of a country. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the financial det

Sverige genom främmande ögon: En kvalitativ studie om hur tvärkulturell kommunikation kan stärka ett internt platsvarumärke

Det har skett stora förändringar i resebeteendet, inte minst under covidpandemin. Det ökade intresset för att resa inom landet förväntas bestå och ett lands varumärke samt identitet spelar en betydande roll för turistnäringen. Globaliseringen gör det allt svårare att differentiera sig som land, samtidigt som multikulturella befolkningar erbjuder nya möjligheter och utmaningar. Den här studien undeThere have been major changes in travel behavior, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The increased interest in domestic travel is expected to continue and the brand and identity of nations play a significant role in the tourism industry. Furthermore, globalization presents challenges for nations when differentiating themselves on the market, at the same time as multicultural populations offer

At least, I can write about it - the relationship between creativity and well-being

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker kopplingen mellan tre välmåendemått, life satisfaction, psykologisk flexibilitet and psykologisk inflexibilitet och tre kreativitetsmått, kognitiv flexibilitet, originalitet och creative self-efficacy. Huvudhypotesen var att det finns en koppling mellan kreativitet och välmående. Det var en kvantitativ tvärsektionell studie i forma av en enkät. 120 personer svaradeThis thesis investigated the connection between three well-being dimensions consisting of life satisfaction, psychological flexibility, and inflexibility and three creativity measures consisting of cognitive flexibility, originality, and creative self-efficacy. The hypothesis was that there was a connection between creativity and well-being. It was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional desig

Rooftop plant factories: effects on energy use for heating, cooling and electric lighting

Within the next thirty years, two thirds of the human population will live in a city. This growing urban population requires a major shift in the way we produce and distribute food, since industrial agriculture practices contribute to climate change, biodiversity losses, pollution of waterways, soil degradation, etc. Urban and peri-urban agriculture and forestry (UPAF) represent one of the strateg

Modelling stellar streams around the Milky Way

Stellar streams around the Milky Way (MW) have been observed by wide sky surveys, and studied to understand the mass distribution of the MW. This is because streams are formed by a disruption of a globular cluster or a dwarf galaxy under the influence of the gravitational field of the MW. Moreover, the streams can provide an understanding of dark matter because they orbit in the far outer region o

SEAS Project

This project is about developing a product that will contribute to an included evacuation on passenger ships. There are many types of evacuation plans for differentships and emergencies. However, not all people, considering to different functionalities, have been included when these evacuations plans were initially designed. Elevators may either be functional or appropriate to use in case of emer

IKBT på agendan: en ny behandlingsmetod på BUP Skåne

Internet KBT (IKBT) har funnits för vuxna sedan slutet av 1990-talet. Under senare år har IKBT utvecklats för barn och ungdomar men forskningen är begränsad. IKBT-programmet ”Ångesthjälpen ung” implementerades på BUP i Region Skåne 2017. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka föräldrarnas uppfattning av programmet ”Ångesthjälpen ung” beroende på deras tillgång till föräldramoduler eller ej, saInternet CBT (ICBT) has been around for adults since the late 1990s. In recent years ICBT has been developed for children and young people but research is limited. The ICBT program "Ångesthjälpen ung" was implemented at Child and adolescent psychiatry in Region Skåne in 2017. The purpose of this essay was to investigate parents' perception of the program "Ångesthjälpen ung"

Let's Talk about Sex, Baby! - En kvantitativ studie om universitetsstudenters motivation och attityd till tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser kopplat till självkänsla

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka “hookup-kulturen” eller tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser bland svenska universitetsstudenter. Med self-determination theory och teorin om kognitiv dissonans som grund hypotetiserade vi att ens motivation och attityd till tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser är en avgörande faktor för hur det påverkar självkänslan. I denna studie använde vi ett urval på N=The current study aimed to investigate the phenomenon “hookups”, or casual sex among Swedish university students. With self-determination theory and the cognitive dissonance theory as the foundation we hypothesised that one’s level of motivation and attitude for hooking up would predict how it affects self-esteem. In this study we used a sample of 106 university students who answered a survey with

I krig är allt tillåtet? - Sexuellt våld och våldtäkt i väpnade konflikter - en feministisk analys

Sexualbrott i väpnade konflikter har sedan 1990-talet varit ett ämne högt upp på den folkrättsliga tapeten. I och med grundandet av ICC var förväntningarna höga för att straffriheten för sådana brott skulle minska. Resultaten kom dock inte så snabbt som många hoppats, vilket föranledde skarp kritik mot Åklagarens arbete. Åklagare publicerade därför ett policydokument, med målsättningar för hur denSince the 1990’s, sexual crimes have been a hot topic in international crime law. With the foundation of the ICC, grand expectations were raised regarding the possibilities of ending impunity for sexual crimes. The results were, however, not immediate. The delay brought about criticism against the work of the Prosecutor. Therefore, the Prosecutor published a policy paper, which set out the Prosecu

Brottsutredningen vid våld i nära relationer

Ett uppmärksammat fall av dödligt våld i nära relation väckte förra året starka reaktioner, då ärendet tidigare hade varit föremål för utredning, men lades ned till följd av att kvinnan inte längre ville medverka. Trots att relationsvåld betraktas som allvarligt och angeläget att motarbeta, verkar problemen för rättsväsendet att utreda brotten kvarstå. Det grundar sig till stor del i bevisningsproA case of spousal homocide caused strong reactions last year. The case had previously been subject of criminal investigation, but was dropped when the victim no longer wanted to participate. Although partner violence is prioritized by the legal system, the crimes are difficult to investigate. The victims struggle in taking a stand against the violence which makes it difficult to perpetuate evidenc

Vad är värdet av en signatur? - En kvalitativ studie av uppförandekoder som avtal i teori och praktik

När företag använder sig av leverantörer i andra delar av världen kan det inträffa brott mot vad som ofta uppfattas som grundläggande etiska normer. Exempelvis kan det förekomma dåliga arbetsvillkor, barnarbete och miljöförstöring. Eftersom rättssystemen i vissa av dessa länder inte lyckas förebygga dessa kränkningar av bland annat mänskliga rättigheter, placeras ansvaret i stället på företagen. FAs corporations are using suppliers in different parts of the world, crimes against what may be regarded as central ethical norms can occur. As an example, there can be cases of sweated labour, child labour and pollution. As the judicial systems in some countries fail to prevent such crimes against, inter alia, human rights, responsibility is instead placed on the companies. NGO:s, media and the e