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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Sorting for storage in myeloid cells of nonmyeloid proteins and chimeras with the propeptide of myeloperoxidase precursor.

During formation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, proteins are synthesized for storage in granules. Whereas sorting of proteins into distinct subtypes of cytoplasmic granules may reflect the coordinated expression of the proteins contained in them, still the mechanism(s) for the retrieval of proteins from the constitutive secretion is unknown. To investigate the mechanisms of retrieval, nonmyeloi

Perlecan heparan sulfate deficiency impairs pulmonary vascular development and attenuates hypoxic pulmonary hypertension.

Excessive vascular cell proliferation is an important component of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Perlecan is the major heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycan in the vascular extracellular matrix. It binds growth factors, including FGF2, and either restricts or promotes cell proliferation. In this study, we have explored the effects of perlecan HS deficiency on pulmonary vascular development and in hypox

Self-efficacy beliefs in mathematics, native language literacy and foreign language amongst boys and girls with and without mathematic difficulties

The aim was to examine achievement and self-efficacy in mathematics and native and foreign language literacy in children with specific mathematic LD (MD-only), children with comorbid mathematic and reading difficulties (MD-RD), and compare them with Q6 children without LD (controls), as well as to explore gender differences. Participants were 143 fifth-graders in Sweden who completed National Test

Search for R-parity-violating supersymmetry in events with four or more leptons in root s=7 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

A search for new phenomena in final states with four or more leptons (electrons or muons) is presented. The analysis is based on 4.7 fb(-1) of root s = 7TeV proton-proton collisions delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations in two signal regions: one that requires moderate values of missing transverse m

Stable isotope variations in stalagmites from northwestern Sweden document changes in temperature and vegetation during the early Holocene: a comment on Sundqvist et al. 2007a

We offer an alternative palaeoenvironmental interpretation of oxygen-isotope data obtained on two early-Holocene stalagmite records from caves in the Scandes Mountains of northern Sweden (Korallgrottan and Labrintgrottan), and the well-known Soylegrotta (Norway) SG93 record with which they are compared, that differs in several respects from that proposed by the authors. Contrary to viewing these a

The stratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician carbonate mounds in the subsurface of Gotland

In a revision of the stratigraphic classification of the subsurface Upper Ordovician succession of Gotland, the terms Lower and Upper Ostersjo Limestone are rejected and replaced by the Slandrom Limestone and the File Limestone, respectively. Two mound generations are recognized, the Rakveran-Nabalan Liste mounds and the Pirguan Klasen mounds, the latter being by far the most common. Both occur no

Consistent sex ratio bias of individual female dragon lizards

Sex ratio evolution relies on genetic variation in either the phenotypic traits that influence sex ratios or sex-determining mechanisms. However, consistent variation among females in offspring sex ratio is rarely investigated. Here, we show that female painted dragons (Ctenophorus pictus) have highly repeatable sex ratios among clutches within years. A consistent effect of female identity could r

Comprehensive measurements of t-channel single top-quark production cross sections at root S=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This article presents measurements of the t-channel single top-quark ((t) over bart) and top-antiquark (_ t) total production cross sections sdtq_ and sd _ tq_, their ratio Rt sdtq_= sd _ tq_, and a measurement of the inclusive production cross section sdtq _ _ tq_ in proton-proton collisions at ffiffiffi ps = 7 TeV at the LHC. Differential cross sections for the tq and _ tq processes are measured

Perturbed partners: opposite responses of plant and animal mutualist guilds to inundation disturbances

Mutualists have been suggested to play an important role in the assembly of many plant and animal communities, but it is not clear how this depends on environmental factors. Do, for instance, natural disturbances increase or decrease the role of mutualism? We focused on entire guilds of mutualists, studying seed-dispersing ants and ant-dispersed plants along gradients of inundation disturbances. W

Thermodynamics and kinetics of a Go(o)over-bar proteinlike heteropolymer model with two-state folding characteristics

We present results of Monte Carlo computer simulations of a coarse-grained hydrophobic-polar G (o) over bar -like heteropolymer model and discuss thermodynamic properties and kinetics of an exemplified heteropolymer, exhibiting two-state folding behavior. It turns out that general, characteristic folding features of realistic proteins with a single free-energy barrier can also be observed in this

Actions seen as demanding in patients with severe dementia during one year of intervention. Comparison with controls

Behaviours, viewed by nurses as demanding, performed by patients with severe dementia were investigated during one year of intervention. Supervised implementation of individually planned care and systematic clinical supervision were implemented on one experimental ward (EW) while another ward (CW) served as control. Each ward had 11 patients. At baseline and after 6 and 12 months of intervention s

Telomere-associated repeats in Chironomus form discrete subfamilies generated by gene conversion

In dipteran insects the most distal telomere-associated DNA known to exist consists of long, complex tandem repeats. We have classified the 340-bp tandemly arranged repeats in Chironomus pallidivittatus. The repeats are distributed in a small number of subfamilies. One type of the repeat has the character of a master unit from which other main units can be derived usually by simple changes. The de

13C imaging-a new diagnostic platform.

he evolution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been astounding since the early 1980s, and a broad range of applications has emerged. To date, clinical imaging of nuclei other than protons has been precluded for reasons of sensitivity. However, with the recent development of hyperpolarization techniques, the signal from a given number of nuclei can be increased as much as 100,000 times, suffi