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Mountain birch - potentially large source of sesquiterpenes into high latitude atmosphere

Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from mountain birches were measured in Abisko, northern Sweden. Mountain birches make up the majority of the tree biomass in Scandinavian high latitudes, a region subject to significant climate warming. The measurements were carried out in two growing seasons. The emissions of four branches, each from a different individual tree, were measured in June

Bilateral caudate and putamen grafts of embryonic mesencephalic tissue treated with lazaroids in Parkinson's disease

Five parkinsonian patients were transplanted bilaterally into the putamen and caudate nucleus with human embryonic mesencephalic tissue from between seven and nine donors. To increase graft survival, the lipid peroxidation inhibitor tirilazad mesylate was administered to the tissue before implantation and intravenously to the patients for 3 days thereafter. During the second postoperative year, th

Direct heterogeneous electron transfer reactions of fungal laccases at bare and thiol-modified gold electrodes

Mediatorless (direct) electron transfer between bare and thiol-modified gold electrodes and fungal laccases from different sources has been demonstrated. The electrochemical activity of the enzymes from basidiomycetes Trametes hirstita. Trametes ochracea, and Cerrena maxima under aerobic and anaerobic conditions can clearly be observed using cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry. Bioelect

Constitutive expression of the Wilms' tumor gene (WT1) in the leukemic cell line U937 blocks parts of the differentiation program

The Wilms tumor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc-finger DNA binding protein which is thought to function as a tissue specific transcription factor, regulating cell growth and differentiation. High expression of WT1 has been detected in a range of acute leukemias. To elucidate a role for WT1 in leukemogenesis, we transfected the monoblastic cell line U937, which lacks detectable levels of endogenous WT1,

Interfacial properties of the nanostructured dye-sensitized solid heterojunction TiO2/RuL2(NCS)(2)/CuI

The interfaces of the nanostructured dye-sensitized solid heterojunction TiO2/Ru-dye/CuI have been studied using photoelectron spectroscopy of core and valence levels, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. A nanostructured anatase TiO2 film sensitized with RuL2(NCS)(2) [cis-bis(4,4'-dicarboxy-2,2'-bipyridine)-bis(isothio-cyanato)-ruthenium(II)] was prepared in a controlled way

Aspiration of dead space allows isocapnic low tidal volume ventilation in acute lung injury. Relationships to gas exchange and mechanics

OBJECTIVE: In acute lung injury (ALI) mechanical ventilation damages lungs. We hypothesised that aspiration and replacement of dead space during expiration (ASPIDS) allows normocapnic ventilation at higher end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and reduced tidal volume (V(T)), peak and plateau pressures (Paw(peak), Paw(plat)), thus avoiding lung damage. SETTING: University Hospital. PATIENTS: Seven consec

No evidence of association between genetic variants of the PDCD1 ligands and SLE

PDCD1, an immunoreceptor involved in peripheral tolerance has previously been shown to be genetically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). PDCD1 has two ligands whose genes are located in close proximity on chromosome 9p24. Our attention was drawn to these ligands after finding suggestive linkage to a marker (gata62f03, Z = 2.27) located close to their genes in a genome scan of Icel

Different Markers of Alcohol Consumption, Smoking and Body Mass Index in Relation to Risk of Pancreatic Cancer. A Prospective Cohort Study within the Malmö Preventive Project.

Background/Aim: The association between alcohol consumption and pancreatic cancer is not clear. This study investigates different prediagnostic measurements of alcohol consumption, a laboratory marker (gamma-glutamyltransferase; gamma-GT), and a score measuring alcohol addiction (Mm-MAST), in relation to the risk of pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, the study investigated whether smoking and alcohol

Pay-offs and penalties of competing migratory schedules

We relate variation in the timing of arrival by migrating birds breeding at northerly latitudes to individual differences in the prior accumulation of energy stores. Balancing starvation risks early in the season against the almost universal declining trend in reproductive prospects with advancing date is seen as an individual decision with fitness consequences. We review three studies implicating

Inbreeding effects on immune response in free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia)

The consequences of inbreeding for host immunity to parasitic infection have broad implications for the evolutionary and dynamical impacts of parasites on populations where inbreeding occurs. To rigorously assess the magnitude and the prevalence of inbreeding effects on immunity, multiple components of host immune response should be related to inbreeding coefficient (f) in free-living individuals.

Packaging information needed for evaluation in the supply chain: The case of the Swedish grocery retail industry

The proper use and exchange of the right packaging-related information in a grocery supply chain is critical to achieve an efficient and responsive packaging logistics system. The use of well-defined packaging-related information that is available for all actors in the supply chain also facilitates an integrated and supply chain-orientated packaging development. The objective of this paper is to d

ADP Receptor P2Y12 Is Expressed in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Stimulates Contraction in Human Blood Vessels.

Objective - ADP plays an important role in platelet aggregation by activating P2Y(12) receptors. We assessed the hypothesis that P2Y(12) receptors are expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Methods and Results - P2Y(12) receptor mRNA was found to have a high expression among the P2 receptors in human VSMC, significantly higher than the other 2 ADP receptors (P2Y(1) and P2Y(13), real-tim

Acupuncture fails to reduce but increases anaesthetic gas required to prevent movement in response to surgical incision.

Background: Acupuncture is used for clinical pain relief but has not been evaluated under clinical anaesthesia. This study was designed to compare movement in response to surgical incision in anaesthetized patients subjected to electro-acupuncture (EA) or sham procedures. Our hypothesis was that EA stimulation would reduce the requirements for anaesthetic gas. Methods: Forty-six healthy women, sc

Synthesis and secretion of procathepsin B and cystatin C by human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro: modulation of cathepsin B activity by neutrophil elastase

Procathepsin B and cystatin C are found in human lung secretions. We investigated the capacity of human bronchial epithelial cells to synthesize and secrete these proteins. Immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled proteins from cultured bronchial epithelial cell lysates, followed by denaturing gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, showed the presence of newly synthesized procathepsin B of

Planar gamma scintigraphy - points to consider when quantifying pulmonary dry powder aerosol deposition

Methodological aspects of planar gamma scintigraphy used to quantify pulmonary aerosol deposition were investigated using an experimental dry powder formulation. Particles of micronized salbutamol sulphate were labelled with technetium-99m and admixed to an ordered mixture of unlabelled micronized salbutamol sulphate and larger carrier particles of lactose. The radioaerosol was administered to 24