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Passivt och aktivt förvaltade fonder - En studie om relationen mellan förvaltningsstil och riskjusterad avkastning.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether active fund management gives higher risk adjusted returns in comparison to index funds. This will be done by the use of three different performance measures, Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and Jensen’s Alpha, the aim is to examine 116 mutual funds in the Swedish fund market over the time period of 2016-2021. By using Ordinary Least Squares, with a dum

Att nå ut, nå fram och få gehör. En studie av diskursiv förändring i MSBs kommunikation på Twitter under covid-19 pandemin.

Information, rekommendationer och råd från statliga myndigheter har en stor inverkan på det svenska samhället. Den svenska strategin under covid-19 pandemin har varit omdiskuterad i termer av såväl övergripande krishanteringsstrategi som hur myndigheter kommunicerat allmänna råd och restriktioner till svenska medborgare. Digitaliseringens framväxt möjliggör även för myndigheter att kommunicera dirInformation, recommendations and advice from public authorities have a major impact on the Swedish society. The Swedish strategy during the covid-19 pandemic has been discussed in terms of both crisis management and how authorities have communicated restrictions to Swedish citizens. The emerging digitalisation enables authorities to communicate directly to the citizens through social media, which

Mobile EU citizens and the law: A socio-legal study of Italians’ adaptation to Sweden’s legal environment

When they migrate to another Member State (MS), EU citizens must adjust to a country whose legal environment is composed of both national laws and EU laws. Additionally, mobile EU citizens have their own legal culture which crafts the way they make sense of mundane circumstances and social interactions. What comes out of the mutual interplay between the host MS’s legal environment and mobile EU ci

Och fortfarande är det svårt att se Malmö i en skönhetstävling - En kvalitativ studie om Malmös image och dess platsvarumärke

Förevarande studie ämnade undersöka hur destinationsutvecklare upplever en stads image samt om och i sådana fall hur man som destinationsutvecklare förhåller sig till denna. Vi avsåg inte definiera Malmös image från ett invånarperspektiv, utan snarare fokusera på hur stadens image upplevs av destinationsutvecklare, vilket fyller ett identifierat gap i forskningen. Således bidrar studien till den sThe purpose of this study was to examine how destination developers define their assigned city’s image and how they relate to it when practising the place brand. Instead of examining the residents’ understanding of the image, we intended to focus on how representatives from the municipality perceive Malmös images which fulfills an identified research gap. Thus, the study contributes to the meaning

"Och fortsätter man med det, så mår man rätt så bra faktiskt!" En kvalitativ studie av hur patienters lärande av deltagande i mindfulness i grupp inom primärvård relaterar till vårdgivarens intentioner med gruppen

This study aims at examining participants’ experience and knowledge gained from partaking in a mindfulness based group therapy. Further, the purpose is to understand how the gained experience and knowledge relates to the caregiver’s intentions with the group. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study seven semi-structured interviews were conducted. The respondents were patients that during 202

Med samhället som vikarierande förälder - En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars delaktighet i behandlingen av HVB-placerade ungdomar

The aim of this study was to explore residential care home managers' view on parents' involvement in the treatment of their children and adolescents when placed in an out of home care facility. The empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with three managers of Swedish residential care homes for children and adolescents. For the analysis, Systems Theory was applied.

Isolering av rapsprotein med hjälp av en kombination av salt och pH

Köttkonsumtion har stor inverkan på klimatet, och till stor del beror det på de växthusgaser som idisslande djur släpper ut. Ett sätt att minska utsläppen är att minska köttkonsumtionen och äta en mer växtbaserad kost. Soja dominerar bland de produkter som idag marknadsförs som alternativ till kött. Soja är dock svårodlat i Sverige, därför behövs alternativ. Rapsprotein är ett exempel. Rapsfrökaka

"Man kan ju inte bolla ärenden med katten" - En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av att arbeta med våld i nära relationer under coronapandemin

Social work has been greatly affected by the corona pandemic. This can be seen in the area of domestic abuse, where social workers have had to adapt to an increase in domestic violence and victims who are now forced to isolate. This can be attributed to the restrictions the governments around the world have enforced on the populations to fight the pandemic. Since social workers are fundamental whe

Mötet mellan teori och praktik: En intervjustudie om att arbeta med jämställdhet på offentliga myndigheter i Sverige.

This study will investigate the distance between theory and practice in gender equality work in the swedish public sphere. Research and especially research in gender studies have for decades criticized the way Sweden works towards gender equality and especially how Sweden works with gender mainstreaming and intersectionality. The study is based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with people wo

Det är nog snart over skall ni se! : En inblick i museers hantering av Covid-19 pandemin

In this master thesis the writer has studied museums and their organization under the Covid-19 pandemic breakout of 2020. The 11 museums that been contacted are all located in southern Sweden. They are all varied in ownership, from municipality and state owned to those driven by private organizations. The museums in the study have all struggled with the pandemic. But the degree of financial loss a

Nonlinear, not Necessarily Circular, Design for Sustainability

This project has been an exploration into how sustainability is understood and its challenges framed within design. But the reader undertaking the task of going through this document will find more about carrying in urban transportation which has been the area of application. Probing the underlying assumptions upon which our solutions toward a sustainable future rest, the research identifies

Business Model Innovation for Additive Manufacturing

Metal additive manufacturing is a rapidly emerging technology, with a growing number of companies interested in its implementation. The technology can have several positive effects, such as more efficient production, reduced transports, more focus on circular economy and reduced costs. However, the manufacturing process is still relatively slow, where components require extensive post-processing a

The Path of Least Resistance - How established fashion and furniture retailers can implement renting into their business model and overcome consumer resistance

The present research quantitatively examines consumer resistance towards the innovative business model of fashion and furniture renting in regard to environmental consciousness and trend orientation, while also taking into account perceived financial, breakage and hygienic risks. Moreover, the business model frame allows to give guidelines on how retailers can successfully implement a sustainable

Tidvis exkluderad - partners upplevelse i samband med graviditet och barnafödande under covid-19 pandemin

Bakgrund: Studier har visat att partners som blev involverade i den perinatala vården hade mer positiv upplevelse av förlossningen. Barnmorskan har en betydelsefull uppgift med att inkludera och stödja partners i samband med förlossning. Covid- 19 pandemi har lett till att partners närvaro begränsats av besöksförbud. Syfte: Att belysa partners upplevelse i samband med graviditet och barnafödande

Konsten att (inte) göra en pudel - En kvalitativ fallstudie om kriskommunikation & förtroende

Studien har som syfte att bidra till en nyanserad bild av kriskommunikation som en komplex företeelse genom att undersöka dynamiken i en dubbelkris ur ett flerstämmigt perspektiv. Forskningsfrågorna är centrerade kring hur dynamiken mellan de mest framträdande rösterna i en dubbelkris ter sig och vad en dubbelkris kan ha för implikationer på en myndighets förtroende. Studien utgår ifrån ett hermenThe study aims to contribute to a nuanced perspective of crisis communication as a complex phenomenon by examining the dynamics of a double crisis from a multivocal perspective. The research questions are centered around how the dynamics between the most prominent voices in a double crisis appear and what implications a double crisis can have on an authority's trust. The study is based on a he

Kulturstyrning som täckmantel

Det primära syftet med studien var att bidra med kunskap om hur kulturstyrning arbetas med och upplevs av organisationsmedlemmar på en offentlig organisation. Ytterligare ett syfte var att genom det kritiska perspektivet som teoretisk lins i analysen också synliggöra vilka underliggande maktmekanismer som föreligger i organisationsmedlemmarnas meningsskapande av kulturen. För att besvara studiens The primary purpose of the study was to contribute with knowledge about how culture management is realized in a public organization and further how it is experienced by its organization members. Another purpose was to make visible, through the critical perspective as a theoretical lens in the analysis, what underlying power mechanisms exists in the organization members' sensemaking processes a

Reduktion av vätecyanidhalt i linfrö vid olika processmetoder

Detta examensarbete har undersökt bildandet av vätecyanid (HCN) i linfrö (hela, krossade och olja). Fröna är idag populära att konsumera på grund av dess innehåll av fiber och fleromättade fettsyror. Livsmedelsverket rekommenderar ett intag på maximalt 1–2 msk hela linfrö/dag. Vid krossning bildar frönas cyanogena glykosider (ett typ av växtgift) vätecyanid som i större mängder även påverkar oss mThis degree project has analyzed the forming of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in linseed (whole, grinded and oil). The seeds are popular to consume mostly because of their high content of fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The Swedish food administration recommends a maximum intake of 1-2 tablespoon of whole linseed per day. When crushing the seeds, the cyanogenic glycosides forms HCN, which can affe

Japanese Knotweed as an alternative material

Japanese knotweed, or Parkslide in Swedish, is considered one of the world’s most invasive species. The aim of this project was to explore and investigate the possibility of utilizing this alternative material, and by doing so, help restrict and limit the expansion of the plant. Japanese knotweed was used in a number of ways to test the capability of the material. Experts in the field of invasiv

At the core of lifeworld and system. A socio-legal study of civil society organizations’ role in refugee integration

The Swedish integration policies rely heavily on the establishment program, a measure taken as a consequence of the high unemployment rate among refugees after the “refugee crisis”. The establishment program aims to tackle the gap in access to the labour market between native-born and refugees through economic imperatives. Civil society organizations step in to provide programs that target refugee

Skatteflyktslagen- En studie av generalklausulen

Skatteflykt är inget nytt fenomen, det har troligtvis funnits så länge det har funnits en skatt att betala. Lagstiftaren har under alla år arbetat för att förhindra sådana skatteflyktstransaktioner. Till följd av skatteflyktslagens införande riktades kritik mot lagens andra paragraf som hävdades vara mycket vagt utformad och riskerade leda till en rättsosäker och oförutsebar beskattning. Efter en