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Floristic Legacy of English-Style Landscape Gardens and the Use of Imported Grass Seed for Sowing under Trees

During WWII, the botanist Hylander (1943, 1949) studied the floristic composition of lawns in 249 landscape gardens mostly in Sweden and concluded that they all harboured multiple, but largely the same, non-native species and genotypes that had most likely been introduced together by the sowing of some im- ported grass seed mix. As demonstrated by the later additions by, for example, Ohlsén (1947)During WWII, the botanist Hylander (1943, 1949) studied the floristic composition of lawns in 249 landscape gardens mostly in Sweden and concluded that they all harboured multiple, but largely the same, non-native species and genotypes that had most likely been introduced together by the sowing of some im- ported grass seed mix. As demonstrated by the later additions by, for example, Ohlsén (1947)

Ny lokal för pepparporella i Skåne!

A newly found site for the regionally very rare and nationally red­listed Porella arboris-vitae in central Skåne, southern­most Sweden, is reported and described.

Aluminum droplet combustion studies using spatiotemporal diagnostics

Aluminum is a promising carbon-free energy carrier. The combustion of aluminum in steam offers a novel method for the simultaneous production of hydrogen and heat through the reaction: 2Al + 3H2O = Al2O3 + 3H2 + heat. A comprehensive understanding of the combustion mechanism is crucial for predicting and optimizing the performance of aluminum-fueled devices.This thesis develops different lab-scale

Does pollinator composition and behaviour affect the reproductive success of a rare plant species (Arnica montana)?

Through the tight link between plants and their pollinators, plant species often decline when their pollinators decline and vice versa. These nominal declines are well studied for many plant-pollinator networks. Less well known is the effect that the decline of a plant species has on the behaviour of its pollinators, and how potential changes in pollinator behaviour affect the reproductive success

Resource use of Cerambycidae and Apiformes in a forest landscape

Kan vi rädda bina (och långhorningarna) i skogen? Det första du tänker på när du hör ”skogslandskap” kanske inte är pollinatörer? Pollinatörer bidrar dock med viktiga funktioner och ekosystemtjänster i skogen. Bin och långhorningar pollinerar växter när de samlar pollen och nektar. Långhorningar bryter även ner ved. Dagens skogsbruk resulterar dock sällan i tillräckliga livsmiljöer för bin och låLand-use change is one of the main drivers of pollinator declines. However, studies on land-use changes in forest landscapes and their effects on pollinators are underrepresented. Canopy openings with flowering resources and old-growth forest structures can provide sufficient habitats for pollinating insects such as bees (Apiformes) and longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae). However, managed forests are

Introduction : wicked problems require transformative capabilities

Climate change, migration, social injustice and loss of biodiversity are all examples of wicked problems that society is facing. The complexity and boundary-spanning nature of wicked problems require not only new competencies and skills, but also a different mindset. The responsibility of higher education is to ensure that the young people we educate are equipped with the knowledge, competencies a

Ontogenetic emergence as a criterion for theories of consciousness: Comparing GNW, SOMA, and REFCON

In recent years increasing attention has been given to systematic comparison of theories ofconsciousness. Laudable practical projects have emerged in this regard, such as adversarialcollaboration and the development of databases lending themselves to comparisons of empiricalsupport for theories. In addition to the practical advances, theoretical advances have been made,such as a list of issues a t


Podcast "Öppet fall" från Lunds universitet, Juridiska fakulteten.Natten mellan den 11 och 12 juli 1908 exploderade en sprängladdning på fartyget Amalthea i Malmö hamn. Det var tre ungsocialister som hade planerat attentatet i protest mot att arbetsgivarsidan i den pågående hamnkonflikten hade kallat in strejkbrytare. Händelsen och dess rättsliga efterspel har mycket att berätta om de framväxande

The fundamentals of eye tracking part 3 : How to choose an eye tracker

There is an abundance of commercial and open-source eye trackers available for researchers interested in gaze and eye movements. Which aspects should be considered when choosing an eye tracker? The paper describes what distinguishes different types of eye trackers, their suitability for different types of research questions, and highlights questions researchers should ask themselves to make an inf

Political Regimes and External Voting Rights : A Cross-National Comparison

In this article, we analyze the nexus between political regimes and external voting rights. Using a global longitudinal dataset, we report that higher levels of inclusion and contestation bring higher probabilities that a state adopts and implements emigrant enfranchisement. Taking outliers from our quantitative assessment, we then further examine two liberal democracies, Ireland and Uruguay, and

Corrigendum : Political Regimes and External Voting Rights: A Cross-National Comparison

In the original article, there was an error. Hazard ratio data were listed incorrectly. A correction has been made to LARGE-N ANALYSIS: IS DEMOCRACY CONDUCTIVE TO EMIGRANT ENFRANCHISEMENT? Findings, paragraphs 1–4: FINDINGS Our models are significant (global p-value [Log-Rank] < 0,10) and the Concordance indexes oscillate from 0.59 to 0.68, which are the habitual results when Cox Proportional Haza