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Belonging and Doing: Important Factors for Satisfaction with Sexual Relations as Perceived by People with Persistent Mental Illness.
BACKGROUND: It is increasingly acknowledged that satisfaction with sexual relations forms an important aspect of people's lives, but little is known of factors associated with this phenomenon among people with mental illness. AIM: This study aimed to investigate how demographic, social, clinical, and health-related factors were related to satisfaction with sexual relations. METHODS: Patients with
Gender differences in variables related to B-natriuretic peptide, left ventricular ejection fraction and mass, and peak oxygen consumption, in patients with heart failure.
AIM AND METHODS: We assessed gender differences in variables related to B-natriuretic peptide (BNP), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), peak oxygen consumption (peak-VO2), and LV mass (LVM), among patients recently hospitalized for suspected heart failure (HF). RESULTS: Of 930 consecutive patients, 409 accepted follow-up after discharge, 221 of these had definite HF (90 women, mean age 74.
Evaluation of Lot Sizing Techniques
Standard lot-sizing models are often not directly applicable in practice. Different assumptions in lot-sizing models and the extent to which these assumptions are valid in various practical situations are discussed. Practitioners also tend to prefer simple standard methods even for complex problems, which means that adjustment of the lot sizes may be desirable. The ways in which such adjustments c
Confrontation and Elegy in the Novels of Chaim Grade
The Ran binding protein RanBPM interacts with Axl and Sky receptor tyrosine kinases.
Axl belongs to a particular subfamily of transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases, the biological ligand for which is the growth/survival factor Gas6. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms for Axl activation and signal transduction. We have previously identified a novel interaction between the intracellular domain of Axl and Ran binding protein in microtubule organising centre (Ra
Gemcitabine Treatment in Pancreatic Cancer – Prognostic Factors and Outcome.
Background: Pancreatic cancer is generally associated with a poor prognosis and often diagnosed in an advanced stage. The aim of the present study was to evaluate gemcitabine treatment concerning prognostic factors, clinical benefit, tolerance/ toxicity and survival. Methods: Patients with surgically nonresectable, locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer treated with gemcitabine were incl
The impact of social capital on changes in smoking behaviour: a longitudinal cohort study.
Background: Smoking prevalence across high-income countries such as the United Kingdom has significantly decreased over the past few decades; this decrease, however, has not occurred uniformly across social strata. The highest concentrations of smokers are currently found in lower-income groups. Lack of access to material resources and differing social norms have been cited as possible causes of t
Rabbit cortical bone tissue increases its elastic stiffness but becomes less viscoelastic with age
Abstract in Undetermined Bone is dynamic tissue undergoing changes in its composition, structure and functional properties during growth. It has been proposed that especially changes in the collagen phase of bone are responsible for making the bone more fragile, and potentially less viscoelastic with age. Hence, robust methods to measure viscoelasticitiy are needed. This study aimed to characteriz
Making Beliefs Coherent: The Substraction and Addition Strategies
Implications of future climate and atmospheric CO2 content for regional biogeochemistry, biogeography and ecosystem services across East Africa
A genotype dependent intermediate ECG phenotype in patients with persistent lone atrial fibrillation
Background— Atrial fibrillation (AF) is heterogeneous at the clinical and molecular levels. Association studies have reported that common single-nucleotide polymorphisms in KCNE1 and SCN5A may predispose to AF. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that specific AF-associated genotypes confer variation on the appearance of AF assessed by analysis of fibrillatory rate of the atria. Methods and R
FLT3 ligand and not TSLP is the key regulator of IL-7-independent B-1 and B-2 B Lymphopoiesis.
Phenotypically and functionally distinct progenitors and developmental pathways have been proposed to exist for fetally-derived B-1 and conventional B-2 cells. Although IL-7 appears to be the primary regulator of fetal and adult B lymphopoiesis in mice, considerable fetal B lymphopoiesis and postnatal B-cells are sustained in the absence of IL-7, and in man B-cell generation is suggested to be lar
Moped and motorcycle accidents--similarities and discrepancies
Injury patterns and epidemiologic data from 211 moped accident victims and 214 motorcycle accident casualties admitted to hospital over a 5-year period (1977-1981) have been analyzed and compared. The number of those injured in motorcycle accidents tripled; the number of moped accident victims slightly decreased in the period studied. Differences in injury pattern, sex ratio, cause of accident, an
Determination of microbial volatile organic compounds adsorbed on house dust particles and gypsum board using SPME/GC-MS.
(Recension av) Billy Ehn & Orvar Löfgren, Hur blir man klok på universitetet?
Recension av Billy Ehn & Orvar Löfgren; Hur blir man klok på universitetet?
Brazil (1984) (recension av laserskivor)
Analysis of heparan-sulphate chains and oligosaccharides from proliferating and quiescent fibroblasts. A proposed model for endoheparanase activity
Human skin fibroblasts in different growth states were incubated with [3H]glucosamine and/or Na(2)35SO4 and extracted with Triton X-100 for various periods of time. Free heparan-sulphate oligosaccharides and protein-bound heparan-sulphate chains were separated by chromatography on octyl-Sepharose and analyzed. A pool of endogenously produced oligosaccharides, present in the cultured cells and isol
Inomhusluft - egenskaper, påverkan på människor, metoder för förbättringar
Målet med arbetet som presenteras i denna licentiatuppsats är att genomföra en analys av problemkomplexet inomhusluft och att med ledning av denna analys anvisa vägar att minska inneluftproblem i framtida byggande. Utifrån detta har tre delsyften formulerats: (1) Analysera existerande inneluftproblem och i samband därmed beskriva vilka faktorer i inomhusluften som medför problem, vilka faktorer so
Body mass index and risk of malignant lymphoma in Scandinavian men and women
Background. The incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and prevalence of obesity are increasing globally. A suggested positive association between obesity and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma has prompted us to investigate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and risk of malignant lymphoma subtypes in a population-based case-control study. Methods: Telephone interviews were conducted with 3055 ca