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När Gunder Hägg blev ”Gunder Hägg” – anteckningar till en mediebiografi

This article focuses on the Swedish middle distance runner Gunder Hägg (1918–2004). The peak of his career coincided with WWII, and in the Summer of 1942 he broke 10 out of his 15 world records. The year after, he made a much appreciated and successful running tour to the US. This made Hägg the first real media sports star in Sweden. The article analyses the representation of Hägg in different med


Popular Abstract in Swedish Mesenkymala stamceller (MSC) kan isoleras från en rad olika vävnader i kroppen, bland annat från benmärg. De kan differentiera till ben, brosk, fett- och bindvävnad men deras exakt roll i kroppen är inte väl känd. Den senaste forskningen tyder dock på att en av deras huvuduppgifter är att stödja blodbildningen som sker av blod- eller hematopoetiska stamceller. Man Primary mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) play a central role in bone marrow (BM) and during haematopoiesis. Yet, the exact phenotype and spatial distribution of primary MSC in the human BM are unknown. Their cultured progeny are promising candidates for clinical applications. MSC cultures however, are heterogeneous and, while critical for clinical applications, their exact composition is not known. W

Using intravital microscopy to observe bevacizumab-mediated anti-angiogenesis in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma xenografts

Conclusion: The study showed the value of using intravital microscopy (IVM) analysis for the study of neoangiogenesis. It demonstrated that the model and the analytical methodology could be used to evaluate in detail the effects of treatment strategies for solid tumours. Objectives: Neoangiogenesis is a key component of tumour progression, invasion and metastasis. In clinical trials monoclonal ant

Does job strain mediate the effect of Socio-economic Group on smoking behaviour? The impact of different health policies in Denmark and Sweden

Aims: The aim was to compare the impact of socioeconomic groups (SEG) on the risk of being a daily smoker or quitter, and to investigate whether the potentially mediating effect of psychosocial working conditions was similar in the Danish and the Swedish populations. Methods: The study populations consisted of 10,049 employed participants, aged 18-64 years, 51% women, randomly selected from the ge

A Thromboelastometric Evaluation of the Effects of Hypothermia on the Coagulation System

BACKGROUND: Hypothermia may be accidental or therapeutic. Therapeutic hypothermia is increasingly used as treatment for various conditions, e.g., neuroprotection after cardiac arrest. Hypothermia leads to an impairment of the coagulation system, but the degree of impairment has been difficult to determine. Most studies have been performed on plasma instead of whole blood. We therefore evaluated wh

No title

Patrick Chamoiseau is arguably the most prominent cultural personality from the French island of Martinique. His reputation is due to the worldwide success of his novels, especially Texaco, winner of the Prix Goncourt-award in 1992, but also to the fact that he is the leading theorist of the Créolité, an ideological movement whose aim is to preserve the character of Creole identity and culture aga

Dielectric Characterization of Soil Samples by Microwave Measurements

Northern high-latitude wetlands are well known to seasonally emit methane gas into the atmosphere, and therefore contribute to greenhouse effects. While these gas emissions are well documented, their causes are not well understood. The method described in this work can be used to analyze the changes happening in the soil during gas emissions, and therefore help the understanding of the sub-surface

Health professionals' views on sexual information following MI

Following myocardial infarction (MI), patients often have unanswered questions about resuming sexual activity. Coronary care nurses can play an important role in counselling. However, this sensitive area is frequently neglected in nursing practice. This article discusses patient and nurse perceptions of such discussions and explores ways to increase nurses' awareness, so that they might offer sexu

Time Scales of Conformational Gating in a Lipid-Binding Protein

Lipid-binding proteins Sequester amphiphilic molecules in a large internal : cavity occupied by similar to 30 water molecules, some of which are displaced by the ligand. The role; of these internal water molecules in lipid binding and release is not understood. We use magnetic relaxation dispersion (MRD) to directly monitor internal-water dynamics in apo and palmitate-bound rat intestinal fatty ac

LED-induced fluorescence system for tea classification and quality assessment

A fluorescence system was developed by using several light emitting diodes (LEDs) with different wavelengths as excitation light sources. The fluorescence sensor head consists of multi LED light sources and a multimode fiber for fluorescence collection, where the LEDs and the corresponding filters can be easily chosen to get appropriate excitation wavelengths for different applications. By analyzi

Optimal "Position-Based" Warehouse Ordering in Divergent Two-Echelon Inventory Systems

A continuous-review two-echelon inventory system with one central warehouse and a number of nonidentical retailers is considered. The retailers face independent Poisson demand and apply standard (R, Q) policies. The retailer order quantities are fixed integer multiples of a certain batch size, representing the smallest pallet or container size transported in the system. A warehouse order may consi

Signalling and trafficking of the cysteinyl leukotriene receptors in intestinal epithelial cells

Inflammation is a response to injury or pathogen invasion. A large proportion of the bodie's immune system is centred in the gastrointestinal tract (GI). Prolonged inflammatory conditions of the GI have been suggested to increase the risk for developing colon cancer. The cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs), LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4 are inflammatory mediators that can bind to four known receptors, two of wh

The London Classification of gastrointestinal neuromuscular pathology: report on behalf of the Gastro 2009 International Working Group

Objective Guidelines on histopathological techniques and reporting for adult and paediatric gastrointestinal neuromuscular pathology have been produced recently by an international working group (IWG). These addressed the important but relatively neglected areas of histopathological practice of the general pathologist, including suction rectal biopsy and full-thickness intestinal tissue. Recommend

Spinal Cord Hemisection Facilitates Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Cells to Produce Serotonin in the Subchronic but Not the Chronic Phase.

Neuromodulators, such as serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) and noradrenalin, play an essential role in regulating the motor and sensory functions in the spinal cord. We have previously shown that in the rat spinal cord the activity of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) cells to produce 5-HT from its precursor (5-hydroxytryptophan, 5-HTP) is dramatically increased following complete spi

Is Patriotism Distinct from Nationalism? The Meaning of “Patriotism” in China in the 2000s.

Since the 1990s, vigorous debate concerning a number of key issues has taken place within the study of Chinese nationalism. Scholars have tended to differentiate between diverse types of nationalism. For example, many studies distinguish between a malign nationalism on the one hand and a benign patriotism on the other. The strongest evidence for such a distinction can be found in survey research,

Ingrid Ylva och tornet i Bjälbo

The article discusses the background to the erection of the huge church tower in Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sweden. It also focuses on medieval women as founders of churches. The author maintains that new dendrochronological dating of the tower could mean that founder of this building piece was not one of the male members of the important Bjälbo dynasty, but Ingrid Ylva the mother of Birger Jarl.

Interaction between dietary factors and genetic risk for lipoprotein traits and cardiovascular disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sambanden mellan kostens sammansättning och risk för hjärt-kärlsjukdom är i många fall oklara. En kost rik på fleromättade fettsyror har ansetts kunna ge skydd mot hjärt-kärlsjukdom, men resultaten från olika studier är motstridiga. En anledning till detta kan vara för att man inte har tagit hänsyn till de genetiska skillnader som finns mellan individer. Omega-3 och oIn previous studies, a high quality diet has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to a low diet quality, and specific “healthy” diet components, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), have been hypothesized to reduce the risk of CVD. However, results from epidemiological studies have been conflicting. This may be due to individuals having varied geneti