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Långklubbsteklar (Chalcidoidea: Signiphoridae) i Sverige, med en ny art för landet samt nya landskapsfynd

The Swedish species of signiphorids (Chalcidoidea: Signiphoridae) are reviewed. Three species occur in the country, of which Clytina giraudi Erdös, 1957 is reported for the first time. Specimens of this species were reared from galls induced by Lipara lucens Meigen, 1830 (Diptera: Chloropidae) on common reed (Phragmites australis). New province records for the other two species, Chartocerus subaen

Digital technologies for water use and management in agriculture: Recent applications and future outlook

This article provides a comprehensive overview of digital technologies for water use and management in agriculture, examining recent applications and future prospects. It examines key water-related challenges - scarcity, pollution, inefficient use and climate change - and shows how various digital technologies such as Remote Sensing, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Big Data, Robot

Värderingar, reglering och växelverkan på arbetsmarknaden: En kvalitativ undersökning om användningen av registerkontroller inom den privatiserade tillverkningsindustrin

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in Swedish media coverage concerning criminal record checks. Trade union organizations in many sectors express concern about the growing application of such background checks during recruitment processes. Various actors, from individuals in the labor market to state institutions such as the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and the Public Employmen

The COSC-2 drill core and its well-preserved lower Palaeozoic sedimentary succession – an unexpected treasure beneath the Caledonian nappes

The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) project focuses on processes related to the closure of the Iapetus Ocean, causing the Ordovician–Silurian continent– continent collision between Baltica and Laurentia. The rock succession in the second drill core (COSC-2) from the Jämtland County, central Sweden, provides the base for detailed sedimentological, stratigraphic, geophysic

Policy insights on the migration-sustainability nexus for urban governance.

Cities typically treat migration and sustainability as separate policy domains. When migration is highlighted in the context of sustainability in urban destination areas, it is typically understood to have no, or at worst, negative impacts on sustainability. As a result, migration and migrants are commonly left out of sustainability policy and planning. Here, we present emerging evidence to refram

Survival in patients with CKD 3-5 after 12 months of exercise training - a post-hoc analysis of the RENEXC trial

BACKGROUND: Physical performance is low and physical activity declines in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Both factors are associated with decreased survival. Our hypothesis was that improved physical performance after 12 months of exercise training would result in better survival in patients with CKD stages 3 to 5 not on kidney replacement therapy (KRT). Our aims in this study were to i

Avidity maturation of anti-spike IgG after vaccination in COVID-19 convalescent vs COVID-19 naïve patients

Antibodies and avidity maturation contribute to long-lasting immunity, and previous COVID-19 seems to enhance the immune response after vaccination. The aim of this study was to compare the immune response after vaccination between COVID-19 convalescents and naïve patients. Blood samples from COVID-19 convalescents and naïve patients, taken 1, 3 and 6 months after the second dose of vaccine (mRNA-

Artificial intelligence for direct-to-physician reporting of ambulatory electrocardiography

Developments in ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG) technology have led to vast amounts of ECG data that currently need to be interpreted by human technicians. Here we tested an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm for direct-to-physician reporting of ambulatory ECGs. Beat-by-beat annotation of 14,606 individual ambulatory ECG recordings (mean duration = 14 ± 10 days) was performed by certified E

Masking Influences : A Systematic Review of Placebo Control and Masking in Psychedelic Studies

Psychedelic-assisted therapy is becoming increasingly acknowledged as an effective therapeutic intervention for various psychiatric illnesses. However, the evaluation of masking success is rarely reported in trials. The objective of the present systematic review was to evaluate placebo-control and masking in studies exploring psychedelic-assisted therapy. Nine (k = 9) studies dating between Januar

Prevention of Trafficking in Organs, Tissues, and Cells

Trafficking in human organs, cells, and tissues has long been a source of concern for health authorities and professionals, and several international ethical guidance documents and national laws have affirmed the prohibition of trade in these substances of human origin (SoHOs). However, despite considerable attention to the issue of organ trafficking, this remains a substantial and widespread prob

Numerically robust square root implementations of statistical linear regression filters and smoothers

In this article, square-root formulations of the statistical linear regression filter and smoother are developed. Crucially, the method uses QR decompositions rather than Cholesky downdates. This makes the method inherently more numerically robust than the downdate based methods, which may fail in the face of rounding errors. This increased robustness is demonstrated in an ill-conditioned problem,

Non-local transitions and ground state switching in the self-organization of vascular networks

The model by D. Hu and D. Cai [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 138701 (2013). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.138701] describes the self-organization of vascular networks for transport of fluids from source to sinks. Diameters, and thereby, conductances, of vessel segments evolve so as to minimize a cost functional E . The cost is the trade-off between the power required for pumping the fluid and the energy con

Effect of Independent Component Artifact Rejection on EEG-Based Auditory Attention Decoding

Effective preprocessing of electroencephalography (EEG) data is fundamental for deriving meaningful insights. Independent component analysis (ICA) serves as an important step in this process by aiming to eliminate undesirable artifacts from EEG data. However, the decision on which and how many components to be removed remains somewhat arbitrary, despite the availability of both automatic and manua

No Conflicting Loyalties in Parents When Their Healthy Child Donates Stem Cells to a Severely Ill Sibling : An Interview Study

Background: When a potential stem cell donor to a seriously ill child is a healthy sibling below 18 years, Swedish parents have the legal right and obligation to decide on behalf of the donor child. However, there are potentially conflicting loyalties when parents have one severely ill child in need for a cure and one healthy child who will be subjected to medical procedures. This study explored p