Floristic Legacy of English-Style Landscape Gardens and the Use of Imported Grass Seed for Sowing under Trees
During WWII, the botanist Hylander (1943, 1949) studied the floristic composition of lawns in 249 landscape gardens mostly in Sweden and concluded that they all harboured multiple, but largely the same, non-native species and genotypes that had most likely been introduced together by the sowing of some im- ported grass seed mix. As demonstrated by the later additions by, for example, Ohlsén (1947)During WWII, the botanist Hylander (1943, 1949) studied the floristic composition of lawns in 249 landscape gardens mostly in Sweden and concluded that they all harboured multiple, but largely the same, non-native species and genotypes that had most likely been introduced together by the sowing of some im- ported grass seed mix. As demonstrated by the later additions by, for example, Ohlsén (1947)